Obama wants to fight "income inequality" while Mooch wears $12,000 dress


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Mooch also takes $5 million ski trips every month at taxpayer expense. Gawd - i hate this slut!!

CNN: Michelle Obama's 'Dress Probably Cost Around $12,000' | The Weekly Standard

FEB 12, 2014 •

The dress first lady Michelle Obama wore at last night's state dinner was the topic of discussion last night on CNN: One guest thought the cost of the dress was close to $10,000.

"Well, first of all, I love the dress on her because I think it's so elegant and so simple. I mean, that shape is what we call the princess shape. It's got that sort of poof at the bottom that's very sort of billowy at the same time. It's strapless. I think we want to call that French blue, maybe," said a guest.

"Some people might call it periwinkle and it's got this sort of jet bodice and everything, and I think it's realy pretty. But a dress like that from Mrs. Herrera could potentially run up to almost $10,000."

Another guest on CNN last night thought the cost was about $12,000. "Well, by the way, I think that dress probably cost around $12,000. But that's just my guess," said Sally Quinn.
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The dress looks lousy too. Of course, you put any dress on a cow with a 2 yard wide butt and it's gonna look bad.
And he also wants to fight income inequality even after higher costs of living, higher fuel costs, higher health care premiums, higher college costs for students, high taxation, etc.
Did I mention the estimated costs of jobs due to Obamacare is now at 2.3 Million??

But the Left will praise his efforts as a speaker. But there's a difference in talking the talk and walking the walk..
Classic of our " elites ruling class" of elected Politicans...

do as I say, not as I do...but they do mouth how they are feeling our pain
The bottom of her dress is bigger than the french president, was it made by omar the tent maker?
Remember how the put down Nance Reagan for buying some china for her table...

but we now have a queen so all is good with expensive and classless
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For her whole term, I have never been proud of the First Lady. Never in my lifetime have we had a First Lady who had so much contempt for average Americans or who had such a high opinion of herself, and such a lack of humility. Michelle Antoinette!

You're wrong. Like all blacks, mooch has a very low opinion of herself. She knows she's an affirmative action baby who can't accomplish anything on merit. All her grandstanding is just an attempt to cover up her huge insecurities.
Remember how the put down Nance Reagan for buying some china for her table...

but we now have a queen so all is good with expensive and classless
Speaking of Nancy, she was fond of Galanos Couture. She spent fortunes on her clothes.


Nancy Reagan
Mrs. Reagan chose a single-shoulder James Galanos for her husband's 1981 inaugural ball. "She knew her style very well, and it was always simple and elegant," Galanos told the Los Angeles Times. The First Lady made the most of the $22,500 hand-beaded gown by wearing it a second time before donating it to the Smithsonian.
Today, that gown would cost $57,662.62
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For her whole term, I have never been proud of the First Lady. Never in my lifetime have we had a First Lady who had so much contempt for average Americans or who had such a high opinion of herself, and such a lack of humility. Michelle Antoinette!

You're wrong. Like all blacks, mooch has a very low opinion of herself. She knows she's an affirmative action baby who can't accomplish anything on merit. All her grandstanding is just an attempt to cover up her huge insecurities.


Income Inequality at the White House

February 13, 2014 by Arnold Ahlert


In the midst of joblessness and deprivation for millions of Americans, another opulent White House party took place Tuesday night feting fellow socialist crusader François Hollande, the president of France. While the Obamas frequently decry the excesses of private-sector wealth, characterizing it as the product of ill-gotten gains, they have demonstrated time and time again that they have little difficulty emulating the same behavior when Americans are footing the bill. Meanwhile, incessant regulations, attacks on industry and on middle class paychecks through ObamaCare, are crushing ordinary Americans, with no end in sight.


Income Inequality at the White House | FrontPage Magazine
For her whole term, I have never been proud of the First Lady. Never in my lifetime have we had a First Lady who had so much contempt for average Americans or who had such a high opinion of herself, and such a lack of humility. Michelle Antoinette!

You're wrong. Like all blacks, mooch has a very low opinion of herself. She knows she's an affirmative action baby who can't accomplish anything on merit. All her grandstanding is just an attempt to cover up her huge insecurities.


Income Inequality at the White House

February 13, 2014 by Arnold Ahlert


In the midst of joblessness and deprivation for millions of Americans, another opulent White House party took place Tuesday night feting fellow socialist crusader François Hollande, the president of France. While the Obamas frequently decry the excesses of private-sector wealth, characterizing it as the product of ill-gotten gains, they have demonstrated time and time again that they have little difficulty emulating the same behavior when Americans are footing the bill. Meanwhile, incessant regulations, attacks on industry and on middle class paychecks through ObamaCare, are crushing ordinary Americans, with no end in sight.


Income Inequality at the White House | FrontPage Magazine

Moochelle wants to lecture everyone about eating healthy with moderate proportions to save money..

Yet, she attends/hosts these state dinners and gorges herself on expensive fattening epicurean feasts provided by the US taxpayer.

What a freakening hypocrite......... :doubt:
Moochelle wants to lecture everyone about eating healthy with moderate proportions to save money..

Yet, she attends/hosts these state dinners and gorges herself on expensive fattening epicurean feasts provided by the US taxpayer.

What a freakening hypocrite......... :doubt:

Yep... With ankles like those, the buffet line must be popular

BTW- What table manners.. Chewing her cud while having another steam shovel scoop at the ready


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...........................^^ I notice she is still stuffing her face while everyone else has put their silverware down and are having a conversation. .. :lol: :lol:

Yep, and if she had not looked at Boner she would of had the equivalent of a firearm 'stove pipe'..

For you leftist, look it up.. LMAO

BTW- Since the Obama's are so in touch with income equality, the dogs almost missed dinner


...........................^^ I notice she is still stuffing her face while everyone else has put their silverware down and are having a conversation. .. :lol: :lol:

As opposed to a muslim supper where everyone sits on the floor and eats with the hand they pick their nose with. Don't be jealous, we've lent you some chairs and tables, even cutlery too!

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