Obama will request increase in debt ceiling AGAIN...

Debt ceiling requests have be a matter of everyday business for decades = Nothing new

If Uncle Sam does not its' bills Wall Street will go straight to hell,zillions more will be out of work and in general the USA need to hang out a sign saying " Closed ".

And precisely the probem. Business as usual...didn't the O promise that would end, or was it another lie to give him an out to blame others for his and the Statists doubling down on spending?

Perhaps you prefer running off the cliff as most of prefer we turn back...?

Democrats are looking for another excuse to threaten the populace with SS not going out. Then out of the other side of their ass, ITS SOLVENT.............
That and the tax code as it exists are the largest tools for maipultion they have.
And you want free money.

Did you have an intelligent point.

Its been a while.

Yeah, I just had a couple of them. I think your tinfoil hat was covering your eyes. Take it off or make one that fits, then you might be able to read.

You dont have enough intelligence for this debate.

so the only thing left is to point out what an idiot you are.

Wow, you're so cool. I wish I could be just like you. Rock on, keyboard hero, rock on.


Yeah, I just had a couple of them. I think your tinfoil hat was covering your eyes. Take it off or make one that fits, then you might be able to read.

You dont have enough intelligence for this debate.

so the only thing left is to point out what an idiot you are.

Wow, you're so cool. I wish I could be just like you. Rock on, keyboard hero, rock on.


Just keep telling us borrowing trillions is the way to go.
The dem plan for reducing the trillion dollar deficit.

Collect 70 billion from the rich.

Does it add up for you?
You dont have enough intelligence for this debate.

so the only thing left is to point out what an idiot you are.

Wow, you're so cool. I wish I could be just like you. Rock on, keyboard hero, rock on.


Just keep telling us borrowing trillions is the way to go.

Just keep acting like Obama is the only president in history to request a debt ceiling increase. Just keep acting like failing to raise the debt ceiling will solve all of the US' financial woes. :cuckoo:
Wow, you're so cool. I wish I could be just like you. Rock on, keyboard hero, rock on.


Just keep telling us borrowing trillions is the way to go.

Just keep acting like Obama is the only president in history to request a debt ceiling increase. Just keep acting like failing to raise the debt ceiling will solve all of the US' financial woes. :cuckoo:

He isnt. But Democrats invented the trillion dollar deficit.

Your side step of previous increases shows how completely inept you are.

And you want free money.

Did you have an intelligent point.

Its been a while.

Yeah, I just had a couple of them. I think your tinfoil hat was covering your eyes. Take it off or make one that fits, then you might be able to read.

Just keep telling us borrowing trillions is the way to go.

Just keep acting like Obama is the only president in history to request a debt ceiling increase. Just keep acting like failing to raise the debt ceiling will solve all of the US' financial woes. :cuckoo:

He isnt. But Democrats invented the trillion dollar deficit.Your side step of previous increases shows how completely inept you are.

:lol::lol::lol: My God, you are clueless.

Debt per president:



12/31/2001 $5,943,438,563,436

12/31/2008 $10,699,804,864,612


12/31/2009 $12,311,349,677,512

06/30/2011 $14,343,087,640,008

Do the math, genius.
Just keep acting like Obama is the only president in history to request a debt ceiling increase.

He isn't. Why do you feel the need to lie?

:lol::lol::lol: My God, you are clueless.

Debt per president:



12/31/2001 $5,943,438,563,436

12/31/2008 $10,699,804,864,612


12/31/2009 $12,311,349,677,512

06/30/2011 $14,343,087,640,008

Do the math, genius.

No problem, Einstein. The national debt at this exact moment stands at $15,169,891,300,000 (it will be even higher by the time you read this). This means that under the Obama administration another $4,470,086,435,000 has been racked up. Now he is requesting an additional $1.2 trillion, making that figure over $5.6 trillion in new debt since he took office. That will surpass the debt George Bush ran up during his administration. What's even more frightening is that Obama's debt was piled on in just three years, as opposed to eight for Bush.

