Obama traitor to united states


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
President Barack Obama has engaged other countries to sue the united states. He wants U.S. laws to be subordinate to international courts.*

He should be tried for treason.*

This guy is a traitor. He not only needs to be booted he needs to be prosecuted.*

Arizona is literally under attack by Mexican drug cartels and Obama is siding with Mexico over his own country.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer slams 'foreign interference' in immigration lawsuit - Scott Wong - POLITICO.com

"In a new twist in the fight over Arizona’s immigration law, Republican Gov. Jan Brewer on Tuesday asked a federal court to disallow foreign governments from joining the U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit to overturn the law.*

The move comes in response to a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling issued Monday, allowing nearly a dozen Latin American countries — Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Chile — to submit friend-of-the-court briefs in Justice’s challenge to SB 1070, which Brewer signed into law in April and is considered one of the nation’s toughest immigration-enforcement measures. "*
I'd agree with you, except that every president we have had for like forty years has done the same thing, Misty. Were they all "traitors"?

A few are still alive...wanna prosecute them too?

I think some Americans are under the misapprehension that illegal immigration was no problem until January 2009. Did you know the 9/11 terrorists were in the US on expired visas? If they had been rounded up and deported, it would never have happened.

Or how about the millions of illegals who were given Amnesty by Reagan? Or the fact that not one American business paid even a dollar in fines for employing illegals under Bush?

This ain't a Democrat vs. Republican thingie...this issue pits the American voter against their elected officials on both sides of the aisle.
Truth is that we haven't had a President who gave a damn about illegals since Eisenhower.

But Obama's administration has openly declared against a state and for other countries.

I can see the difference.

And I say round em up and ship em out, No matter where they came from.

Illegal is Illegal
Truth is that we haven't had a President who gave a damn about illegals since Eisenhower.

But Obama's administration has openly declared against a state and for other countries.

I can see the difference.

And I say round em up and ship em out, No matter where they came from.

Illegal is Illegal

President Obama was on solid legal ground when he challenged the Arizona law. Immigration is within the scope of the Federal government..not the state government. And the Obama Administration has been "rounding them up and shipping them out" in numbers far higher then the Bush Administration. Add in..he sent troops to the border and they are dragging into court businesses which hire illegals.
And though it seems he is anti illegal he sides against AZ?

Sorry it just doesn't add up.

And yes I know that we are doing better on rounding them up, that is the only good thing I see.

The troops on the border are mostly administrative, they have no power to arrest or detain any illegals. (Posse Comitatus Act)
It's stupid to blame Obama because illegal immigration has come so far that Arizona had to pass another immigration law to deal with it and the DOJ had no choice but to bring the suit.Those government and presidents that came before Obama let illegal immigration out of hand.
There has been more raids and deportations and enforcement in the past two years than in the previous 30. More done for border security.
We got here without the help of Obama. Nit picking will get nothing done.
According to the Constitution:

Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

That - and only that - is 'treason'. Obama is an idiot, but he is not a traitor.

That being said... He has treated AZ like an enemy of the United States and for that, I'm very happy to see him slammed.
President Barack Obama has engaged other countries to sue the united states. He wants U.S. laws to be subordinate to international courts.*

He should be tried for treason.*

This guy is a traitor. He not only needs to be booted he needs to be prosecuted.*

Arizona is literally under attack by Mexican drug cartels and Obama is siding with Mexico over his own country.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer slams 'foreign interference' in immigration lawsuit - Scott Wong - POLITICO.com

"In a new twist in the fight over Arizona’s immigration law, Republican Gov. Jan Brewer on Tuesday asked a federal court to disallow foreign governments from joining the U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit to overturn the law.*

The move comes in response to a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling issued Monday, allowing nearly a dozen Latin American countries — Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Chile — to submit friend-of-the-court briefs in Justice’s challenge to SB 1070, which Brewer signed into law in April and is considered one of the nation’s toughest immigration-enforcement measures. "*

Many times, when people write this kind of trash, it's really a reflection of what is going on in their personal lives. If anyone should be tried for treason, it's Bush. Lied the country into war. In 8 years, did nothing about illegal aliens. Caused the death and maiming of tens of thousands. Him and his Republican cohorts bankrupted our nation.

