Obama Voters, The Real Failures


Yoooo moron. Show me evidence WMD wasn't moved out of Iraq.

Prove a negative? LOL, you're mentally retarded.


Bush's declaration against interests in December of 2005 when he said there weren't any WMD's in Iraq.


Now wake the fuck up.

Bush said there were none. Period. You want to prove Bush a liar, by all means let's hear it.

Oh, you got the quote right the first time, dumb ass.

So you start with the real quote, then you come up with your own version like you libs always do.

Look dumb dumb, how can there have never been any at all when chem WMD in Syria is what Obama drew the red line about a year ago? It can be found all over open source that that stuff came from Iraq. Not even any debate about the chem WMD. Now to get back to nuke WMD, your first quote was correct. Love when you libs step all over your dicks trying to twist things sitting right in front of people's faces.

If you want to keep twisting your very own quote, talk to the hand.

I didn't 'quote' him.

Here is actual quote:

"BUSH: Yeah. No, I appreciate that.
First of all, I can understand why people were -- you say, "Well, wait a minute: Everybody thought there was weapons of mass destruction; there weren't any." I felt the same way.
We'd looked at the intelligence and felt certain that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. You know, intelligence agencies around the world felt the same way, by the way.
Members of the United States Congress looked at the National Intelligence Estimate, the same intelligence estimate I looked at, and came to the same conclusion.
So in other words, there was a universal feeling that he had weapons of mass destruction. As a matter of fact, it was so universal that the United Nations Security Council passed numerous resolutions.
And so, when the weapons weren't there, like many Americans, I was concerned and wondered why.
That's why we set up the Silberman-Robb commission, to address intelligence shortfalls, to hopefully see to it that this kind of situation didn't arise.
Now, having said all that, what we did find after the war was that Saddam Hussein had the desire to -- or the liberation -- Saddam had the desire to reconstitute his weapons programs. In other words, he had the capacity to reconstitute them."

Clearly Bush acknowledges that Saddam didn't have them. He doesn't claim they were moved.

CNN.com - Bush U.S. must think act differently - Dec 19 2005

...so proceed. Prove Bush is a liar.[/QUOTE]

Yes, dum dum, he's talking about Iraq. Do you see him talking about chem WMD in Syria????

Where the fuck you think THOSE came from, idiot?

Thanks for also reminding all that he had the 500 tons of yellowcake in Taiwatha that he could EASILY RECONSTITUTE.[/QUOTE]

You're illiterate. Bush admits that Saddam didn't have WMD's but then Bush claims Saddam desired to have them.

Desiring to have them is not having them.[/QUOTE]

I can't help you're too stupid to understand complex issues.

Does it occur to you there are reasons he wouldn't go rushing into another country to prove something?

You will have to wait till the Assad regime is gone to get the full story.


We wish we had Saddam back in power ruling Iraq. Probably why he fucked with the Bush's. Didn't think they'd kill him not in a million years. Shocked us all when it turned out it was all for oil and Haloburton.

Remember what they chanted as they hung Saddam? Mook Tada Mook Tada. Who did we replace Saddam with? Nouri Al Malaki? What a mess.

Well it's the Arab worlds mess to deal with. We will help but they have to deal with it if they don't want ISIS.

Same with Africa. I'm sorry but doesn't Africa have doctors, money, governments, hospitals? Why can't they help themselves?

No, we need Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, Boehner, Bachmann, Herman Cain, Huckabee, Christy or Jindal.

Any of them would go back to doing what Bush did.

Let me explain to you right wing idiots. If Romney were president you'd be bragging about the comeback. I have a great example. My Governor Snyder is taking credit for Michigan's come back. So Republicans in Michigan know a come back is being had. Corporations are doing great so is the stock market.

Please don't say middle class wages are down when you guys shipped those jobs overseas because the American workers that had them 10 years ago "made too much money", and now those jobs came back at $10 hr. Please don't complain or say you right wingers have a solotion, because it was your policies that drove wages down. Tell me what your plans are for the Walmart and McD workers of the world? That's the new America. instead of going to work for the Big 3, here in Michigan, those people now go work for $10 somewhere IF they are lucky. The GOP did this to the middle class. They are trickle down, which doesn't work. Middle class first works.
Obama is a failure?

Why didn't you tell us?

Oh yea....you have....every day for five and a half years
Unfortunately, nobody is buying that Republicans would be a better choice
Yoooo moron. Show me evidence WMD wasn't moved out of Iraq.

We wish we had Saddam back in power ruling Iraq. Probably why he fucked with the Bush's. Didn't think they'd kill him not in a million years. Shocked us all when it turned out it was all for oil and Haloburton.

Remember what they chanted as they hung Saddam? Mook Tada Mook Tada. Who did we replace Saddam with? Nouri Al Malaki? What a mess.

