Obama Signs the Monsanto Protection Act


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Jan 15, 2009
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.
I bet it also allows Monsanto to sue farmers whose crops are contaminated by pollen from neighboring GMO ones for royalties.
Sadly, this would have happened even if Romney were elected. Corporations like Monsanto have paid for our politicians a long time ago.
Sadly, this would have happened even if Romney were elected. Corporations like Monsanto have paid for our politicians a long time ago.

No doubt about that with Romney, but I am very disappointed in the signing of this bill.
And I give Obama "10 Points For Consistency".
into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.

Obama Signs Continuing Resolution To Avoid Government Shutdown

well, for one Obama did not write it or vote for it to be sent to him ...

How the Monsanto Protection Act snuck into law - Salon.com

Since the act’s passing more than 250,000 people have signed a petition opposing the provision and a rally, consisting largely of farmers organized by the Food Democracy Now network, protested outside the White House Wednesday. Not only has anger been directed at the Monsanto Protection Act’s content, but the way in which the provision was passed through Congress without appropriate review by the Agricultural or Judiciary Committees. The biotech rider instead was introduced anonymously as the larger bill progressed — little wonder food activists are accusing lobbyists and Congress members of backroom dealings.

... was introduced anonymously

is that possible ?

where were the outraged Republicans ?????
into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.

Obama Signs Continuing Resolution To Avoid Government Shutdown

well, for one Obama did not write it or vote for it to be sent to him ...

How the Monsanto Protection Act snuck into law - Salon.com

Since the act’s passing more than 250,000 people have signed a petition opposing the provision and a rally, consisting largely of farmers organized by the Food Democracy Now network, protested outside the White House Wednesday. Not only has anger been directed at the Monsanto Protection Act’s content, but the way in which the provision was passed through Congress without appropriate review by the Agricultural or Judiciary Committees. The biotech rider instead was introduced anonymously as the larger bill progressed — little wonder food activists are accusing lobbyists and Congress members of backroom dealings.

... was introduced anonymously

is that possible ?

where were the outraged Republicans ?????

Dude, this isn't a rightie thing, nor is it a leftie thing, it's a government thing. The government sucks, yet we have become a nation that accepts this.
Whole Foods sells non GMO products.
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.

Right. Their timing is quite incredible. The cancer cases are increasing at an alarming rate for the food coming from Monsanto seed. Very dangerous stuff. The problem is GM food is not labeled so you are going to have to read labels. Anything with corn syrup, fried chips - the oil is from GM corn - cereals, snack foods, it is very important to read the labels. I know someone who has liver cancer from eating GM food. They worked for Monsanto and have yet to bring a lawsuit so I guess the chance for that is now over. Too bad.
There's an easy solution which is better for one's health: don't eat packaged crap food that is full of corn and sugar. Buy fresh ingredients and cook for oneself.
Seems Obama has ties to Monsanto before and after his election.

The new president filled key posts with Monsanto people, in federal agencies that wield tremendous force in food issues, the USDA and the FDA:

At the USDA, as the director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Roger Beachy, former director of the Monsanto Danforth Center.

As deputy commissioner of the FDA, the new food-safety-issues czar, the infamous Michael Taylor, former vice-president for public policy for Monsanto. Taylor had been instrumental in getting approval for Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone.

As commissioner of the USDA, Iowa governor, Tom Vilsack. Vilsack had set up a national group, the Governors' Biotechnology Partnership, and had been given a Governor of the Year Award by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, whose members include Monsanto.

As the new Agriculture Trade Representative, who would push GMOs for export, Islam Siddiqui, a former Monsanto lobbyist.

Learn more: Meet Monsanto's number one lobbyist: Barack Obama
The affects of govt and business being one and the same in a lot of cases and Citizens United. If you think unlimited corporate donations is just becaus corps want to have a voice that's bullshit. They want a seat at the table and their money guarantees it, their money buys them favors. Favors the people do not get.

Obama the "liberal" strikes again.
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.
Protecting a megalithic chemical corporation with "Farmer's Protection Act?" That so sounds like Barack "taxpayer-bankroll-my-supporter" Obama.

Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law

For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment
Obama sells out U.S. citizens by signing Monsanto Protection Act into law - Dallas healthy living | Examiner.com

It amazes me that this was placed in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
It also amazes me that at least one government fool thought it was a good idea to exempt a corporation from any legal action in the future for a potentially deadly crop.

Damn it Meister, you mentioned Monsanto. Now it will only be a matter of time before TM pops her head in here and starts going on about Fox News suing for the right to lie...


This is bad news all around, but hardly surprising. It's all about the Benjamins...

I guess nobody that we elect to lord over us even reads these damn pesky bills.

Really? After ACA you're surprised these idiots don't read the bills? Dude...

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