Obama White House Threatens Reporter

right wingers be weary of this guy, let me give you a first hand experience.

Im a hard core Democrat, always will be. During Bush II's stint in the WH Woodward promised a book that was going to slam Bush II and his cronies. This book was red meat for any Bush II hatin Democrat, which certainly was me.

So, I bought the book. OMG, maybe the only book I ever wanted to take back and bitch slap the author in the face for wasting my time. What a waste of paper.

I have a feeling hes now ready to tap into the anti Obama conservative media money maker. Just my 0.02.

What's the matter? You're pissed because Woodward didn't give you enough juicy lies about Bush? Are you mad because he couldn't find anything to ruin Bush for life? Now you're afraid Woodward is going to show everyone what a criminal your president is!!! Lol!
You know the funny thing about e-mails? They get saved...they get shown.

This morn, Bob Woodward referred to the Obama claim that he wouldn't send some ships to the Gulf due to impending budget cuts he would be 'forced' to make.

Woodward flat out said that this was "madness" (his word!)

Woodward said Reagan nor any other President would fail to protect the nation using a political ploy.

"The Washington Post's Bob Woodward ripped into President Barack Obama on "Morning Joe" today, saying he's exhibiting a "kind of madness I haven't seen in a long time" for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns."

Read more: Bob Woodward: Obama's Sequester 'Madness' - Business Insider

Later....the White House emailed Woodward, threatening him....."you'll regret this!"

Woodward: White House Telling Reporters "You Will Regret Doing This" Makes Me "Very Uncomfortable" - YouTube

And now they are crucifying Woodward for exposing obama. It is so pathetic. And, on top of that, all the libs on this board are busy providing cover for the WH by "explaining" that Woodward is the bad guy. It's absolutely amazing to me that the asshole libs are chastising Woodward when they were the ones who were praising him when he brought down Nixon, among other things. POS, all of them.
Losing jobs during a recession is par for the course.

Are you suggesting losing 800k jobs is par for the course?? That is asinine.

When all is said and done....the POTUS is a leader.

okay. But let me give you a 5th grade lesson, the POUTS is only 1/3 of the overall governing body. The best the POTUS can do is use his veto and bring ideas to the table. Its up to the other 2/3 to do the work as well. Obama has been a fine leader, he lead us through a GOP made mess. But you have an agenda dont you.. He can jump to the moon and back but with out a working Congress, he only 1/3 of the government.

Seems you're a lot more understanding than when GWB was POTUS (with a Democrat controlled House and Senate). Since "the best the POTUS can do is use his veto power and bring ideas to the table..." why does GWB get the blame for the the financial crises? Because he's a Republican and YOU have an agenda?

Since Democrats control the Senate (1/3) and the White House (1/3), Obama HAS 2/3 of the "overall governing body."

When Democrats controlled the House, Senate and White House, (that's 3/3..lol)this "fine leader" couldn't even get a Budget passed.

Obama doesn't lead he campaigns.....he hasn't "led" the country though anything; Republicans and Democrats share the blame for the "mess", but Fannie and Freddie were the biggest contributors to the financial meltdown and Democrats own those institutions and the policies that led to the proliferation of sub-prime mortgages.

The crises may be over but the country's still in a mess and it's because of Obama's failed policies. And there's no end in sight.

It's funny that you meant to type POTUS and instead typed POUTS....which is actually a better description of President Obama.
These left-wing thugs in the current Administration, from the top down, need to be exposed for the scum they are.
Regardless of how you feel about Woodward (and I don't like him much), it doesn't change the fact that he was threatened. And whether or not the threat implied violence or just political retaliation, it was still a threat. If the Bush administration (or any OTHER Republican administration) had done this, we would hear nothing else from the media from that point on.

Yes, the hypocrisy is stunning in its attempt at guile~ It's as if they think no one can see it.
Regardless of how you feel about Woodward (and I don't like him much), it doesn't change the fact that he was threatened. And whether or not the threat implied violence or just political retaliation, it was still a threat. If the Bush administration (or any OTHER Republican administration) had done this, we would hear nothing else from the media from that point on.