Well it's the Arab worlds mess to deal with. We will help but they have to deal with it if they don't want ISIS.

Same with Africa. I'm sorry but doesn't Africa have doctors, money, governments, hospitals? Why can't they help themselves?


I see. So four presidents now have gone to war in Iraq for Cheney's Haliburton? NO. Defies common sense on the face of it.

You folks need to read sources other than liberal sources to understand why liberals are in free fall now.

But the thread is about Obama......

We wish we had Saddam back in power ruling Iraq. Probably why he fucked with the Bush's. Didn't think they'd kill him not in a million years. Shocked us all when it turned out it was all for oil and Haloburton.

Remember what they chanted as they hung Saddam? Mook Tada Mook Tada. Who did we replace Saddam with? Nouri Al Malaki? What a mess.

Well it's the Arab worlds mess to deal with. We will help but they have to deal with it if they don't want ISIS.

Same with Africa. I'm sorry but doesn't Africa have doctors, money, governments, hospitals? Why can't they help themselves?


I see. So four presidents now have gone to war in Iraq for Cheney's Haliburton? NO. Defies common sense on the face of it.

You folks need to read sources other than liberal sources to understand why liberals are in free fall now.

But the thread is about Obama......

2 Presidents and both name Bush. No wonder he let Osama get away. Business associates with the Bush oil companies. And Haloburton sure did clean up on Iraq. If you think about it, go to war with Iraq before we even finish Afgan? Are you serious? And there is so much more that is unbelievable

But then again you probably believe in a god too, right? I notice a lot of poor or middle class conservatives also tend to believe in miracles and gods too. Don't need any proof so why would you need the facts on Iraq either, right? You have "faith" in Bush, just like the lord.
We wish we had Saddam back in power ruling Iraq. Probably why he fucked with the Bush's. Didn't think they'd kill him not in a million years. Shocked us all when it turned out it was all for oil and Haloburton.

Remember what they chanted as they hung Saddam? Mook Tada Mook Tada. Who did we replace Saddam with? Nouri Al Malaki? What a mess.

Well it's the Arab worlds mess to deal with. We will help but they have to deal with it if they don't want ISIS.

Same with Africa. I'm sorry but doesn't Africa have doctors, money, governments, hospitals? Why can't they help themselves?


I see. So four presidents now have gone to war in Iraq for Cheney's Haliburton? NO. Defies common sense on the face of it.

You folks need to read sources other than liberal sources to understand why liberals are in free fall now.

But the thread is about Obama......

2 Presidents and both name Bush. No wonder he let Osama get away. Business associates with the Bush oil companies. And Haloburton sure did clean up on Iraq. If you think about it, go to war with Iraq before we even finish Afgan? Are you serious? And there is so much more that is unbelievable

But then again you probably believe in a god too, right? I notice a lot of poor or middle class conservatives also tend to believe in miracles and gods too. Don't need any proof so why would you need the facts on Iraq either, right? You have "faith" in Bush, just like the lord.

Once again, I try have a conversation with a liberal and that liberal just can't stay on topic, or throws in things that have nothing to do with the topic.

As for your persuasiveness.....so Clinton and now Obama are going into Iraq because of Haliburton?

Of course not.

I see. So four presidents now have gone to war in Iraq for Cheney's Haliburton? NO. Defies common sense on the face of it.

You folks need to read sources other than liberal sources to understand why liberals are in free fall now.

But the thread is about Obama......

2 Presidents and both name Bush. No wonder he let Osama get away. Business associates with the Bush oil companies. And Haloburton sure did clean up on Iraq. If you think about it, go to war with Iraq before we even finish Afgan? Are you serious? And there is so much more that is unbelievable

But then again you probably believe in a god too, right? I notice a lot of poor or middle class conservatives also tend to believe in miracles and gods too. Don't need any proof so why would you need the facts on Iraq either, right? You have "faith" in Bush, just like the lord.

Once again, I try have a conversation with a liberal and that liberal just can't stay on topic, or throws in things that have nothing to do with the topic.

As for your persuasiveness.....so Clinton and now Obama are going into Iraq because of Haliburton?

Of course not.

Yes, if you are stupid in one area, it should matter when pointing out how you are stupid and wrong in other matters.

Remember, Obama was handed a GW Bush shit sandwich and you guys want to hand off back to another Bush, simply because you've managed to obstruct our president successfully for 6 years? That only works in a midterm. In 2016 the voters show up to take back what is ours. Doesn't matter who you run against Hillary. Run Romney again. i want to see him explode.
I see some people still say being wrong, because the facts they were given was wrong, is the same as lying.. except when you are wrong, and know you are wrong, but the program you want to implement is important to you and your party.. then you aren't lying.. and you weren't even wrong.

