Obama Turned Down 50 Million To Release His College Admissions! Why?


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
That's right. Donald Trump offered him 50 million to go to any charity of his choosing if he released his college admissions. Again......................50 million dollars that would be donated to any charity of Obama's choosing. What's on those admissions he doesn't want to show the American public?

Digging dirt to hopefully turn up a corps, ol' Don just don't let those charities have the dough without a good reason...
Not kidding, and Don will not....he's rich as heck but has a head of hair like that!?
Trump has already said in interviews that he has to bribe, excuse me, DONATE, to both parties in N.Y. It's just how you get things done there.
Say how's that intensive search for any sources for the bogus quotes in your sigline going, McRacist?
Any leads yet? What do you need, a government grant?
LOL!!! The cons keep complaining when we talk about Bush, but they still haven't let this go! What's more important, what a president did 6-14 years ago or what someone did in college? Get a clue, folks.
Obama is the President of the United States of America.

Trump is a Reality TV nutter publicity whore.

It would be beneath the dignity of the office of the President to respond to this National Enquirer stunt.

Perhaps Trump can do something more worthwhile and redeeming, such as searching for Bigfoot.
That's right. Donald Trump offered him 50 million to go to any charity of his choosing if he released his college admissions. Again......................50 million dollars that would be donated to any charity of Obama's choosing. What's on those admissions he doesn't want to show the American public?

Why doesn't Trump just give the $50,000,000 to charity? Why all the pointless theatrics? If Trump was interested in giving money to charity, he'd just do it.

And you already know that the obscure 1991 literary booklet in your 'vetting' was an error by the publisher. Not Obama. Obama's place of birth being Hawaii was already published repeatedly in nationally syndicated papers like the NY Times and the Chicago Tribune when he was made editor of the Harvard Review.

The first black man to ever accomplish such a feat.

All of which you know....but really hope we don't.
Obama is the President of the United States of America.

Trump is a Reality TV nutter publicity whore.

It would be beneath the dignity of the office of the President to respond to this National Enquirer stunt.

Perhaps Trump can do something more worthwhile and redeeming, such as searching for Bigfoot.

So, are you suggesting that BigFoot would make an appearance if Trump offered him $50M to show up?

Maybe that is a good idea, then we could elect BigFoot as POTUS, he couldn't be any worse than the last two
That's right. Donald Trump offered him 50 million to go to any charity of his choosing if he released his college admissions. Again......................50 million dollars that would be donated to any charity of Obama's choosing. What's on those admissions he doesn't want to show the American public?


Perhaps because he has more dignity than Trump.

Why play the mud slinging game when you don't have to and you can rise above it?
What happened to the info on Oblama before Breitbart died, that he claimed he had?
What happened to the info on Oblama before Breitbart died, that he claimed he had?

Its probably right next to the 'bombshell' that Trump promised was coming in 2012.....and the name of the 'forger of Obama's Birth Certificate' that the sheriff in Arizona has promised us.

I wouldn't hold your breath.

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