Obama Went To Afghanistan To Sign Away Our Military Options Including Drone Attacks

So in other words, no proof only speculation.
Which destroys your credibility, like you ever had any.

Even the lame stream media reported on this yesterday. In depth I might add. It seems you've simply had your head in the sand for too long. The op is accurate.
What's wrong with these people?

Ted Turner said the other day it wasn't fair that we had nukes and Iran didn't.

He said it wasn't fair that Israel had 100 nukes and Iran had no nukes.

He wants all of us to have them or nobody.

Well, he's crazy if he thinks nobody will have them.

I guess the fucker's crazy. I think Obama wants the same thing......so is he crazy too?

It would be nice if there were no nukes, but just because a nation is Muslim and they have the bomb does not make it a threat to those countries that are not Muslim and have the bomb.

You're crazy. Muslims are a threat to everyone if they have nukes. And they are a threat to the Persian Gulf region. They don't have to use them, just threaten to use them. Nobody wants to see them actually use one.

However they have said several times once they have something they can deliver accurately they will use it. It's what they live for. I guess 9/11 wasn't evidence enough of their suicidal nature for you.
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Bans Pakistan raids | Obama Karzai deal | Special forces | The Daily Caller

President Barack Obama has promised not to attack Pakistan-based al-Qaida leaders or fighters from bases inside Afghanistan.

The surprising commitment effectively bars Obama and his successors from launching another nighttime helicopter raid like the one that that killed Osama bin Laden. That raid has proven to be Obama’s primary foreign-policy success because it killed bin Laden, scooped up much intelligence data and shocked Pakistan.

Obama’s commitment will also end the use of secretive drone-attacks from Afghanistan. Those attacks have killed hundreds of al-Qaida leaders since the mid-2000s. They’ve also been very popular with U.S voters, and usually have had tacit Pakistan approval.

Read more: Bans Pakistan raids | Obama Karzai deal | Special forces | The Daily Caller

EDITORIAL: Obama's midnight madness - Washington Times

The agreement's primary purpose is to protect taliban and al quadea fighters attacking the Afghan government from inside Pakistan.
Whoa. Stop. Wait a minute!

As far back as the 2008 campaign, when Obama said he WOULD attack terrorist targets inside countries even WITHOUT their permission,

he was subjected to a near-unanimous attack from the Right. It became a significant component in the argument that Obama was not fit to be president from a foreign policy standpoint.

Now, you same people are arguing that he is giving up our RIGHT to do that by working out an agreement with a foreign nation?

Are you serious? Do any of you EVER think before you post?
Whoa. Stop. Wait a minute!

As far back as the 2008 campaign, when Obama said he WOULD attack terrorist targets inside countries even WITHOUT their permission,

he was subjected to a near-unanimous attack from the Right. It became a significant component in the argument that Obama was not fit to be president from a foreign policy standpoint.

Now, you same people are arguing that he is giving up our RIGHT to do that by working out an agreement with a foreign nation?

Are you serious? Do any of you EVER think before you post?

You mean the right acts like the left? :lol: Good you guys deserve the best....:eusa_boohoo:
obama intends that Pakistan be able to shield terrorists. They will.

Obama was never told the identity of the guys that went into the compound and especially he was not told who pulled the trigger..........because they feel he might let somebody know who it was.

And their identity end up in the news.

Discovery channel is talking about the Bin Laden raid and about other missions, including participation in Blackhawk Down.

It's interesting.......but I wish they wouldn't talk about this......
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Whoa. Stop. Wait a minute!

As far back as the 2008 campaign, when Obama said he WOULD attack terrorist targets inside countries even WITHOUT their permission,

he was subjected to a near-unanimous attack from the Right. It became a significant component in the argument that Obama was not fit to be president from a foreign policy standpoint.

Now, you same people are arguing that he is giving up our RIGHT to do that by working out an agreement with a foreign nation?

Are you serious? Do any of you EVER think before you post?


Since Obama has been president he has turned over intelligence, technology, and helped give aid to our enemies over and over.

This is yet another example of it.

Why is he doing this?

Well, one reason is both his parents were communists. Another is he learned to think this way in our universities.

So basically our country is at risk as long as he is in a position of power.

This is a fact.

Well no he hasn't.

And the agreement is basically a farce. The United States still reserves the right to hit high value terrorists.

Which basically means the Drone attacks will continue as will any raids that need to be done at night.

But don't let reality get in the way of a good rant. This was basically done to shore up Afghan support for Karzai.
Since Obama has been president he has turned over intelligence, technology, and helped give aid to our enemies over and over.

This is yet another example of it.

Why is he doing this?

Well, one reason is both his parents were communists. Another is he learned to think this way in our universities.

So basically our country is at risk as long as he is in a position of power.

This is a fact.

Well no he hasn't.

And the agreement is basically a farce. The United States still reserves the right to hit high value terrorists.

Which basically means the Drone attacks will continue as will any raids that need to be done at night.

But don't let reality get in the way of a good rant. This was basically done to shore up Afghan support for Karzai.

Sorry, but you're full of it.

Obama signed away the very tactics that allowed us to kill OBL in Pakistan. Obama will use them elsewhere, but not in Afghanistan or Pakistan were the fighting is currently taking place.

SEALs are sounding off about it.
Since Obama has been president he has turned over intelligence, technology, and helped give aid to our enemies over and over.

This is yet another example of it.

Why is he doing this?

Well, one reason is both his parents were communists. Another is he learned to think this way in our universities.

So basically our country is at risk as long as he is in a position of power.

This is a fact.
And just think...after his recoronation, he'll have more flexibility!
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It's pathetic seeing liberals like Swallow with no military experience talk about what is and isn't needed on the AFPAK borber war.

Now, if I want to know about golden showers, painting my nails, etc then I would ask Swallow.

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