Obama wants to fight "income inequality" while Mooch wears $12,000 dress

Mooch also takes $5 million ski trips every month at taxpayer expense. Gawd - i hate this slut!!

CNN: Michelle Obama's 'Dress Probably Cost Around $12,000' | The Weekly Standard

FEB 12, 2014 •

The dress first lady Michelle Obama wore at last night's state dinner was the topic of discussion last night on CNN: One guest thought the cost of the dress was close to $10,000.

"Well, first of all, I love the dress on her because I think it's so elegant and so simple. I mean, that shape is what we call the princess shape. It's got that sort of poof at the bottom that's very sort of billowy at the same time. It's strapless. I think we want to call that French blue, maybe," said a guest.

"Some people might call it periwinkle and it's got this sort of jet bodice and everything, and I think it's realy pretty. But a dress like that from Mrs. Herrera could potentially run up to almost $10,000."

Another guest on CNN last night thought the cost was about $12,000. "Well, by the way, I think that dress probably cost around $12,000. But that's just my guess," said Sally Quinn.

Fair point.
Remember how the put down Nance Reagan for buying some china for her table...

but we now have a queen so all is good with expensive and classless
Speaking of Nancy, she was fond of Galanos Couture. She spent fortunes on her clothes.

Nancy Reagan - First Ladies' Inaugural Gowns - InStyle.com

Nancy Reagan
Mrs. Reagan chose a single-shoulder James Galanos for her husband's 1981 inaugural ball. "She knew her style very well, and it was always simple and elegant," Galanos told the Los Angeles Times. The First Lady made the most of the $22,500 hand-beaded gown by wearing it a second time before donating it to the Smithsonian.
Today, that gown would cost $57,662.62

Oh but that's okay because Nancy never fought for American children's nutrition. Nancy never gave a fuck about our veterans and their families so its okay that she spent so much money. She spent like the treasury was her own private petty cash account but since she didn't care about the country, it was okay. Nancy never worked for anything, it was all handed to her - unlike First Lady Michelle Obama who was raised in a one bedroom apartment and put her self through university.

So of course, Nancy was a much better first lady.
Mooch also takes $5 million ski trips every month at taxpayer expense. Gawd - i hate this slut!!

CNN: Michelle Obama's 'Dress Probably Cost Around $12,000' | The Weekly Standard

FEB 12, 2014 •

The dress first lady Michelle Obama wore at last night's state dinner was the topic of discussion last night on CNN: One guest thought the cost of the dress was close to $10,000.

"Well, first of all, I love the dress on her because I think it's so elegant and so simple. I mean, that shape is what we call the princess shape. It's got that sort of poof at the bottom that's very sort of billowy at the same time. It's strapless. I think we want to call that French blue, maybe," said a guest.

"Some people might call it periwinkle and it's got this sort of jet bodice and everything, and I think it's realy pretty. But a dress like that from Mrs. Herrera could potentially run up to almost $10,000."

Another guest on CNN last night thought the cost was about $12,000. "Well, by the way, I think that dress probably cost around $12,000. But that's just my guess," said Sally Quinn.

Fair point.

No, its not a "fair point".

Its a lie.
Remember how the put down Nance Reagan for buying some china for her table...

but we now have a queen so all is good with expensive and classless
Speaking of Nancy, she was fond of Galanos Couture. She spent fortunes on her clothes.

Nancy Reagan - First Ladies' Inaugural Gowns - InStyle.com

Nancy Reagan
Mrs. Reagan chose a single-shoulder James Galanos for her husband's 1981 inaugural ball. "She knew her style very well, and it was always simple and elegant," Galanos told the Los Angeles Times. The First Lady made the most of the $22,500 hand-beaded gown by wearing it a second time before donating it to the Smithsonian.
Today, that gown would cost $57,662.62

Today you can see that gown in the Smithsonian. It was never her gown, it always belonged to the people and she got to wear it one time.
Much more to the point how can a ski trip cost 5 million dollars? Solid gold skis? And if she does it every month where does she go in summer? Is the 5 million being paid to make snow in summer and refrigerate it
Remember how the put down Nance Reagan for buying some china for her table...

but we now have a queen so all is good with expensive and classless
Speaking of Nancy, she was fond of Galanos Couture. She spent fortunes on her clothes.

Nancy Reagan - First Ladies' Inaugural Gowns - InStyle.com

Nancy Reagan
Mrs. Reagan chose a single-shoulder James Galanos for her husband's 1981 inaugural ball. "She knew her style very well, and it was always simple and elegant," Galanos told the Los Angeles Times. The First Lady made the most of the $22,500 hand-beaded gown by wearing it a second time before donating it to the Smithsonian.
Today, that gown would cost $57,662.62

Today you can see that gown in the Smithsonian. It was never her gown, it always belonged to the people and she got to wear it one time.


Granted that she was known as Queen Nancy for good reason and granted that she was de facto president, you rw's have a different set of standards for Michelle Obama.

If she did even half of the shit that Queen Nancy did, you MIGHT have a point. Meanwhile, she rows a garden, works to end childhood obesity and fights for our vets and their families. In return, you jerks lie about her.
Much more to the point how can a ski trip cost 5 million dollars? Solid gold skis? And if she does it every month where does she go in summer? Is the 5 million being paid to make snow in summer and refrigerate it

Same way they spent $200million a day on a vacation.

The right tell some real whoppers and they're so damn dumb, they believe it.
Anyone notice the Obots always know the money spent by the Obama's is THEIR MONEY?

Now when Nancy Reagan spent money it was their (Taxpayers) monies

such sad people always having to make excuse for the Obama's who are such hypocrites...

I can't wait for them to be gone and so in OUR FACE
Much more to the point how can a ski trip cost 5 million dollars? Solid gold skis? And if she does it every month where does she go in summer? Is the 5 million being paid to make snow in summer and refrigerate it

That's actually not her fault. By-law, the President and First Family have many required protections and procedures they must endure or abide by. And that all costs money.
Much more to the point how can a ski trip cost 5 million dollars? Solid gold skis? And if she does it every month where does she go in summer? Is the 5 million being paid to make snow in summer and refrigerate it

That's actually not her fault. By-law, the President and First Family have many required protections and procedures they must endure or abide by. And that all costs money.

So it would cost that much if she was going down to K mart for a slurpee or zigzagging down the slopes in Aspen then?
Anyone notice the Obots always know the money spent by the Obama's is THEIR MONEY?

Now when Nancy Reagan spent money it was their (Taxpayers) monies

such sad people always having to make excuse for the Obama's who are such hypocrites...

I can't wait for them to be gone and so in OUR FACE


Always with the lies.

Or are you going to post PROOF?

Much more to the point how can a ski trip cost 5 million dollars? Solid gold skis? And if she does it every month where does she go in summer? Is the 5 million being paid to make snow in summer and refrigerate it

That's actually not her fault. By-law, the President and First Family have many required protections and procedures they must endure or abide by. And that all costs money.

So it would cost that much if she was going down to K mart for a slurpee or zigzagging down the slopes in Aspen then?

Correct. Though I'm sure such things would be at the upper-limit costs-wise relative to civialans doing them as with everything being first class.

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