Karl Rove Rips Trump’s ‘Reckless Petulance’ For Indictment, Argues ‘Any Staffer Found Guilty’ Would Go To Prison For Same Behavior

Karl Rove, the former deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush, tore into Donald Trump this week over the DOJ’s 37-count criminal indictment of the former president.

Unlike many on the right, Rove pointed the finger directly at Trump, not the Justice Department for the indictment coming to fruition. “The blame for this calamity rests solely on Mr. Trump and his childish impulse to keep mementos from his time in the Oval Office, no matter what the law says,” Rove wrote in the Wall Street Journal Wednesday.

Rove then explains some of the allegations and quotes from the indictment, writing that Trump “ordered a fleet of trucks to carry away hundreds of boxes of letters, reports, memos and other documents he’d received as president.” Rove then explains:

“Those documents didn’t belong to Mr. Trump, and he surely knew that. The president’s lawyers and staff must have warned him he couldn’t take the files,” he adds, arguing Trump knew full well he was breaking the law.

Rove notes that Trump’s “top aides with security clearances had been made well aware of classified documents’ sensitivity” and argues:

Rove goes on to note that background explains why Trump explicitly worked to retain the documents once the National Archives asked for them back,” adding:

Rove pulled no punches in his conclusion, writing, “Instead of living up to his office, Mr. Trump treated it and America’s national security flippantly, taking thousands of presidential records, among them hundreds of highly classified documents.”

“Any staffer found guilty of doing that would go to prison for breaking the laws protecting the nation’s secrets, as Mr. Trump is now charged,” Rove adds before noting that Trump’s ongoing criminal proceedings are a dark moment for the U.S. and the country “will pay a high price for the former president’s reckless petulance. So will he.”

Is Karl on point or is he just another member of the Deeeeep State out to get Trump.

Can anyone show me where Rove is in error on his assessment of Trump's actions.
The same goes for Biden, Hillary AND her husband, Pence, Obama, Bush, etc., except none of them were indicted for it. Had they ALSO been indicted then Trump supporters wouldnt have an argument, but they werent. Thats the problem.
Karl Rove should burn in hell.
Why did you vote for his guy twice then?

Did you buy your kids one of these back during the Bush years?


I't fun watching former Bush sycophants pretend they were against Bush and company all along
The same goes for Biden, Hillary AND her husband, Pence, Obama, Bush, etc., except none of them were indicted for it. Had they ALSO been indicted then Trump supporters wouldnt have an argument, but they werent. Thats the problem.
Why would they need to be indicted?
They cooperated with the investigation.
It's fun watching you folks explain why Trump himself admitted that the deleted Hillary emails are mainly bullshit like her nail and hair appointments and NOT NATIONAL SECURITY secrets....


You know, like the ones you folks are both claiming were planted on him by the FBI and ALSO claiming he had them because they were his.....make that make sense..
Because it was widely reported on, even directly from the head of the FBI. What reason do YOU have to not believe it?
When the FBI reports stuff on Trump, with pictures, do you believe it?
Why did you vote for his guy twice then?

Did you buy your kids one of these back during the Bush years?

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I't fun watching former Bush sycophants pretend they were against Bush and company all along
We vote for two people in a general election. We get which was forced on us for the most part by the elites and establishment leaders. W was a left leaning Republican Neo Con. Joe is a man pushed as a moderate Democrat who is in reality a far-left Progressive Socialist. Neo Lib war monger and it is not far enough for some of the people in his party. Trump was for peace. And the men and women who spouse love for everything seem to are their teeth to stay in lock step to what they are told so they can have sex with anything having an orifice in any way.

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