Obama wants to raise taxes......again.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
What I don't get is the recent pitch to raise taxes on the rich.

Obama s tax proposals get cool reception from GOP lawmakers - Yahoo News

In the article they claim that the revenue generated will be used to give tax credits to the middle class.

So why do they need to raise revenue for tax credits when the deficit is trillions of dollars every year? Do they sit in a dark corner somewhere and say, "Ya know, our deficit this year is $2 trillion dollars. We would like to give the middle class a tax credit but it would make the deficit rise to $2.1 trillion which is completely out of the question."

I personally think that these pitches to raise taxes on the "rich" are only meant to raise support for various political leaders. This is because coveting is the human condition.

At the end of the day, those that want higher taxes will say that it helps the middle class, but I cry foul. I simply don't believe any of us will see a dime. It's like the trillions in stimulus money. Where in the hell did all of that money go? No one knows for sure. Meanwhile, and negative effects of raising taxes on the economy will be ignored, even though Obama once admitted that raising taxes when he first entered office would be counter productive to the economy.

Obama changes positions so often I'm wondering if he has a personality disorder.

All I know is that when government raises taxes, I never see a dime. How about you?
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Obama created untold wealth by printing $58 billion/month and driving interest rates to zero.

This left Wall Street the only investment haven for both the wealthy and the middle class.

In the meantime, Obama swelled the Food Stamp rolls and quadrupled Medicaid enrollment.

He has succeeded in manufacturing an accentuated wealth divide in this country.

And tomorrow he will deliver the slam dunk.

He may be an un-vetted undocumented Semi-Negro, but he's not stupid.

We have been set up like bowling pins.

This is simply one more step in the march towards the ruin of what was once a great American Nation.
The middle class won't get shit and you all know it. We have been here before. He lies. It never helps anyone but government..... when taxes go up.
What I don't get is the recent pitch to raise taxes on the rich.

Obama s tax proposals get cool reception from GOP lawmakers - Yahoo News

In the article they claim that the revenue generated will be used to give tax credits to the middle class.

So why do they need to raise revenue for tax credits when the deficit is trillions of dollars every year? Do they sit in a dark corner somewhere and say, "Ya know, our deficit this year is $2 trillion dollars. We would like to give the middle class a tax credit but it would make the deficit rise to $2.1 trillion which is completely out of the question."

I personally think that these pitches to raise taxes on the "rich" are only meant to raise support for various political leaders. This is because coveting is the human condition.

At the end of the day, those that want higher taxes will say that it helps the middle class, but I cry foul. I simply don't believe any of us will see a dime. It's like the trillions in stimulus money. Where in the hell did all of that money go? No one knows for sure. Meanwhile, and negative effects of raising taxes on the economy will be ignored, even though Obama once admitted that raising taxes when he first entered office would be counter productive to the economy.

Obama changes positions so often I'm wondering if he has a personality disorder.

All I know is that when government raises taxes, I never see a dime. How about you?

we are doomed out here

we got "republicans" like thune

who want to raise taxes on the fuel and stuff
Go to your nations capitol and you will see the way the rest of the nation was living before Pelosi Reid AND Obama took over. It's one of the only places in America that's doing well. On your hard earned dollars.
I never have and more often than not the revenue that is raised from increased taxes goes to everything except what the politicians say it will be used for.
Our money is best left in their hands. :lol:
I will consider that when they stop using it for things like studying methane emissions from cows or as it's more comically known cow farts.
What dupes don't notice is that Pubs raise taxes on THEM while pandering to the richest- who pay their bills.

When Pubs say Obama wants to raise taxes, they forget to say onthe RICH, while cutting them on the nonrich. Today, after 30 years of voodoo, everyone pays 21% in ALL taxes and fees, and 95% of new wealth goes to the 1%. SEE SIG, BRAINWASHED TWITS. See if you can spot when you got screwed:

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 30 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = 404
1 = Clipboard01.jpg image
2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez The White House
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis BEA
4 = http://www.prudentbear.com/index.php/household-sector-debt-of-gdp
4 = FRB Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--September 18 2014
5/6 = Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider

Overview = http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2010062415/reagan-revolution-home-roost-charts


Misconceptions and Realities About Who Pays Taxes mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

And basically shet the feck up. Ay caramba.
Go to your nations capitol and you will see the way the rest of the nation was living before Pelosi Reid AND Obama took over. It's one of the only places in America that's doing well. On your hard earned dollars.
Yup, the Booosh 2nd WORLD DEPRESSION never happened, and trickle down works great. MORON.
Go to your nations capitol and you will see the way the rest of the nation was living before Pelosi Reid AND Obama took over. It's one of the only places in America that's doing well. On your hard earned dollars.
Yup, the Booosh 2nd WORLD DEPRESSION never happened, and trickle down works great. MORON.

