Obama White House Threatens Reporter

Well, now we know all of this is just a lot of horse shit. This Lanny person has zero credibility and even Woodward has admitted there was no threat. Let's move along folks; there's nothing to see here.

Except for the fact that people are jumping on a 'story' before they know all the facts. That's the modern media for you.
Best metaphor for Bob Woodward...

He is to journalism what Madonna is to music...

What a bunch of clutch the pearls drama queens. It was hardly a "threat".

ODS, there is no cure.

Bob Woodward called it a threat, he has ODS now?

No, he's a drama queen. The rest of ya'll jumping on his drama have ODS.

The only real drama is coming from Obama himself. Have you ever noticed, when he doesn't get his way... such as the need for a stimulus, or the debt ceiling .., he always goes to the same short list of consequences he has laid by his desk. This will effect teachers, air traffic controllers can't do their job, police officers can't protect us.... just rewind the same video tape with each drummed up crisis. Why not at least get a little more creative? I'm sure the sanitation workers are feeling a bit left out at the moment. Perhaps they want to hear their job mentioned at least once? You know, give them the chance to be "used" so the President to go on spending as he has been.
Well, now we know all of this is just a lot of horse shit. This Lanny person has zero credibility and even Woodward has admitted there was no threat. Let's move along folks; there's nothing to see here.

Except for the fact that people are jumping on a 'story' before they know all the facts. That's the modern media for you.

Sadly the only "credible" person is Obama in the minds of you people:bow3:
I find this quote telling of the circumstances. And it exposes the methodology of this Presidential admin....
From the link I posted earlier....
" Woodward's report has rankled administration officials, particularly since it undermines the narrative the White House has been pushing ahead the March 1 sequester deadline."
The important point is "the narrative"...In looking at this, it is clear that the White House makes it known that the direction of issues and the news on policy is dictated by the White House. It is expected to be repeated and no deviation from the White House dictate will be tolerated.
For over 4 years we have seen the main stream media coddle and protect Obama.
Now one of their own has gone off the reservation. Blasphemy!
Hence the reason for the threat "you could regret this"...
This is the opening.
I expect the White House to go into full combat alert.
It is my hope that Obama loses his cool in public. Because right now I believe the man is fuming.

With Obama going after a reporter for "going off the reservation", when he thought he had a go to guy who will go out and "represent OBAMA'S best interests", I'm curious to see how the other left wing reporters (news anchors, and commentators) will interpret this in the days ahead? Will they stand by Obama and really begin to show their bias favoritism, or will they stand with Woodward? What would happen to the Obama administration, if these continued threats, bully pulpit tactics, or demonizing those who disagree with [oppose] him... resulted in a press conference where only 6 reporters showed up? How would the administration respond? Which side will the press stand up to and be willing to accept? Some on the left LOVE to boast on unions standing up for worker's rights .... lets see if there is this same collective support for the right of the press.
He was a lot better then the idiot we have now.

now that's funny. that's a joke right? it has to be. Obama is leaps and bounds better than any GOP knuckledragger we have seen in 40 years.

Lets not forget, under Obama we were not losing 800k jobs a Fing month. Did you forget that already?

I fail to see how households earning less than they have been (by over 8%) since 2007, and that this nation has seen more PART time work than any other moment in recorded history, is a vast improvement. Add to that the devaluing of the US dollar, by having the treasury print more currency in response to an added $6 trillion in debt, were IS this economic improvement exactly?
Bob Woodward called it a threat, he has ODS now?

No, he's a drama queen. The rest of ya'll jumping on his drama have ODS.

The only real drama is coming from Obama himself. Have you ever noticed, when he doesn't get his way... such as the need for a stimulus, or the debt ceiling .., he always goes to the same short list of consequences he has laid by his desk. This will effect teachers, air traffic controllers can't do their job, police officers can't protect us.... just rewind the same video tape with each drummed up crisis. Why not at least get a little more creative? I'm sure the sanitation workers are feeling a bit left out at the moment. Perhaps they want to hear their job mentioned at least once? You know, give them the chance to be "used" so the President to go on spending as he has been.

But that's exactly what happens.

State employment rolls are at historic lows..all around the country.

That did not happen with Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush II - All of whom got money to give to states to hire people.

The spigot was turned off.

So when UE ticks up?

You folks should be cheering.
He was a lot better then the idiot we have now.

now that's funny. that's a joke right? it has to be. Obama is leaps and bounds better than any GOP knuckledragger we have seen in 40 years.

Lets not forget, under Obama we were not losing 800k jobs a Fing month. Did you forget that already?

I fail to see how households earning less than they have been (by over 8%) since 2007, and that this nation has seen more PART time work than any other moment in recorded history, is a vast improvement. Add to that the devaluing of the US dollar, by having the treasury print more currency in response to an added $6 trillion in debt, were IS this economic improvement exactly?

