Obama Speaks Of Baltimore Crisis.Did Not Mention That He Blocked Every "Jobs Bill" Since 2009.

If He had a plan to fix the cities, the republicans would be against it anyway. He's damned if he do, damned if he don't. republicans damn sure won't fix anything, that we know. Their focus is on their base. The very rich and large corporations.
Repeating the programmed talking points,good job at following orders!!
i am well aware of the job skills of unemployed blacks, especially in detroit and baltimore, it seems they just dont want to work, but many do. at least by lowering taxes for all americans and small business, there will be more jobs for anyone who wants to work and be willing to start at the bottom.
Jeebus, Pub dupe, everyone wants a good job but after 30 years of trickle down, the money being paid is a joke and the amount of demand for products is the problem. The rich get all the new wealth and just spend it or sit on it. Functional IDIOT.
If He had a plan to fix the cities, the republicans would be against it anyway. He's damned if he do, damned if he don't. republicans damn sure won't fix anything, that we know. Their focus is on their base. The very rich and large corporations.
Repeating the programmed talking points,good job at following orders!!
Hilariously ironic, brainwashed twit. Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, the World Depression, 6 years of mindless obstruction, AND a bs disgraceful propaganda machine that produces idiotic parrots like you old hater farts...
i am well aware of the job skills of unemployed blacks, especially in detroit and baltimore, it seems they just dont want to work, but many do. at least by lowering taxes for all americans and small business, there will be more jobs for anyone who wants to work and be willing to start at the bottom.
No there won't.
Anytime Republicans mention a jobs bill they should be reminded of this one. It was tailored to give veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan a year or two of employment in National Parks, Forest and other peaceful environments. Highly recommended and an invaluable decompression method and part of the treatment for PTSD, the Republicans turned their backs and had no problem sending vet's to the unemployment lines instead. Their despicable and disgusting action towards returning vets should never be forgotten. Republicans don't care about jobs or veterans.


Isn't it wonderful living under a Black President?

so lets vote for the Progressive woman Obama. Hillary. she's suppose to the NEXT ONE who is going bring racial harmony and maybe some of that HOPE AND CHANGE the Dear leader promised

gawd help us all
Well, the basic facts of the economy are that reducing revenues to increase the debt is hardly helpful to longterm capital availability. And mainstream economists over and over point to two results of the real estate implosion. People really don't want to loan money, and people don't really want to borrow money to start or expand business, because the middle class does not have expanding incomes to buy stuff. And, last month, new home starts fell by over ten percent, although existing home sales were sharply up. The real estate boom fueled the economy throughout both the Slick and W administrations. There was some hope that maftring would be up on a weak dollar, but it ain't weak.
:afro:. So did we all see it? Obama making comments of the riots in Baltimore.Yes, this happens all the time. Anyone recall burning of towns happening "All The Time". Yet when he laid out the excuses for the recent events in Baltimore, he never mentioned/proposed a plan to bring jobs to the Baltimore area, he seemed to have blamed it on congress(yah right, congress has been throwing jobs bills to the senate for years! Reid refused all of them). Maybe Obama should of mentioned it? He may as well blamed the riots on Bush again. This is his economy! Obama has had 6 years to fix the mess in West Baltimore {along with other dying cities run by liberals}. :crybaby:

There's a Republican plan to fix Baltimore? Where is it? On the desk of Maryland's Republican governor?
If He had a plan to fix the cities, the republicans would be against it anyway. He's damned if he do, damned if he don't. republicans damn sure won't fix anything, that we know. Their focus is on their base. The very rich and large corporations.
Repeating the programmed talking points,good job at following orders!!
Much like the poster here get their marching orders also..
Isn't it wonderful living under a Black President?

so lets vote for the Progressive woman Obama. Hillary. she's suppose to the NEXT ONE who is going bring racial harmony and maybe some of that HOPE AND CHANGE the Dear leader promised

gawd help us all
If He had a plan to fix the cities, the republicans would be against it anyway. He's damned if he do, damned if he don't. republicans damn sure won't fix anything, that we know. Their focus is on their base. The very rich and large corporations.
Really? They focus ONLY on the very rich and the large corporations? Is that how you see the overall ideology of the GOP? Not that they believe in trickle down; not that they believe in equality for all as it pertains to governmental intervention?

Simply that they only care about the very rich and the large corporations?

Well, that explains a lot about your posts.

By the way sparky.....if hey only care about the very rich and the large corporations....say...I don't know....2% of the electorate....then why do they own majorities in both houses?

If He had a plan to fix the cities, the republicans would be against it anyway. He's damned if he do, damned if he don't. republicans damn sure won't fix anything, that we know. Their focus is on their base. The very rich and large corporations.
Really? They focus ONLY on the very rich and the large corporations? Is that how you see the overall ideology of the GOP? Not that they believe in trickle down; not that they believe in equality for all as it pertains to governmental intervention?

Simply that they only care about the very rich and the large corporations?

Well, that explains a lot about your posts.

By the way sparky.....if hey only care about the very rich and the large corporations....say...I don't know....2% of the electorate....then why do they own majorities in both houses?

Misinformation, propaganda, and hater dupes...like taking candy from a baby.
If He had a plan to fix the cities, the republicans would be against it anyway. He's damned if he do, damned if he don't. republicans damn sure won't fix anything, that we know. Their focus is on their base. The very rich and large corporations.
Really? They focus ONLY on the very rich and the large corporations? Is that how you see the overall ideology of the GOP? Not that they believe in trickle down; not that they believe in equality for all as it pertains to governmental intervention?

Simply that they only care about the very rich and the large corporations?

Well, that explains a lot about your posts.

By the way sparky.....if hey only care about the very rich and the large corporations....say...I don't know....2% of the electorate....then why do they own majorities in both houses?

Misinformation, propaganda, and hater dupes...like taking candy from a baby.
It's both parties. The Gop is certainly corrupted and limited to a supply side argument, when in reality there's virtually no limit on the amount of capital lenders have to lend. The Fed's LITERALLY been giving it away. The Gop's corrupted Reagan to support the ideal of having absolutely no taxes whatsoever, and we see the Randian notion of govt by contract, ie, you want a service, then individually contract with govt for it, and you can OPT OUT of everything else.

But the dems, outside a few progressives like Warren, aren't arguing for a return to Reagan's call for markets to be transparent. To achieve maximum efficiency, markets have to be transparent and open to every one to enter, or exit. And Warren is a bit of a one trick pony, imo.
Yeah the dems are really after wall st. Reagan's dismissal of regulation on the belief that markets would self regulate because it was in their interests was misplaced.

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