Liberals.. Their minds are so convoluted.
Okay, reality check.

Obama ordered airstrikes because that doesn't get us involved.

Right now, people are all upset that ISIL is executing journalists.

Will they still be upset in a year? Nope.

So why commit to something you'll be defending in a year?

I'm still happy my country wasn't handed over to the Evil Mormon Cult. You should be, too.

Spot on, and thanks for schooling PC on not only how to present a premise succinctly and cogently but also intelligently.
Okay, reality check.

Obama ordered airstrikes because that doesn't get us involved.

Right now, people are all upset that ISIL is executing journalists.

Will they still be upset in a year? Nope.

So why commit to something you'll be defending in a year?

I'm still happy my country wasn't handed over to the Evil Mormon Cult. You should be, too.

Spot on, and thanks for schooling PC on not only how to present a premise succinctly and cogently but also intelligently.
Birds of a feather, these two.

Here... one for each of you :slap: :slap:

Does it occur to you there are reasons he wouldn't go rushing into another country to prove something?

You will have to wait till the Assad regime is gone to get the full story.


You know why I KNOW Saddam didn't have WMD's and WMD programs ongoing?

Because we never found any people that would have been working on them. None of the thousands of personnel that would be necessary to develop, operate, maintain, and support multiple major WMD programs were ever captured, or ever showed up, or ever turned themselves in.

No people, no programs. It's not complicated. Only to the deniers is it complicated.

Bullshit, I personally ran across them in the years I spent in Iraq between early 2004 and 2009.

But that's not the issue.

The issue is you keep derailing this thread about OBAMA by trying to go back to Booooooooooooooooooosh.

A, stop derailing it and
B, you're also full of shit when you talk about Bush.

Now, get back to what a disaster Obama is, dum dum, and stop derailing the thread.

Obama, and you libs by extension, are in a death spiral.

Own it.

Only in you tiny little parrot brain...
Okay, reality check.

Obama ordered airstrikes because that doesn't get us involved.

Right now, people are all upset that ISIL is executing journalists.

Will they still be upset in a year? Nope.

So why commit to something you'll be defending in a year?

I'm still happy my country wasn't handed over to the Evil Mormon Cult. You should be, too.

Spot on, and thanks for schooling PC on not only how to present a premise succinctly and cogently but also intelligently.

Yes dum dums, they will care. This is a generational fight no matter how hard it is for your lobotomized brain to grasp it.

Does it occur to you there are reasons he wouldn't go rushing into another country to prove something?

You will have to wait till the Assad regime is gone to get the full story.


You know why I KNOW Saddam didn't have WMD's and WMD programs ongoing?

Because we never found any people that would have been working on them. None of the thousands of personnel that would be necessary to develop, operate, maintain, and support multiple major WMD programs were ever captured, or ever showed up, or ever turned themselves in.

No people, no programs. It's not complicated. Only to the deniers is it complicated.

Bullshit, I personally ran across them in the years I spent in Iraq between early 2004 and 2009.

But that's not the issue.

The issue is you keep derailing this thread about OBAMA by trying to go back to Booooooooooooooooooosh.

A, stop derailing it and
B, you're also full of shit when you talk about Bush.

Now, get back to what a disaster Obama is, dum dum, and stop derailing the thread.

Obama, and you libs by extension, are in a death spiral.

Own it.

Only in you tiny little parrot brain...

My brain's quite large, thank you very much, hon.

Uh, no, the reason he didn't kill Bin Laden was the one time he tried, Republicans accused him of launching a "Wag The Dog" attack to distract attention from the all important Lewinsky Investigation.
Uh, no. From the horses mouth:

“I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him."
“And so I didn’t do it,” the former commander in chief says.


Wow. So he didn't want to kill women and children. What is the world coming to?

Bush killed a lot of women and children, and look how well that's worked out for us.
Just admit you were wrong as was Clinton. His not wanting to kill women and children cost us 3000 lives. He said this the day before 9/11, and as sure as you're a parasite, he would never say that now.

Um, i'm not sure kiling bin Laden would have stopped 9/11 at all.

Bin Laden has been dead for four years now (Thanks, Obama!) AL Qaeda hasn't gone away.

Of course, it would have been really nice had Reagan not armed Bin Laden and other militants in the 1980's and called them Freedom Fighters because they were killing Russians who were trying to teach girls how to read.

Maybe if we stopped sticking our dicks in the Mid-East Hornet's nest, we could stop complaining about getting stung.

Republican imperialist meddling created enemies in the Middle East, and now Republicans politicize their own disastrous foreign policy by blaming it on the Democrats and blaming Obama for not fixing it.
Obama said he could fix it. He can't, cause he is an idiot. Now your trying to blame someone else.