Actually, considering how many Republicans helped move millions of jobs to Communist China and apologized to BP and work to bring down the middle class, it's not just Bush who should be tried for treason. Militia anyone?
President Barack Obama has engaged other countries to sue the united states. He wants U.S. laws to be subordinate to international courts.*

He should be tried for treason.*

This guy is a traitor. He not only needs to be booted he needs to be prosecuted.*

Arizona is literally under attack by Mexican drug cartels and Obama is siding with Mexico over his own country.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer slams 'foreign interference' in immigration lawsuit - Scott Wong - POLITICO.com

"In a new twist in the fight over Arizona’s immigration law, Republican Gov. Jan Brewer on Tuesday asked a federal court to disallow foreign governments from joining the U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit to overturn the law.*

The move comes in response to a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling issued Monday, allowing nearly a dozen Latin American countries — Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Chile — to submit friend-of-the-court briefs in Justice’s challenge to SB 1070, which Brewer signed into law in April and is considered one of the nation’s toughest immigration-enforcement measures. "*

Many times, when people write this kind of trash, it's really a reflection of what is going on in their personal lives. If anyone should be tried for treason, it's Bush. Lied the country into war. In 8 years, did nothing about illegal aliens. Caused the death and maiming of tens of thousands. Him and his Republican cohorts bankrupted our nation.

Actually, considering how many Republicans helped move millions of jobs to Communist China and apologized to BP and work to bring down the middle class, it's not just Bush who should be tried for treason. Militia anyone?

rdean, STFU, it wasn't Bush it is all the assholes in Washington from every administration since Eisenhower. You need to wake the fuck up and learn that all the ills of the world cannot be blamed on Republicans.
Yes it is getting old, and we need to fix it. Amnesty is not an option. I thought AZ was on the right track. Still think so.

Feel free to come up with a plan to pack up and ship some 13 million "illegals" who are such for reasons that vary from fleeing for their lives or not quite understanding the law.

Some of them have fought in our various wars..and bravely.

So again..feel free.
Yes it is getting old, and we need to fix it. Amnesty is not an option. I thought AZ was on the right track. Still think so.

Feel free to come up with a plan to pack up and ship some 13 million "illegals" who are such for reasons that vary from fleeing for their lives or not quite understanding the law.

Some of them have fought in our various wars..and bravely.

So again..feel free.

One at a time or a busload/planeload/boatload.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

How about all those which are running from the law in their own countries?

And last time I checked illegals could not get into the US military.

After all is said and done those who have a valid reason to fear for their lives if returned to their homeland, can tell it to the judge.
Yes it is getting old, and we need to fix it. Amnesty is not an option. I thought AZ was on the right track. Still think so.

Feel free to come up with a plan to pack up and ship some 13 million "illegals" who are such for reasons that vary from fleeing for their lives or not quite understanding the law.

Some of them have fought in our various wars..and bravely.

So again..feel free.

One at a time or a busload/planeload/boatload.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

How about all those which are running from the law in their own countries?

And last time I checked illegals could not get into the US military.

After all is said and done those who have a valid reason to fear for their lives if returned to their homeland, can tell it to the judge.

Check again.

Among Marines, no case has been more controversial than that of Sgt. Rafael Peralta, who was nominated by the Marine commandant for the Medal of Honor for smothering a grenade in Fallujah, Iraq, saving the lives of several comrades. Marines who witnessed Peralta's actions insisted that although he was gravely wounded, he made his heroic gesture willingly. But some forensic experts disagreed, contending that he was already brain-dead and his act mere involuntary muscle movement.

Some veterans raised the possibility that Peralta's one-time status as an illegal immigrant played a part in the decision, according to the Army Times study.
Fewer get the Medal of Honor | GazetteNET
Feel free to come up with a plan to pack up and ship some 13 million "illegals" who are such for reasons that vary from fleeing for their lives or not quite understanding the law.

Some of them have fought in our various wars..and bravely.

So again..feel free.

One at a time or a busload/planeload/boatload.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

How about all those which are running from the law in their own countries?

And last time I checked illegals could not get into the US military.

After all is said and done those who have a valid reason to fear for their lives if returned to their homeland, can tell it to the judge.

