I Post Because I Care
Because we see how well Obama's solutions are working out for us.
Oh when wingnuts go that route, Rabbi, they've lost their train of thought. Then again, may never have formulated one to begin with.
Go what route? Pointing out the failed policies of Barak Hussein Obama? His policies are failures, they are disasters of the first order. It was entirely predictable they would be, and in fact were so predicted.
So let's try something that will actually work. Novel idea, I know.
Okay dokey sport. We had two choices. How do you suspect "can't crash enough planes" McCain would have handled the mess Obama was handed? Would you have just let the whole financial sector completely tank? What shape do you guess we would be in with all business loans completely stopped? How would you see the job market with US automakers completely out of business along with the network of manufacturers and suppliers? If that is the world you were hoping for then piss on you and yours you filthy maggot.