Obama Stabs American Workers In The Back


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
Millions unemployed or underemployed. Stagnant wages. Highest number of people on food stamps. Record number on SSD--the new welfare. Illegal aliens gutting wages.

Obama's response to the plight of the American worker? A knife in the back.

Flooding the country with undocumented Democrats above and beyond what is authorized by our immigration laws. This is what 'fundamentally transforming the United States of America' looks like.

"Government data reveal that about 5.5 million new work permits were issued to aliens from 2009 to 2014, above and beyond the number of new green card and temporary worker admissions in those years. This is a huge parallel immigrant work authorization system outside the limits set by Congress that inevitably impacts opportunities for U.S. workers, damages the integrity of the immigration system, and encourages illegal immigration.

These statistics indicate that the executive branch is operating a huge parallel immigrant work authorization system outside the bounds of the laws and limits written by Congress. It inevitably reduces job opportunities for Americans. In addition, allowing work permits to be issued to illegal aliens and temporary visitors damages the integrity of the legal immigration system and encourages illegal immigration. Congress has an opportunity this week to prevent the issuance of the next five million work permits if it votes to withhold funds for USCIS to implement President Obama's executive action plans.

Full report obtained by FOIA request:
Government Data Reveal 5.5 Million New Work Permits Issued Since 2009 Center for Immigration Studies

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From the party pushing a higher minimum wage, we get a back door flood of illegals to inflate an already over supply of labor. You can make the minimum wage as high as you like to make yourself feel good but it maters not when there's a horde of illegals eager to work under the table.

Meanwhile, we're paying people not to work to get their vote and blaming the hard workers for being greedy. Class warfare at it's best. Alinsky and Marx would be proud.

Report Federal Government Issued Nearly 5.5 Million Work Permits to Foreign Nationals Since 2009 National Review Online
The govt. has been stabbing the worker in the back via business for over 35 years...

It's a team effort. Unfortunately the game is rigged against the American worker.
And we sit here and argue about who's fault it is when it's become painfully obvious everyone in washington is to blame.
Yes indeed ..sad....the monied interest called the fox is in the Federal and state govt, called the hen house..
From the party pushing a higher minimum wage, we get a back door flood of illegals to inflate an already over supply of labor. You can make the minimum wage as high as you like to make yourself feel good but it maters not when there's a horde of illegals eager to work under the table.

Meanwhile, we're paying people not to work to get their vote and blaming the hard workers for being greedy. Class warfare at it's best. Alinsky and Marx would be proud.

Report Federal Government Issued Nearly 5.5 Million Work Permits to Foreign Nationals Since 2009 National Review Online
So how many votes did Reagan get giving amnesty to illegals?
From the party pushing a higher minimum wage, we get a back door flood of illegals to inflate an already over supply of labor. You can make the minimum wage as high as you like to make yourself feel good but it maters not when there's a horde of illegals eager to work under the table.

Meanwhile, we're paying people not to work to get their vote and blaming the hard workers for being greedy. Class warfare at it's best. Alinsky and Marx would be proud.

Report Federal Government Issued Nearly 5.5 Million Work Permits to Foreign Nationals Since 2009 National Review Online
So how many votes did Reagan get giving amnesty to illegals?

Don't know but who cares? He only amnestied 3 million (and he thought it was to be only 300,000) with promises by congress to secure the border and that didn't happen. It was wrong then just as it is wrong now but even so more today because now we have at 12 million illegals here with 23 million Americans out of work. Reagan never instructed Homeland Security not to deport any illegal aliens unless they were convicted criminals prior to the amnesty he signed either as Obama has.

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