You can call me whatever you want but the economy was far better for everyone before the dems got their hands on it.
The middle class won't get shit and you all know it. We have been here before. He lies. It never helps anyone but government..... when taxes go up.
The hydrocarbon industries are the middle class's best friend. Yet Obama is hell bent on killing and burying hydrocarbons, as are his fellow Enviro-Marxists.

The great economic divide of recent years has been carefully orchestrated by Obama. He has succeeded in swelling the Food Stamp rolls, the Medicaid rolls, and has pumped Wall Streeters' numbers by printing $58 billion/month and driving interest rates to zero.

The economic gulf has never before been greater, and it is by design. Class warfare is afoot, and tomorrow Obama will deliver his Mea Culpa dividing this Nation yet further.
What I don't get is the recent pitch to raise taxes on the rich.

Obama s tax proposals get cool reception from GOP lawmakers - Yahoo News

In the article they claim that the revenue generated will be used to give tax credits to the middle class.

So why do they need to raise revenue for tax credits when the deficit is trillions of dollars every year? Do they sit in a dark corner somewhere and say, "Ya know, our deficit this year is $2 trillion dollars. We would like to give the middle class a tax credit but it would make the deficit rise to $2.1 trillion which is completely out of the question."

I personally think that these pitches to raise taxes on the "rich" are only meant to raise support for various political leaders. This is because coveting is the human condition.

At the end of the day, those that want higher taxes will say that it helps the middle class, but I cry foul. I simply don't believe any of us will see a dime. It's like the trillions in stimulus money. Where in the hell did all of that money go? No one knows for sure. Meanwhile, and negative effects of raising taxes on the economy will be ignored, even though Obama once admitted that raising taxes when he first entered office would be counter productive to the economy.

Obama changes positions so often I'm wondering if he has a personality disorder.

All I know is that when government raises taxes, I never see a dime. How about you?

will someone please explain the difference between deficit and debt to Von Votto.

then explain how making ALL of the Bush tax cuts permanent would add $3.2 BILLION to the debt picture by 2022.

thanks in advance.

trillions to the deficit every year? ... sheesh. Small wonder Republicans get elected.
It really doesn't matter what Obama says...he lies. We all know he fucking lies!
What I don't get is the recent pitch to raise taxes on the rich.

Obama s tax proposals get cool reception from GOP lawmakers - Yahoo News

In the article they claim that the revenue generated will be used to give tax credits to the middle class.

So why do they need to raise revenue for tax credits when the deficit is trillions of dollars every year? Do they sit in a dark corner somewhere and say, "Ya know, our deficit this year is $2 trillion dollars. We would like to give the middle class a tax credit but it would make the deficit rise to $2.1 trillion which is completely out of the question."

I personally think that these pitches to raise taxes on the "rich" are only meant to raise support for various political leaders. This is because coveting is the human condition.

At the end of the day, those that want higher taxes will say that it helps the middle class, but I cry foul. I simply don't believe any of us will see a dime. It's like the trillions in stimulus money. Where in the hell did all of that money go? No one knows for sure. Meanwhile, and negative effects of raising taxes on the economy will be ignored, even though Obama once admitted that raising taxes when he first entered office would be counter productive to the economy.

Obama changes positions so often I'm wondering if he has a personality disorder.

All I know is that when government raises taxes, I never see a dime. How about you?

will someone please explain the difference between deficit and debt to Von Votto.

then explain how making ALL of the Bush tax cuts permanent would add $3.2 BILLION to the debt picture by 2022.

thanks in advance.

trillions to the deficit every year? ... sheesh. Small wonder Republicans get elected.
I would number 7 but you won't get it so I won't waste my time.
What I don't get is the recent pitch to raise taxes on the rich.

Obama s tax proposals get cool reception from GOP lawmakers - Yahoo News

In the article they claim that the revenue generated will be used to give tax credits to the middle class.

