Obama widens lead in Electoral College polling

If My memory is right . Wasnt Carter WINNING too at this same point JUST SAYING ..Behind the Numbers - Reagan's "Comeback"

Good comparison

And the reason Carter lost was because of the seemingly endless Iran hostage situation. Romney will need something of that magnitude to swing enough states to his side

Reagan also had much more charisma than Romney
Interesting contest. We'll see if Mitt has the skills to win against difficult odds. The electoral map heavily favors Obama. If the primary was any indication, the shit will fly this fall because going negative wins.

I can't wait to see the debates. I like Obama's clinging to the Clinton legacy, i.e. the Clinton tax rates were more prosperous than the Bush tax cuts.

This is getting good!!
In one race Romney is way ahead in front of Obama... In the fundraising race, I mean. That means that from here until election day, Romney will have more money to spend on ads, events and so forth. Sure we can't say who's gonna be the winner until the votes are cast, but at this point I'd say this is looking more likely to be a Romney victory. But as the country is very divided, I predict it will be for a very small difference.
The "map" still thinks Wisconsin is democrat and finds North Carolina a toss up!

Obama leads in Every poll in Wisconsin, even Rassmussen and has a composite 6 point lead

Romney clings to a less than half a percent lead in NC

All that happened was that they swung Michigan in his favor.


They put MO in Romney's pot.

If Romney wins FA, NC, and VA then it is a tie. The rest is decided by the small number of states remaining.

If Romney does not win FA, NC or VA then he likely does not win.

As you said...100 days left.

More independents than ever.

Place your wager....go ahead.
Good comparison

And the reason Carter lost was because of the seemingly endless Iran hostage situation. Romney will need something of that magnitude to swing enough states to his side

Reagan also had much more charisma than Romney

Which is NOTHING like the seemingly endless unemployment situation.

Be confident hack, Romney will never mention the abysmal jobs situation or the fact that we are back in a recession due to Obama's utter failure.

You're safe, relax.
RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

100 days left and Obama has opened a huge lead in electoral college polling. Obama 247
Romney 191

With 270 needed to win

With 100 swing states votes up for grabs, Romney needs to take 79 to win. Hard to do when he trails in seven of those eight states

The president winning with 303 EC votes is the likely outcome, if the polling data remain the same come mid-September:
Moody’s Analytics: Obama 303, Romney 235

Moody’s Analytics is out with its June electoral forecast, and the sister company to the credit-rating agency still thinks President Barack Obama is a good bet to beat Republican nominee Mitt Romney in November’s election.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

100 days left and Obama has opened a huge lead in electoral college polling. Obama 247
Romney 191

With 270 needed to win

With 100 swing states votes up for grabs, Romney needs to take 79 to win. Hard to do when he trails in seven of those eight states

Yeah RIGHT--:badgrin::badgrin: They did the same thing back in 1980 during the Carter/Reagan race---it was supposedly a "close race"--that is up until election eve. If they told the TRUTH to you nitwits--that this election was already over--who would be sending their dollar bills into the Obama reelection campaign committee?

November 2012 is going to look like Custer's last Stand for OBAMA and Democrats and the election map is going to look very similar to this one. 10.9% real unemployment says so.


Carter/Reagan 1980

"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
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The "map" still thinks Wisconsin is democrat and finds North Carolina a toss up!

Obama leads in Every poll in Wisconsin, even Rassmussen and has a composite 6 point lead

Romney clings to a less than half a percent lead in NC

All that happened was that they swung Michigan in his favor.


They put MO in Romney's pot.

If Romney wins FA, NC, and VA then it is a tie. The rest is decided by the small number of states remaining.

If Romney does not win FA, NC or VA then he likely does not win.

As you said...100 days left.

More independents than ever.

Place your wager....go ahead.

My wager is a thousand bucks on Obama. No one will take it.
I would prefer Romney to defeat Obama on the issues ie w orst economy since the GD.

Worst recovery ever.

If that doesnt work - play the long-form birth cert forgery card.
WTF is wrong with you stupid Commie libs? Don't you know President Obammy is toast right now because of his attacks on Romney's Bain record and his "you didn't build that" thingy??

So what if the latest polls show him WIDENING HIS LEADS IN FL, PA AND OH?

He's doomed, I tell ya, DOOMED!!!
RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

100 days left and Obama has opened a huge lead in electoral college polling. Obama 247
Romney 191

With 270 needed to win

With 100 swing states votes up for grabs, Romney needs to take 79 to win. Hard to do when he trails in seven of those eight states

Obama came there to kick ass and chew gum. He's running out of gum.

LOL....that was lame.:D

What, in particular, was "lame"?
Interesting contest. We'll see if Mitt has the skills to win against difficult odds. The electoral map heavily favors Obama. If the primary was any indication, the shit will fly this fall because going negative wins.

I can't wait to see the debates. I like Obama's clinging to the Clinton legacy, i.e. the Clinton tax rates were more prosperous than the Bush tax cuts.

This is getting good!!

Let me ask you this:

Do you think that Governor Romney's campaign knows what to do against a well-funded opponent? He didn't have to exert much to win the primaries; he just outspent whoever he was trying to destroy. His team may not be built for this. The "Kiss my ass" blast from his aide this weekend may have been a look behind the curtain.:eusa_shifty:
The only "poll" that matters happens in 97 days......until then we can expect to see a lot of polls that show Obama cruising to an easy victory.

Take this one for instance....Obama leads Romney in three key swing states - CBS News

It shows Obama cruising to an easy victory in Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania. What the don't tell you is that the poll is skewed - the partisan sample of the polls were; FL D+9, OH D+8 and PA D+6.
Also, when asked how they voted in 2008, respondents picked Obama by the following margins; OH +15, FL +13, and PA +14. Obama's actual margin of victory in these states was; OH +5, FL +3 and PA +11 (source)

It's called "desperation" folks. Get ready for a shit load more as we get closer to election day.

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