Obama Still Blaming Bush for our Economic Problems.

It is my understanding that we did have regulation in place for the banking and finance industry, in the form of Glass-Steagle, that would have mitigated some of the problem had it not been dismantled. .

of course if true you would not be so afraid to explain why Glass had anything to do with it let alone why it had more to do with it than a Fed policy specificially designed to subvert the free market to get people into homes the free market said they could not afford.

glass seigal made it illegal to make the loans that caused the crissis retard. you are braindead saddly you are the on;y person who doesnt know it

if Glass Steagall made it illegal I'll pay you $10,000 Bet or run away with you liberal tail between your legs once again.
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Obama and the Dems have done enough damage; time for them to go

What damage is that, exactly?

First ever credit downgrade
thanks to the gop taking the debt ceil7ng hostage
Energy prices through the roof
that are lower than 2008
Worst economy since FDR's Depression
of which all occurred before obama policies

That's damage.

yep damage caused by the gop you tool
What damage is that, exactly?

First ever credit downgrade
thanks to the gop taking the debt ceil7ng hostage
that are lower than 2008
Worst economy since FDR's Depression
of which all occurred before obama policies

That's damage.

yep damage caused by the gop you tool

yep makes perfect sense. BO president with super majority but GOP caused trouble?
Please expand for the class...

He can't, really.

Conservatives in this country..haven't really done the austerity measures that have been practiced in Europe..when they are in power.

Reagan spent. Bush I spent. Bush II spent.

The only part of those equations that didn't make sense was they cut revenues generated from top earners and shifted the burden to middle and lower earners.

Which pooled money to the top. And the top didn't spend it..they horded it. And this left the middle and lower earners with less disposable cash..so they didn't spend either.

So what happens to an economy that depends on 70% consumer spending..when no consumers are spending?

Do the math.

But...Sallow...surely the JOB CREATORS will ride in on their middle-class-subsidised white steeds and save the day...at any moment now...???


They can't.

They are being blocked by all the mountains of cold hard cash in their way.
Recognizing the problem is why Obama has been succeeding.

The problem is that not only are conservatives not cowed by the destruction they caused..the are actively obstructing solutions.

Everyone else needs to be reminded why we are at this point. Because conservative propaganda lists that all our economic woes started the second Obama assumed office..and all expenditures started in 2009. Their propaganda changes the history.

Recognizing the problem is why Obama has been succeeding.

how about doing something about it? Its what he signed up for....or are the fund raisers keeping him to busy? and that rambling panned 54 minutes of dreck was....dreck.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Obama had a transportation bill that went through congress twice.

Those fuckwits blocked it. They are blocking practically everything that doesn't say "Tax cut for the wealthy", "Drill here drill now", "Your vagina belongs to the government" and "Kill all regulations".
Recognizing the problem is why Obama has been succeeding.

The problem is that not only are conservatives not cowed by the destruction they caused..the are actively obstructing solutions.

Everyone else needs to be reminded why we are at this point. Because conservative propaganda lists that all our economic woes started the second Obama assumed office..and all expenditures started in 2009. Their propaganda changes the history.

What is has Obama done for the past 3 1/2 years ( the first two years democrats ran the Senate and House).

Keynesian Economic is less of a theory and more of a cult. It has failed to turn around our economy. All it has done is increased our national debt.

Obama is not the problem. It is the delusional idiots that voted for him.
...Under President George W. Bush, Obama said, the United States experienced the slowest job growth in a half-century and slid into a crippling recession...
We suffered the worst economic collapse in 70 years by following the Republican principles of low taxes and deregulation. Why should the people be asked to forget that hard learned lesson?

Only a "true believer" would believe that low taxes caused the economic collapse. What is it with you progressives? You all have this misguided notion that if we would only tax everyone a whole lot more that all of our problems would be solved...yet that hasn't WORKED anywhere where it's been tried. Giving more taxes to the disfunctional government we now have is just pissing down a rat hole.

He said, " low taxes and deregulation". That word and is really important. It is a basic logic operator.

It works like this. If A and B then C. A must be true and B must be true for C to be true. If A is true while B is false or A is false while B is true, then C is not true.

Some people seem to have a real hard time with the concept of and. It is almost as if they don't have some basic neurological capacity for the concept of and. All they can conceive of is or.

