obama: The 7-Eleven President


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
The 7-Eleven Presidency

7:15 AM, OCT 18, 2012 • BY JEFFREY H. ANDERSON

In the wake of the Treasury Department’s newly released summary of federal spending for 2012, it’s now possible to detail just how profligate the Obama years have been. Here’s the upshot: Under Obama, for every $7 we’ve had, we’ve spent nearly $11 (or, to be more exact, $10.95). That’s like a family that makes $70,000 a year — and is already knee-deep in debt — blowing nearly $110,000 a year.

The 7-Eleven Presidency

7:15 AM, OCT 18, 2012 • BY JEFFREY H. ANDERSON

In the wake of the Treasury Department’s newly released summary of federal spending for 2012, it’s now possible to detail just how profligate the Obama years have been. Here’s the upshot: Under Obama, for every $7 we’ve had, we’ve spent nearly $11 (or, to be more exact, $10.95). That’s like a family that makes $70,000 a year — and is already knee-deep in debt — blowing nearly $110,000 a year.


Interesting, but I thought he was the 7-eleven president because 2/3 of the new jobs in the last report that drove unemployment down to 7.8% were part time jobs at places at 7-Eleven and Mickey Ds taken by folks who had given up on finding real jobs.

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