Obama spends $1.4 billion on vacations.

Sorry bout that,

1. Can we impeach?
2. I think not, only way we can impeach this dog is if he attacks USA with a nuclear bomb.
3. Most people don't realize it yet, but America is under attack from within.

and to think has never had a real job, yet needs all of those expensive vacations to relieve the stress of signing a bill every week.

Again, not a fan of Obama, but to say that being President isn't difficult, extremely stressful and taxing is just plain dumb.

Also, if you went to a high school reunion and said, "I'm a US Senator", I don't think people would feel bad for you and think "aww.. He's unemployed, being a Senator 'isn't a real job'"...

...do you?
He must be doing a pretty good job if this is the type of ammo you guys are using now.

Eh, not so sure.

Although this claim of 1.4 billion in “vacation” is silly, there are many legitimate reasons to dislike the current POTUS. He’s not doing a good job.

Between the prosecuting of record numbers of whistleblowers (how’s that for his transparency promise?), appointing Monsanto officials to key positions within the FDA, defending the “indefinite detention” NDAA clause the moment it was ruled unconstitutional by a district Judge (what the heck was that all about!?), drone murders of hundreds of innocent civilians (including little kids), drone murders of an American citizen without trial, failure to prosecute a single senior ranking Wall Street official despite rampant fraud that completely tore our economy to shreds, failure to create a significant number of decent jobs (most of which we ‘added’ after the recession were low-paying, crap jobs), failure to reduce unemployment in a significant or meaningful way in 4 years, failure to pass a budget, failure to end the never ending bailout (yes, we’re still bailing out the banks 5 years later), and failure to keep this country on track (ie let’s use all of our resources to push an assault weapons ban during a time when we are facing a $16 trillion debt and a sequester), ect, ect, ect.

Obama has been very polarizing and disappointing. Many people expected "change" in Washington, but was given the exact same BS as Bush and those before him.

I have a long list of complaints… lol
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