We work within a monetary system. It seems that the combination of releasing more funds into the hands of investors combined with the lack of regulation of the banking and real estate industry allowed a massive housing bubble to form as the industry drove it's own demand and rising prices until the bubble finally burst. When it did, the combination of systematic risk in the financial system along with the loss of the consumption in the housing market resulted in a collapse of the economy. This was seen in negative GDP growth, deflation, and a contraction of the money supply as both consumer's and businesses began paying of debt en mass.

You see, it is a combination of factors. It isn't one or the other. It is both. That is the key, in the word and. Most things are a combination of two or more factors. As such, unless you can get the concept of and, you are hopelessly lost at understanding the effect of complex processes.

The problem is that we don't create rules and regulations to stop potential disasters. That isn't how we function as a society. We create the rules and regulations after the disaster has happened. We don't put people in jail because the might do something. We wait until they actually do something.

It is my understanding that we did have regulation in place for the banking and finance industry, in the form of Glass-Steagle, that would have mitigated some of the problem had it not been dismantled. And we have had recurring instances of fraud and just bad business practice in the real estate and mortgage markets that justified a certain level of regulation.

So fundamentally, it wasn't the lower taxes that was the issue, it was the combination of the tax decreases and the lack of justifiable regulation based on past experience that allowed for the problem to occur.

Maybe it would help you if he had said, "the Republican principles of deregulation and low taxes." Then you wouldn't have gotten all fixated on the "taxes" coming before the word and.

I'm just saying, given that he clearly said "low taxes and deregulation", to which you respond with only the object of "low taxes", you appear to have a fundamental cognitive disability in grasping that and creates an object, a gestalt, that is distinctly different than the two individual objects that it combines. A and B is a distinct object that is the combination of set A with set B. A and B is distinctly different then either A or B.

You know why the whole system went KABOOM, Itfitz? It wasn't just deregulation because we had plenty of regulations...the root cause of this mess can be traced to government interfering in sound business practices in the private sector...in this case exerting pressure on banks to make sub prime loans to people that NEVER would have qualified for them under previous standards. If you look at Canada, THEIR housing market didn't take even close to the hit as ours did. Why? Quite simply...their mortgage lenders were still requiring good credit and a hefty down payment because THEIR government hadn't interfered with making good loans. They didn't have bundles of bad loans being sold as "secure".

I would make the argument that in more instances than not...regulations...even ones with the best of intentions...seldom do what they were intended to do and in many cases makes the problem worse instead of better. In this case, a great intention...that everyone should be able to own their own home...turned out to be a disaster when the government tried to impose THEIR concept of eligibility into the mortgage market.

Raising taxes will slow down an already sluggish economy. That's Keynesian economic theory 101. You raise taxes in a booming economy. It's a concept that Barry SHOULD know but he's demonstrated over and over again that his political agenda is not based on sound economic principles but on what he thinks will "resonate" with his base.
Recognizing the problem is why Obama has been succeeding.

The problem is that not only are conservatives not cowed by the destruction they caused..the are actively obstructing solutions.

Everyone else needs to be reminded why we are at this point. Because conservative propaganda lists that all our economic woes started the second Obama assumed office..and all expenditures started in 2009. Their propaganda changes the history.

What is has Obama done for the past 3 1/2 years ( the first two years democrats ran the Senate and House).
no you tool it was only 6 months
Keynesian Economic is less of a theory and more of a cult. It has failed to turn around our economy. All it has done is increased our national debt.[/quoteyep it is such a cultthat it is right 99% of the time
Obama is not the problem. It is the delusional idiots that voted for him.
correction It is the delusional idiots like u
I'm curious, Star...what Obama proposal is it that you think is going to get the economy going again and get people back to work? So far he's given us a watered down version of his first stimulus plan...a proposal so uninspired that he couldn't even get many of his fellow Democrats to back it. We need leadership on the economy...not finger pointing and excuse making.

One of the conservative criticisms of Mitt Romney is that he was too liberal on some issues. If you actually examine that however his moderate stance on some issues was based on having to govern as a Republican Governor in a heavily Democratic State with a Democratically controlled House. Unlike Barry, Mitt Romney has demonstrated the ability to compromise TO GET THINGS DONE. So you can vote for Barack Obama...if you want four more years of partisan gridlock and nothing being accomplished because that's exactly what an Obama win will mean...or you can vote for someone who is a moderate and HAS a record of working across the aisle. Your choice...

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