Obama Speechwriter Jon Favreau To Dems: If We Keep Comparing Republicans To Trump, We’ll Get Creamed In 2022

Biden, Pelosi, and Schmucker are about to become terminal lame ducks. Once the Rs retake the House, any of them that refuse to go along with a Biden Impeachment or to take part in investigations of the insanity and criminality of the Ds over the past few years WILL BE PRIMARIED and removed.

The Republican party of scum like Cheney and Kinzinger is OVER. Those who line up with the RINOs will be removed and the party will become the MAGA party of Trump. The populist uprising has begun and the nation will support it as long as the plans of the Left keep causing pain and chaos.

Not sure about you, but I don't see anyone on the Left even ASKING to change direction from the insanity going on in DC today.

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