Does it occur to you there are reasons he wouldn't go rushing into another country to prove something?

You will have to wait till the Assad regime is gone to get the full story.


You know why I KNOW Saddam didn't have WMD's and WMD programs ongoing?

Because we never found any people that would have been working on them. None of the thousands of personnel that would be necessary to develop, operate, maintain, and support multiple major WMD programs were ever captured, or ever showed up, or ever turned themselves in.

No people, no programs. It's not complicated. Only to the deniers is it complicated.

Bullshit, I personally ran across them in the years I spent in Iraq between early 2004 and 2009.

But that's not the issue.

The issue is you keep derailing this thread about OBAMA by trying to go back to Booooooooooooooooooosh.

A, stop derailing it and
B, you're also full of shit when you talk about Bush.

Now, get back to what a disaster Obama is, dum dum, and stop derailing the thread.

Obama, and you libs by extension, are in a death spiral.

Own it.

Only in you tiny little parrot brain...

My brain's quite large, thank you very much, hon.


Not if you are unable to see that the OP article is nothing more than the equivalent of : "I had a flat tire, it's Obama's fault."

It is nothing but yellow journalism.

Does it occur to you there are reasons he wouldn't go rushing into another country to prove something?

You will have to wait till the Assad regime is gone to get the full story.


You know why I KNOW Saddam didn't have WMD's and WMD programs ongoing?

Because we never found any people that would have been working on them. None of the thousands of personnel that would be necessary to develop, operate, maintain, and support multiple major WMD programs were ever captured, or ever showed up, or ever turned themselves in.

No people, no programs. It's not complicated. Only to the deniers is it complicated.

Bullshit, I personally ran across them in the years I spent in Iraq between early 2004 and 2009.

But that's not the issue.

The issue is you keep derailing this thread about OBAMA by trying to go back to Booooooooooooooooooosh.

A, stop derailing it and
B, you're also full of shit when you talk about Bush.

Now, get back to what a disaster Obama is, dum dum, and stop derailing the thread.

Obama, and you libs by extension, are in a death spiral.

Own it.

Oh of course you ran into them. Stop. Please.

You tell us. If Saddam had had all the WMD's and programs associated with them that we were told he had by Bush in his pitch to get us behind and invasion,

how many personnel would that have constituted?

Does it occur to you there are reasons he wouldn't go rushing into another country to prove something?

You will have to wait till the Assad regime is gone to get the full story.


You know why I KNOW Saddam didn't have WMD's and WMD programs ongoing?

Because we never found any people that would have been working on them. None of the thousands of personnel that would be necessary to develop, operate, maintain, and support multiple major WMD programs were ever captured, or ever showed up, or ever turned themselves in.

No people, no programs. It's not complicated. Only to the deniers is it complicated.

Bullshit, I personally ran across them in the years I spent in Iraq between early 2004 and 2009.

But that's not the issue.

The issue is you keep derailing this thread about OBAMA by trying to go back to Booooooooooooooooooosh.

A, stop derailing it and
B, you're also full of shit when you talk about Bush.

Now, get back to what a disaster Obama is, dum dum, and stop derailing the thread.

Obama, and you libs by extension, are in a death spiral.

Own it.

Only in you tiny little parrot brain...

My brain's quite large, thank you very much, hon.


That may be what's causing your constipation.
Obama Voters, The Real Failures

The idiocy of this is multifaceted.

In 2008 there were republicans who didn't vote for the GOP ticket that year because of warranted, justified fears of Palin becoming president.

In 2012 republicans nominated a weak, indecisive, flip-flopping candidate who succeeded in only expressing his disdain and contempt for 47 percent of the American population.

And Obama voters are the 'failures.'
Obama Voters, The Real Failures

The idiocy of this is multifaceted.

In 2008 there were republicans who didn't vote for the GOP ticket that year because of warranted, justified fears of Palin becoming president.

In 2012 republicans nominated a weak, indecisive, flip-flopping candidate who succeeded in only expressing his disdain and contempt for 47 percent of the American population.

And Obama voters are the 'failures.'
Obama has failed as well. There's not much left to this story. Clearly, Romney was the better choice and it certainy isn't the first time in US history. That's life.
I don't see Obama as a failure. I see a failure to work together in Washington, fueled and orchestrated mostly by Republicans who have made it clear from the very beginning that their motivation was to make sure Obama fails.
Elections have consequences and I won.-Obama
Fuck em, we've got the votes.-Rahm.

The Obama Administration came in with the attitude they didnt have to compromise because they had control over Congress and the White House. For that reason they used every dirty trick to pass Obamacare without a single GOP vote. No other major social program got zero votes from the other party. Obama has never compromised. He is incapable of it.

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