First off you are in fantasy land. The Dollar has been ticking up when compared to currencies world wide. Which means it's getting stronger. So, where exactly is it "devalued"?

Second off..since when do you folks care what people earn? You've done everything possible to drive wages down. You really should be happy about this.
I find this quote telling of the circumstances. And it exposes the methodology of this Presidential admin....
From the link I posted earlier....
" Woodward's report has rankled administration officials, particularly since it undermines the narrative the White House has been pushing ahead the March 1 sequester deadline."
The important point is "the narrative"...In looking at this, it is clear that the White House makes it known that the direction of issues and the news on policy is dictated by the White House. It is expected to be repeated and no deviation from the White House dictate will be tolerated.
For over 4 years we have seen the main stream media coddle and protect Obama.
Now one of their own has gone off the reservation. Blasphemy!
Hence the reason for the threat "you could regret this"...
This is the opening.
I expect the White House to go into full combat alert.
It is my hope that Obama loses his cool in public. Because right now I believe the man is fuming.

With Obama going after a reporter for "going off the reservation", when he thought he had a go to guy who will go out and "represent OBAMA'S best interests", I'm curious to see how the other left wing reporters (news anchors, and commentators) will interpret this in the days ahead? Will they stand by Obama and really begin to show their bias favoritism, or will they stand with Woodward? What would happen to the Obama administration, if these continued threats, bully pulpit tactics, or demonizing those who disagree with [oppose] him... resulted in a press conference where only 6 reporters showed up? How would the administration respond? Which side will the press stand up to and be willing to accept? Some on the left LOVE to boast on unions standing up for worker's rights .... lets see if there is this same collective support for the right of the press.

Guess the Woodward emails didn't make it to the FOX Conservative Propaganda Network yet.
When will rw's admit Woodward lied?

Even though Woodward went on national TV and admitted he lied, rw's will never admit it.

SSDD in rw fantasy land.
As if we needed one, this thread is one more act by the drama queen of arch-conservatvism. A movement known best as one which creates hysteria from innuendo, rumor, half-truths and lies.
Losing jobs during a recession is par for the course.

Are you suggesting losing 800k jobs is par for the course?? That is asinine.

What is assinine...and somewhat unethical....is you snipping out my explanation of why the 800K number...the housing bubble bursting. You took my one sentence out of context by snipping out the rest of it. One who intentionally takes a sentence out of context during a debate is one who is doubtful about ones position in the debate.
When all is said and done....the POTUS is a leader.

okay. But let me give you a 5th grade lesson, the POUTS is only 1/3 of the overall governing body. The best the POTUS can do is use his veto and bring ideas to the table. Its up to the other 2/3 to do the work as well. Obama has been a fine leader, he lead us through a GOP made mess. But you have an agenda dont you.. He can jump to the moon and back but with out a working Congress, he only 1/3 of the government.

Your lesson is useless as it does not at all address my post.

it is nothing more than a childish attrempt to come across as superior.

ANd I am not interested in debating a fraud...for you are by no means superior.
This morn, Bob Woodward referred to the Obama claim that he wouldn't send some ships to the Gulf due to impending budget cuts he would be 'forced' to make.

Woodward flat out said that this was "madness" (his word!)

Woodward said Reagan nor any other President would fail to protect the nation using a political ploy.

"The Washington Post's Bob Woodward ripped into President Barack Obama on "Morning Joe" today, saying he's exhibiting a "kind of madness I haven't seen in a long time" for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns."

Read more: Bob Woodward: Obama's Sequester 'Madness' - Business Insider

Later....the White House emailed Woodward, threatening him....."you'll regret this!"

Woodward: White House Telling Reporters "You Will Regret Doing This" Makes Me "Very Uncomfortable" - YouTube

And now they are crucifying Woodward for exposing obama. It is so pathetic. And, on top of that, all the libs on this board are busy providing cover for the WH by "explaining" that Woodward is the bad guy. It's absolutely amazing to me that the asshole libs are chastising Woodward when they were the ones who were praising him when he brought down Nixon, among other things. POS, all of them.

E-mails are emerging that put a very different slant on this. The Whitehouse official was not 'threatening' Woodward. He was saying Woodward would regret publishing material that was not correct on the slant Woodward was giving it. He was telling Woodward he wasn't understanding the material and would regret, as a reporter, that he'd published material that was incorrect. It's kind of like this thread and the other one: people jumping to conclusions about something they don't have all the information on. The Whitehouse official was not warning or threatening Woodward that they were going to get some kind of revenge on him.

I think Woodward will regret that he went on television and talked to anyone who would listen about the Whitehouse trying to intimidate him. It is being proven through a series of e-mails that he was not threatened at all. Woodward has become an attention whore instead of a serious journalist.

"Woodward would regret..."

So....we agree that that as the import?

Is that a threat?

