Obama says NO to THOUSANDS of new American private sector JOBS--


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
WASHINGTON—In diplomatically polite terms, President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper remained at odds Wednesday over a proposed oil pipeline from Canada through the United States, with Obama showing no interest in speeding up a project that the Canadian leader sees as vital to his nation's economy.

Under Obama's watch, the State Department has delayed potential approval of the Keystone XL pipeline until 2013, which falls after the presidential election. Obama, pressured by both Canada and Republican lawmakers at home to accelerate the jobs-creating project, stood by the decision for a deeper environmental review before any decisions are made.

The 1,700-mile Keystone XL pipeline would carry an estimated 700,000 barrels of oil a day from tar sands in Alberta, Canada, to refineries in Texas, passing through Montana, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma.

Harper had called approval of the project a "no-brainer." And he has suggested that politics played a factor in the Obama administration's delay. The State Department in November ordered that the pipeline be rerouted and subject to further environmental review, drawing cheers from environmental groups and howls from Republicans about lost job creation.

The Obama administration's announcement to put off a decision on the pipeline went over badly in Canada, which relies on the U.S. for 97 percent of Canada's energy exports.

Obama also warned congressional Republicans that he would reject any effort to tie the pipeline project or other unrelated issues to the proposed extension of a payroll tax cut that is set to expire on Jan. 1. Obama stopped short of issuing a veto threat, saying he did not believe lawmakers should let it come to that.

Supporters say the pipeline could significantly reduce U.S. dependence on Middle Eastern oil while providing thousands of jobs.
Obama, Harper show no budge on pipeline dispute - Boston.com

This pipeline has been studied for the last 3 years--to insure that it would be enviromentally friendly. What a sleeze bag of a President--again cowering to the EPA--while he continues his class-warfare campaign. Claiming he wants private sector job growth in this country and then blocks this deal--which would have created thousands of private sector jobs--(at no cost to the taxpayers of this country.)

Shovel ready tomorrow--while he campaigns about shovel ready taxpayer funded projects that do not exist--and while he has continually stated we need to get away from middle eastern dependency of oil. Here we have a friend in Canada- (whom Obama just blew off)- that has now decided to start construction on a pipeline headed west so they can sell their oil to China.

This is the height of hypocrisy from this administration. It is clear what Obama really wants-is to continue his class warfare campaign--raising taxes-more spending so he can continue on his path of expanding the size--scope and expense of the Federal Government--aka socialist policies. Real private sector job growth would inhibit his goal of accomplishing that.

Don't tell me Obama isn't a socialist. He is.

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