Yes, the hypocrisy is stunning in its attempt at guile~ It's as if they think no one can see it.
I don't think they've awakened from their love hangover yet. Perhaps they never will. I'm betting they all get a thrill up their leg every time their messiah speaks (or reads).
He was a lot better then the idiot we have now.

now that's funny. that's a joke right? it has to be. Obama is leaps and bounds better than any GOP knuckledragger we have seen in 40 years.

Lets not forget, under Obama we were not losing 800k jobs a Fing month. Did you forget that already?

Better at what?
It is Obama's policies that have stopped the economy from recovering. You can lie to yourself and spew the lib talking points that this is all the fault of previous occupants of the White House. The fact is, this is Obama's watch. The problem is none of you will allow yourselves to recognize that fact.
I did not realize Obama is also the nation's hiring manager.
This morn, Bob Woodward referred to the Obama claim that he wouldn't send some ships to the Gulf due to impending budget cuts he would be 'forced' to make.

Woodward flat out said that this was "madness" (his word!)

Woodward said Reagan nor any other President would fail to protect the nation using a political ploy.

"The Washington Post's Bob Woodward ripped into President Barack Obama on "Morning Joe" today, saying he's exhibiting a "kind of madness I haven't seen in a long time" for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns."

Read more: Bob Woodward: Obama's Sequester 'Madness' - Business Insider

Later....the White House emailed Woodward, threatening him....."you'll regret this!"

Woodward: White House Telling Reporters "You Will Regret Doing This" Makes Me "Very Uncomfortable" - YouTube

And now they are crucifying Woodward for exposing obama. It is so pathetic. And, on top of that, all the libs on this board are busy providing cover for the WH by "explaining" that Woodward is the bad guy. It's absolutely amazing to me that the asshole libs are chastising Woodward when they were the ones who were praising him when he brought down Nixon, among other things. POS, all of them.

E-mails are emerging that put a very different slant on this. The Whitehouse official was not 'threatening' Woodward. He was saying Woodward would regret publishing material that was not correct on the slant Woodward was giving it. He was telling Woodward he wasn't understanding the material and would regret, as a reporter, that he'd published material that was incorrect. It's kind of like this thread and the other one: people jumping to conclusions about something they don't have all the information on. The Whitehouse official was not warning or threatening Woodward that they were going to get some kind of revenge on him.

I think Woodward will regret that he went on television and talked to anyone who would listen about the Whitehouse trying to intimidate him. It is being proven through a series of e-mails that he was not threatened at all. Woodward has become an attention whore instead of a serious journalist.
This morn, Bob Woodward referred to the Obama claim that he wouldn't send some ships to the Gulf due to impending budget cuts he would be 'forced' to make.

Woodward flat out said that this was "madness" (his word!)

Woodward said Reagan nor any other President would fail to protect the nation using a political ploy.

"The Washington Post's Bob Woodward ripped into President Barack Obama on "Morning Joe" today, saying he's exhibiting a "kind of madness I haven't seen in a long time" for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns."

Read more: Bob Woodward: Obama's Sequester 'Madness' - Business Insider

Later....the White House emailed Woodward, threatening him....."you'll regret this!"

Woodward: White House Telling Reporters "You Will Regret Doing This" Makes Me "Very Uncomfortable" - YouTube

And now they are crucifying Woodward for exposing obama. It is so pathetic. And, on top of that, all the libs on this board are busy providing cover for the WH by "explaining" that Woodward is the bad guy. It's absolutely amazing to me that the asshole libs are chastising Woodward when they were the ones who were praising him when he brought down Nixon, among other things. POS, all of them.

