Obama - the ultimate buffoon


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
He promised to close Guantanamo Bay within 3 months of taking office - 5 years later it still exists.

He swore that he would try terrorists in civilian courts - until nearly every liberal he knows finally admitted it would be absurd.

He insisted that he would cut the federal deficit in half by the end of his first term - instead, he has more than quadrupled it.

And he spent a fortune removing our missile defense systems, only to turn around now and spend another fortune redeploying those same missile defense systems. This is what happens when you elect a community organizer to the White House - this bumbling buffoon has no idea what he is doing.

It would take only 33 minutes for a missile to reach the U.S. from anywhere in the world. That’s a sobering thought when North Korea is taunting America with threatening video propaganda about its nuclear capabilities and Iran is advancing its nuclear program.

In response to these threats, the Obama Administration announced Friday that it would increase the number of Ground-Based Midcourse Defense Interceptors protecting the U.S. from 30 to 44. These 30 interceptors allowed White House spokesman Jay Carney to state that the U.S. is “fully capable of defending itself” against a North Korean ballistic missile attack.

He didn’t mention that the Obama Administration has tried to undermine the long-range missile defense program since it came into office, including announcing the “restructure” of the advanced SM-3 IIB interceptor program designed to protect the U.S. and allies from a long-range ballistic missile threat.

When the Administration took office four years ago, it scaled down the number of interceptors protecting the U.S. from 54 to 30. This included cutting 10 interceptors in Poland and 14 in Alaska. The Administration justified its step by saying that the missile defense threat has not progressed as fast as the Bush Administration expected—this despite the fact that both North Korea and Iran have been very public about their efforts to develop long-range ballistic missile capabilities.

President Obama famously told Russia’s then-President Dmitry Medvedev that after the 2012 election, he would have more “flexibility” on missile defense. Just last Friday, his new Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, announced a restructuring of U.S. missile defense priorities to focus more on Alaska-based and California-based missile interceptors. This shift away from commitments to deploy advanced interceptors to Poland and Romania is exactly what the Russians have been demanding.

What Reagan Knew About Missile Defense: SDI Speech 30 Years Later
As Reagan said:

“Deterrence” means simply this: making sure any adversary who thinks about attacking the United States, or our allies, or our vital interests, concludes that the risks to him outweigh any potential gains. Once he understands that, he won’t attack. We maintain the peace through our strength; weakness only invites aggression.
This shift away from commitments to deploy advanced interceptors to Poland and Romania is exactly what the Russians have been demanding.

Once again we see Obama cower in fear and bow to the demand of our enemies.

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