Neither president, of course, had a responsible fiscal policy, but Obama is now the worst in U.S. history of them all.

Thank you for helping us clarify our point with the data you provided. It's much appreciated. I realize that wasn't actually your goal, but as I said earlier, an ignorant person will say ignorant things. You just unknowingly outsmarted yourself and for that, we thank you.
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Wow, you're so cool. I wish I could be just like you. Rock on, keyboard hero, rock on.


Just keep telling us borrowing trillions is the way to go.

Just keep acting like Obama is the only president in history to request a debt ceiling increase. Just keep acting like failing to raise the debt ceiling will solve all of the US' financial woes. :cuckoo:

The fact that we're here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. Leadership means 'The buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit.

I'm sure you recognized that quote as your president's. There is no getting around it. He stood by and let the Super Committee fail. Now the buck stops at his desk. No more passing it on. Yet he delays the crisis because he and congress want to enjoy their vacation. Excellent leadership skills exhibitied again.
I am sure, everyone in here who is bitching about this, did the same thing, 7 times when bush did it. If not, STFU you fucking hypocrites.
I am sure, everyone in here who is bitching about this, did the same thing, 7 times when bush did it. If not, STFU you fucking hypocrites.

Debate fail.

Answer me this, can the debt ceiling be raised infinitely? How much more pressure can the economy take from increased government debt? It isn't just about an increase, its about the effects of the increase.
I am sure, everyone in here who is bitching about this, did the same thing, 7 times when bush did it. If not, STFU you fucking hypocrites.

Debate fail.

Answer me this, can the debt ceiling be raised infinitely? How much more pressure can the economy take from increased government debt? It isn't just about an increase, its about the effects of the increase.

I see your ignorance is far reaching. Well, your in a good place then, because we can teach you a lot.
Ummmm...it was part of the deal. BTW, raising the debt ceiling is a routine matter. Only after the Tea Party came to town did it become the debacle that got the US downgraded.

The Tea Party said this?

The fact that we're here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. Leadership means 'The buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit.


Sorry, this isn't then, this is now. Nice deflection, though.

Deflection? It directly refutes your claim that "raising the debt ceiling is a routine matter. Only after the Tea Party came to town did it become the debacle that got the US downgraded."
Just keep acting like Obama is the only president in history to request a debt ceiling increase. Just keep acting like failing to raise the debt ceiling will solve all of the US' financial woes. :cuckoo:

He isnt. But Democrats invented the trillion dollar deficit.Your side step of previous increases shows how completely inept you are.

:lol::lol::lol: My God, you are clueless.

Debt per president:



12/31/2001 $5,943,438,563,436

12/31/2008 $10,699,804,864,612


12/31/2009 $12,311,349,677,512

06/30/2011 $14,343,087,640,008

Do the math, genius.

From $10 Trilion to $14 Trillion in 2.5 years. Wow! Bush '43 was the worst we had seen, doubling the debt in 8 years. Looks like Obama is on track to do that even sooner!
I am sure, everyone in here who is bitching about this, did the same thing, 7 times when bush did it. If not, STFU you fucking hypocrites.

I sure did! I said throughout the whole Bush '43 administration that his fiscal policies sucked. Of course the problem is that that Democrats' policies suck even more as recent history has shown.
Oh, you mean like when the shrub raised the Debt Ceiling Seven (07) Times during his Eight (08) Years in Office. Did you bitch about, did you get pissed off about it, or did you choose to remain silent?

Oh, you mean like when the Ronnie God, The Rectum Himself, eater of Jelly Bellies and taker of the Sacred Nap raised the Debt Ceiling over Eleven (11) Times duirng his Eight (08) Years in Office? Are you pissed about the baby Bonzo God did?

Ye Olde RePuBliCon Double Standard.

Do As I Say.......Never.......Never As I Do.


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