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.
A. Fox "news" is not a credible news source
B. Woodward's "threat" has been debunked. Where is the proof of this other joker?

Not credible as it doesn't align itself with the rest of the left wing media. After all CNN and MSNBC are highly credible without bias, right? The left wing media needs to protect its own by spinning their own side of the story, for the sake of President Obama. Notice how the left is so desperate in its attempts to try and "put out the fire" ? They act as if Woodward was the only reporter confronted by this administration, for making a statement that places this president in anything but a positive light. The left simply doesn't want to see "the One" image tarnished.
And now they are crucifying Woodward for exposing obama. It is so pathetic. And, on top of that, all the libs on this board are busy providing cover for the WH by "explaining" that Woodward is the bad guy. It's absolutely amazing to me that the asshole libs are chastising Woodward when they were the ones who were praising him when he brought down Nixon, among other things. POS, all of them.

E-mails are emerging that put a very different slant on this. The Whitehouse official was not 'threatening' Woodward. He was saying Woodward would regret publishing material that was not correct on the slant Woodward was giving it. He was telling Woodward he wasn't understanding the material and would regret, as a reporter, that he'd published material that was incorrect. It's kind of like this thread and the other one: people jumping to conclusions about something they don't have all the information on. The Whitehouse official was not warning or threatening Woodward that they were going to get some kind of revenge on him.

I think Woodward will regret that he went on television and talked to anyone who would listen about the Whitehouse trying to intimidate him. It is being proven through a series of e-mails that he was not threatened at all. Woodward has become an attention whore instead of a serious journalist.

"Woodward would regret..."

So....we agree that that as the import?

Is that a threat?

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

Regretfully, Woodward himself nullified the threat thing.

:thup: True story!

Put down that NY Post!

And now they are crucifying Woodward for exposing obama. It is so pathetic. And, on top of that, all the libs on this board are busy providing cover for the WH by "explaining" that Woodward is the bad guy. It's absolutely amazing to me that the asshole libs are chastising Woodward when they were the ones who were praising him when he brought down Nixon, among other things. POS, all of them.

E-mails are emerging that put a very different slant on this. The Whitehouse official was not 'threatening' Woodward. He was saying Woodward would regret publishing material that was not correct on the slant Woodward was giving it. He was telling Woodward he wasn't understanding the material and would regret, as a reporter, that he'd published material that was incorrect. It's kind of like this thread and the other one: people jumping to conclusions about something they don't have all the information on. The Whitehouse official was not warning or threatening Woodward that they were going to get some kind of revenge on him.

I think Woodward will regret that he went on television and talked to anyone who would listen about the Whitehouse trying to intimidate him. It is being proven through a series of e-mails that he was not threatened at all. Woodward has become an attention whore instead of a serious journalist.

"Woodward would regret..."

So....we agree that that as the import?

Is that a threat?

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

What you are doing is trying to put a spin on it that doesn't match up with reality. We know, everyone knows, even Rush Limbaugh has conceded that Woodward was not threatened, that the 'regret' in question was that Woodward would regret rreporting incorrectly on the situation. Everyone knows that now. Trying to continue to put a different spin on it just makes a person look assinine.
These left-wing thugs in the current Administration, from the top down, need to be exposed for the scum they are.

It was clear long ago to those willing to see.

The others? Look at the contortions Obama supporters are going through in this thread, trying to defend the indefensible.

Remember this?

"Thuggery is unattractive. Ineffective thuggery even more so. Which may be one reason so many Americans have been reacting negatively to the response of Barack Obama and his administration to BP's Gulf oil spill.

Take Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's remark that he would keep his "boot on the neck" of BP, which brings to mind George Orwell's definition of totalitarianism as "a boot stamping on a human face — forever." Except that Salazar's boot hasn't gotten much in the way of results yet.

Or consider Obama's undoubtedly carefully considered statement to Matt Lauer that he was consulting with experts "so I know whose ass to kick." Attacking others is a standard campaign tactic when you're in political trouble, and certainly BP, which appears to have taken unwise shortcuts in the Gulf, is an attractive target.

But you don't always win arguments that way. The Obama White House gleefully took on Dick Cheney on the issue of terrorist interrogations. It turned out that more Americans agreed with Cheney's stand, despite his low poll numbers, than Obama's.

Then there is Obama's decision to impose a six-month moratorium on deep-water oil drilling in the Gulf. This penalizes companies with better safety records than BP's and will result in many advanced drilling rigs being sent to offshore oil fields abroad.
The justification offered was an Interior Department report supposedly "peer reviewed" by "experts identified by the National Academy of Engineering."

But it turned out the drafts the experts saw didn't include any recommendation for a moratorium. Eight of the cited experts have said they oppose the moratorium as more economically devastating than the oil spill and "counterproductive" to safety."
Chicago Way Doesn't Work In Gulf Crisis - Investors.com

He's been a thug since he began....and the thug-ettes are lining up behind him.

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