Obama welcomes Americans who thwarted train attack

This was so expected.
Did you get this from "the donald"?


There haven't been a lot of decent human beings in the WH since that meat muppet moved in.

Tell us how the conservatives care about Americans. Denying them their own freedoms of choice and denying them the right to live their lives with someone they love.
Denying them the right to a decent livable wage. Tell us all the great things they do for America.
When they are for companies moving overseas to find workers there they can exploit to pay low wages too.
They, you conservatives, are such humanitarians. And true Americans.
Your colors always shine. And it is the color of contempt and greed.

For all the conservatives that never see anything good that President Obama does.
Obama welcomes Americans who thwarted train attack

Only because one of them was a black guy.
that and the dems now have one thing they can keep pointing to as if its proof that they actually care about Americans.
If this was just after an election, they would never have been mentioned by the poo stain in the white house.

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