E-mails are emerging that put a very different slant on this. The Whitehouse official was not 'threatening' Woodward. He was saying Woodward would regret publishing material that was not correct on the slant Woodward was giving it. He was telling Woodward he wasn't understanding the material and would regret, as a reporter, that he'd published material that was incorrect. It's kind of like this thread and the other one: people jumping to conclusions about something they don't have all the information on. The Whitehouse official was not warning or threatening Woodward that they were going to get some kind of revenge on him.

I think Woodward will regret that he went on television and talked to anyone who would listen about the Whitehouse trying to intimidate him. It is being proven through a series of e-mails that he was not threatened at all. Woodward has become an attention whore instead of a serious journalist.
That's right, keep spinning until you get dizzy and pass out.
This morn, Bob Woodward referred to the Obama claim that he wouldn't send some ships to the Gulf due to impending budget cuts he would be 'forced' to make.

Woodward flat out said that this was "madness" (his word!)

Woodward said Reagan nor any other President would fail to protect the nation using a political ploy.

"The Washington Post's Bob Woodward ripped into President Barack Obama on "Morning Joe" today, saying he's exhibiting a "kind of madness I haven't seen in a long time" for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns."

Read more: Bob Woodward: Obama's Sequester 'Madness' - Business Insider

Later....the White House emailed Woodward, threatening him....."you'll regret this!"

Woodward: White House Telling Reporters "You Will Regret Doing This" Makes Me "Very Uncomfortable" - YouTube

And now they are crucifying Woodward for exposing obama. It is so pathetic. And, on top of that, all the libs on this board are busy providing cover for the WH by "explaining" that Woodward is the bad guy. It's absolutely amazing to me that the asshole libs are chastising Woodward when they were the ones who were praising him when he brought down Nixon, among other things. POS, all of them.

E-mails are emerging that put a very different slant on this. The Whitehouse official was not 'threatening' Woodward. He was saying Woodward would regret publishing material that was not correct on the slant Woodward was giving it. He was telling Woodward he wasn't understanding the material and would regret, as a reporter, that he'd published material that was incorrect. It's kind of like this thread and the other one: people jumping to conclusions about something they don't have all the information on. The Whitehouse official was not warning or threatening Woodward that they were going to get some kind of revenge on him.

I think Woodward will regret that he went on television and talked to anyone who would listen about the Whitehouse trying to intimidate him. It is being proven through a series of e-mails that he was not threatened at all. Woodward has become an attention whore instead of a serious journalist.

Judge for yourself...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-TdLIf6nIQ]Woodward At War - YouTube[/ame]


Former Clinton aide, columnist joins Woodward in claiming White House threat

Published February 28, 2013

Another member of the Washington political media stepped forward Thursday to claim he was threatened by the Obama White House, shortly after the White House denied reports that an adviser threatened famed Watergate journalist Bob Woodward.

The latest claim comes from Lanny Davis, who served as counsel to former President Bill Clinton and later went on to write a column for The Washington Times. In a radio interview on WMAL, Davis said that a "senior Obama White House official" once called his editor at the Times and said that if the paper continued to run his columns, "his reporters would lose their credentials."


Read more: Former Clinton aide, columnist joins Woodward in claiming White House threat | Fox News
Look at the liberals scrambling to cover Obama's ass for him. What a bunch of fucking zombies. I'm almost embarrassed for you.
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right wingers be weary of this guy, let me give you a first hand experience.

Im a hard core Democrat, always will be. During Bush II's stint in the WH Woodward promised a book that was going to slam Bush II and his cronies. This book was red meat for any Bush II hatin Democrat, which certainly was me.

So, I bought the book. OMG, maybe the only book I ever wanted to take back and bitch slap the author in the face for wasting my time. What a waste of paper.

I have a feeling hes now ready to tap into the anti Obama conservative media money maker. Just my 0.02.

Bob Woodward is kind of like Michael Jordan. He used to be a big deal, but now he's just embarrassing himself.

The problem with Bob is that he's starting to believe his own legend. He believes that he brought down Nixon, when really, an entire system did.

I think he expects presidents to quiver at his criticism, and most of them are like "Meh, whatever, Bob."

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