Check again.

Among Marines, no case has been more controversial than that of Sgt. Rafael Peralta, who was nominated by the Marine commandant for the Medal of Honor for smothering a grenade in Fallujah, Iraq, saving the lives of several comrades. Marines who witnessed Peralta's actions insisted that although he was gravely wounded, he made his heroic gesture willingly. But some forensic experts disagreed, contending that he was already brain-dead and his act mere involuntary muscle movement.

Some veterans raised the possibility that Peralta's one-time status as an illegal immigrant played a part in the decision, according to the Army Times study.
Fewer get the Medal of Honor | GazetteNET

Sorry but your example is weak. The Marine had been an illegal, somehow got a green card, joined the marines and got his citizenship. He was not illegal when he joined the Corps. And if it were my choice he would have went home before he came back legally to get a green card. His dieing doesn't change how I feel about illegals.
One at a time or a busload/planeload/boatload.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

How about all those which are running from the law in their own countries?

And last time I checked illegals could not get into the US military.

After all is said and done those who have a valid reason to fear for their lives if returned to their homeland, can tell it to the judge.

Check again.

Among Marines, no case has been more controversial than that of Sgt. Rafael Peralta, who was nominated by the Marine commandant for the Medal of Honor for smothering a grenade in Fallujah, Iraq, saving the lives of several comrades. Marines who witnessed Peralta's actions insisted that although he was gravely wounded, he made his heroic gesture willingly. But some forensic experts disagreed, contending that he was already brain-dead and his act mere involuntary muscle movement.

Some veterans raised the possibility that Peralta's one-time status as an illegal immigrant played a part in the decision, according to the Army Times study.
Fewer get the Medal of Honor | GazetteNET

Sorry but your example is weak. The Marine had been an illegal, somehow got a green card, joined the marines and got his citizenship. He was not illegal when he joined the Corps. And if it were my choice he would have went home before he came back legally to get a green card. His dieing doesn't change how I feel about illegals.

Well then..we have to agree to disagree.

But I would add we are a nation of immigrants founded partially on the principle that anyone yearning for Liberty, Freedom and Justice..and willing to strive to better themselves and their nation has a home in America.

That's a concept I happen to agree very much with..and people who contribute ought not to be ostracized for getting some very confusing..and complex laws wrong.
Like maybe Obama's Auntie? Did she get the laws confused when she was told to leave the country and got section 8 housing instead?

the laws and the enforcement are screwed up, no other way to put it.

And yes I know that Obama's Auntie has been given asylum now. By the same judge that told her to get out.......Of course that was before her nephew was the president...

Gotta love the politics....
President Barack Obama has engaged other countries to sue the united states. He wants U.S. laws to be subordinate to international courts.*

He should be tried for treason.*

This guy is a traitor. He not only needs to be booted he needs to be prosecuted.*

Arizona is literally under attack by Mexican drug cartels and Obama is siding with Mexico over his own country.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer slams 'foreign interference' in immigration lawsuit - Scott Wong - POLITICO.com

"In a new twist in the fight over Arizona’s immigration law, Republican Gov. Jan Brewer on Tuesday asked a federal court to disallow foreign governments from joining the U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit to overturn the law.*

The move comes in response to a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling issued Monday, allowing nearly a dozen Latin American countries — Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Chile — to submit friend-of-the-court briefs in Justice’s challenge to SB 1070, which Brewer signed into law in April and is considered one of the nation’s toughest immigration-enforcement measures. "*

Ah, which Federal Court did Gov. Brewer ask to disallow foreign governments from joining the DOJ? Do you or the author of the quoted article understand that the "9th Circuit Court of Appeals is a Federal Court? Any further appeal will be before the U.S. Supreme Court.

The term federal court can actually refer to one of two types of courts. The first type of court is what is known as an Article III court. These courts get their name from the fact that they derive their power from Article III of the Constitution. These courts include (1) the U.S. District Courts, (2) the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal, and (3) the U.S. Supreme Court.

These Article III courts are the ones in which 1070 would receive hearings.
He is levying war against Arizona siding with people who are not even citizens of this country. It's a legal war.

He may not be an official traitor but I see him as one.

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