Obama warned disabled vets today that sequester may affect their benifits


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Jul 11, 2004
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Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, August 10, 2013, 7:48 PM

What a horrible Commander in Chief.
Barack Obama warned disabled veterans today that the sequester (his idea) may affect their benefits.

Then he flew off to Martha’s Vineyard for a lavish week-long vacation.
The AP reported:

President Obama took his case for ending the sequester to hundreds of disabled veterans Saturday, saying he protected their benefits from the “reckless” cuts to the federal budget but suggesting next year might be different.

“It’s hurting our military. I made it clear that your veteran’s benefits are exempt from this year’s sequester,” the president said to the applause of hundreds at the Disabled American Veterans’ convention in Orlando, Fla. “But I want to tell you going forward the best way to protect the VA care you have earned is to get rid of this sequester altogether.”

The president but the blame squarely on Congress, which returns in about four weeks to work on a new federal budget and increasing the federal debt limit.

“We’ve got these reckless, across-the-board budget cuts called the sequester that are hitting a lot of folks hard,” Obama said. “Congress needs to come together and agree on a responsible plan that reduces our deficit and keeps our promises to our veterans and keeps our promises to future generations.”

The cuts went into effect in March after Congress and the White House failed to agree on a more balanced plan to cut government spending.

Then he jetted off to Martha’s Vineyard.

all of it here
The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback
the UNITER in action...what a horrible President and person

[ame=http://youtu.be/0KiHmRc2sWY]Obama Rants At GOP Over Its Fixation On Denying Health Care To Millions - YouTube[/ame]
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Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, August 10, 2013, 7:48 PM

What a horrible Commander in Chief.
Barack Obama warned disabled veterans today that the sequester (his idea) may affect their benefits.

Then he flew off to Martha’s Vineyard for a lavish week-long vacation.
The AP reported:

President Obama took his case for ending the sequester to hundreds of disabled veterans Saturday, saying he protected their benefits from the “reckless” cuts to the federal budget but suggesting next year might be different.

“It’s hurting our military. I made it clear that your veteran’s benefits are exempt from this year’s sequester,” the president said to the applause of hundreds at the Disabled American Veterans’ convention in Orlando, Fla. “But I want to tell you going forward the best way to protect the VA care you have earned is to get rid of this sequester altogether.”

The president but the blame squarely on Congress, which returns in about four weeks to work on a new federal budget and increasing the federal debt limit.

“We’ve got these reckless, across-the-board budget cuts called the sequester that are hitting a lot of folks hard,” Obama said. “Congress needs to come together and agree on a responsible plan that reduces our deficit and keeps our promises to our veterans and keeps our promises to future generations.”

The cuts went into effect in March after Congress and the White House failed to agree on a more balanced plan to cut government spending.

Then he jetted off to Martha’s Vineyard.

all of it here
The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

Of course we GET the point that Obama is taking a holiday on taxpayers dime, we really do.

Is he wrong about the threat to veterans, though?
links at site

Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, August 10, 2013, 7:48 PM

What a horrible Commander in Chief.
Barack Obama warned disabled veterans today that the sequester (his idea) may affect their benefits.

Then he flew off to Martha’s Vineyard for a lavish week-long vacation.
The AP reported:

President Obama took his case for ending the sequester to hundreds of disabled veterans Saturday, saying he protected their benefits from the “reckless” cuts to the federal budget but suggesting next year might be different.

“It’s hurting our military. I made it clear that your veteran’s benefits are exempt from this year’s sequester,” the president said to the applause of hundreds at the Disabled American Veterans’ convention in Orlando, Fla. “But I want to tell you going forward the best way to protect the VA care you have earned is to get rid of this sequester altogether.”

The president but the blame squarely on Congress, which returns in about four weeks to work on a new federal budget and increasing the federal debt limit.

“We’ve got these reckless, across-the-board budget cuts called the sequester that are hitting a lot of folks hard,” Obama said. “Congress needs to come together and agree on a responsible plan that reduces our deficit and keeps our promises to our veterans and keeps our promises to future generations.”

The cuts went into effect in March after Congress and the White House failed to agree on a more balanced plan to cut government spending.

Then he jetted off to Martha’s Vineyard.

all of it here
The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

Of course we GET the point that Obama is taking a holiday on taxpayers dime, we really do.

Is he wrong about the threat to veterans, though?

Is he?
and you don't mind a President using our disabled vets for political fodder and bullying?
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Pride goes before a fall, Stephanie. Obama's fall will go down in history as the greatest fall of any american president. Imagine being remembered as the President on watch when the Russians hit us on the 4 corners of our nation with a limited nuclear strike. America still has many friends who depend upon us for trade, etc. He will be the most despised man on the face of the earth. Wait and see. Even his own daughters will despise him. It's coming. Pity the fool. That is all he is. A fool.

- J.

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