So why do they need to raise revenue for tax credits when the deficit is trillions of dollars every year? Do they sit in a dark corner somewhere and say, "Ya know, our deficit this year is $2 trillion dollars. We would like to give the middle class a tax credit but it would make the deficit rise to $2.1 trillion which is completely out of the question."

I personally think that these pitches to raise taxes on the "rich" are only meant to raise support for various political leaders. This is because coveting is the human condition.

At the end of the day, those that want higher taxes will say that it helps the middle class, but I cry foul. I simply don't believe any of us will see a dime. It's like the trillions in stimulus money. Where in the hell did all of that money go? No one knows for sure. Meanwhile, and negative effects of raising taxes on the economy will be ignored, even though Obama once admitted that raising taxes when he first entered office would be counter productive to the economy.

Obama changes positions so often I'm wondering if he has a personality disorder.

All I know is that when government raises taxes, I never see a dime. How about you?

will someone please explain the difference between deficit and debt to Von Votto.

then explain how making ALL of the Bush tax cuts permanent would add $3.2 BILLION to the debt picture by 2022.

thanks in advance.

trillions to the deficit every year? ... sheesh. Small wonder Republicans get elected.
I would number 7 but you won't get it so I won't waste my time.

morons like you aren't capable of explaining anything to me.
What I don't get is the recent pitch to raise taxes on the rich.

Obama s tax proposals get cool reception from GOP lawmakers - Yahoo News

In the article they claim that the revenue generated will be used to give tax credits to the middle class.

So why do they need to raise revenue for tax credits when the deficit is trillions of dollars every year? Do they sit in a dark corner somewhere and say, "Ya know, our deficit this year is $2 trillion dollars. We would like to give the middle class a tax credit but it would make the deficit rise to $2.1 trillion which is completely out of the question."

Our deficit this year is about 1/4 what you claim.
The final numbers for 2014 announced yesterday by the U.S. Treasury show the federal deficit for the fiscal year that just ended did indeed fall as precipitously as I previously reported. As the reportshows, the actual 2014 deficit was $483 billion, $3 billion less than what the Congressional Budget Office estimated a week ago.

For the record, $483 billion is $197 billion below the almost $680 billion deficit recorded in 2013. It’s also $930 billion, that is, close to $1 trillion, less than the largely recession-caused $1.4 trillion deficit in 2009. (Attention trolls: the Congressional Budget Office projected in early 2009, that is, before the start of the Obama administration, that, because of the recession, the deficit that year would be $1.2 trillion.)

In dollar terms, 2014 was the lowest federal deficit since 2008. And in the category most important to economists – the deficit as a percent of Gross Domestic Product – the 2014 deficit was 2.8 percent of GDP, the smallest since 2007.

Stop And Smell The Roses Final 2014 Federal Deficit Fell...Big Time - Forbes

Where did you get the 2 trillion dollar deficit figure? Even 2009, the largest deficit in US history, was only 1.4 trillion. The deficit is the smallest since 2008. And the the smallest percentage of GDP since 2007.

I personally think that these pitches to raise taxes on the "rich" are only meant to raise support for various political leaders. This is because coveting is the human condition.

I personally think it just make sense. What is being proposed is an increase in long term capital gains taxes of about 4.2% for earners over $500,000 a year. Its a modest increase effecting a very, very narrow cross section of our country. And there's no reason capital gains should enjoy a priveledged position in our tax structure. Stock speculation doesn't actually produce anything. It provides no service. It provides no goods. It improves nothing. It invents nothing.

It simply transfers funds from one stock speculator to another. 99% of all stock transactions are by hedge funds now anyway, with only 1% for all the rest of us. So why this massive tax loophole that overwhelmingly benefits the wealthy and grows the economy in no meaningful way?

Actual labor creates things. It provides services. It builds buildings. It produces goods. It adds to the economy in a meaningful way. Yet it is increases through labor that are burdened with the higher tax rates, while the useless increases of stock speculation are given the choice lower tax rates. That makes absolutely no sense.

Obama's proposing using the modest capital gains increases to fund his community college imitative and a moderate tax cut for the middle class. The former a superb investment in our future. The latter an economic shot in the arm, providing funds for those who actually do shit. Who actually build things, grow businesses, provide services and make goods. Meaning that we'll see even more actual growth in our economy.

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