Looks Like Students May Have To Begin Paying Their Tax Payer Subsidized Debts Again


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
In fact, the tentative deal McCarthy has struck with China Joe is just chock full o' goodies that Dems are going to loathe.

In addition, the Fiscal Responsibility Act will: reform assistance programs to "save taxpayer dollars" and "get Americans back to work" including a 20 hour work week requirement for TANF and SNAP for those under the age of 54; cut $400 million from CDC funding in "the largest total rescissions package in history" of COVID funds; create the "first ever statutory Administrative Pay-Go to hold President Biden accountable for the full cost of executive rules and regulations;" remove red tape to accelerate energy and infrastructure projects; remove the entire FY23 staffing funding request to hire new IRS agents; require student loan repayment; impose a "temporary 99% CR-level cap until all 12 appropriations bills are enacted" to reform the appropriations process; fully fund programs to help veterans and preserve Medicare and Social Security; and reject President Biden's $5 trillion-worth of proposed tax hikes and federal programs.

That said, it's still too early for a full-blown victory lap for Republicans as the text of the bill still has yet to be released, and there will no doubt be some last minute attempts from Democrats to bring back some of Biden's programs and agenda.

What Republicans Are Saying About the Debt Ceiling Deal

No doubt the Dems will attempt some dirty tricks and shenanigans in the House and/or Senate; but I think they're gonna have to take the L on this one in some way shape or form.

After all, they wouldn't want to be seen as the precipitators of a crisis entirely manufactured from whole cloth for political purposes, IE the debt ceiling.

The next few days could get very interesting.
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Don't hold me to it but I heard (on the radio) it's something like $400.00 a month minimum they are going to have to start paying.

With Income Based Repayment plans and all sorts of Forbearance options, many of them won't end up paying jack.
College grads are going to earn a $million more than others in their lifetime, so they have a lifetime to pay it back. Hound them to the grave I say. :mad:

Or tax other college grads to repay it, leave us HS grads alone.
In fact, the tentative deal McCarthy has struck with China Joe is just chock full o' goodies that Dems are going to loathe.

What Republicans Are Saying About the Debt Ceiling Deal

No doubt the Dems will attempt some dirty tricks and shenanigans in the House and/or Senate; but I think they're gonna have to take the L on this one in some way shape or form.

After all, they wouldn't want to be seen as the precipitators of a crisis entirely manufactured from whole cloth for political purposes, IE the debt ceiling.

The next few days could get very interesting.
Some good news to start the morning. Thank you good sir.
Some good news to start the morning. Thank you good sir.

There are already a few Freedom Caucus members complaining that it didn't end forgiveness.

But whatever you think of McCarthy, I believe he played the negotiating game quite well.

He knows the Supreme Court are about to destroy any hopes of "Loan Forgiveness", and now he has ensured that China Joe can't just extend the $5 billion a month in interest payments from Joe Sixpack to continue the repayment "pause."

If ya ask me, that's political jujitsu right there.
In fact, the tentative deal McCarthy has struck with China Joe is just chock full o' goodies that Dems are going to loathe.

What Republicans Are Saying About the Debt Ceiling Deal

No doubt the Dems will attempt some dirty tricks and shenanigans in the House and/or Senate; but I think they're gonna have to take the L on this one in some way shape or form.

After all, they wouldn't want to be seen as the precipitators of a crisis entirely manufactured from whole cloth for political purposes, IE the debt ceiling.

The next few days could get very interesting.
Wow. That's an impressive list. The downside is if most of it gets done it could save Biden's presidency.

That's what happened in the 1990s when Clinton was foundering seriously, especially after Hillary's disastrous healthcare overhaul that even the Democrats wouldn't vote for. Newt Gingrich and his GOP reformers, aided by Tim Penny's coalition of roughly 30 or so more conservative Democrats, forced a reluctant Clinton into tax cuts, welfare reform and other measures that restored a healthy economy and American confidence. It not only saved his presidency but earned him re-election in 1996.

I sure don't want Biden re-elected but I don't want all that crap the Democrats are trying to force onto us either.
Wow. That's an impressive list. The downside is if most of it gets done it could save Biden's presidency.

Are you saying this GOP House cares more about its principles than its electoral prospects?


But I find that hard to believe.

My guess is, Biden will blame student loans going back into repayment (which was always a definitive inevitability) as the Republicans' "fault."

But I also would wager that those doing the repaying (or at least having to call their Servicers to use their Forbearance time, or request much lower payments) will be so demoralized over this that some of them won't even show up in November '24.

Let's fucking hope so anyway.
The far left wackjobs also known as the Progressives, also known as the tail that wags the Democrat Party dog, are already threatening to try and kill the deal.

I don't think they'll have the votes in the House, but the Senate could get tricky if the fever spreads.
Are you saying this GOP House cares more about its principles than its electoral prospects?


But I find that hard to believe.

My guess is, Biden will blame student loans going back into repayment (which was always a definitive inevitability) as the Republicans' "fault."

But I also would wager that those doing the repaying (or at least having to call their Servicers to use their Forbearance time, or request much lower payments) will be so demoralized over this that some of them won't even show up in November '24.

Let's fucking hope so anyway.
There are probably some who really want to make things better, but most people in Congress are professional politicians in Congress for their own interests and benefit. What makes the GOP different is the constituency they represent. They throw us much better bones to keep us voting for them.
What makes the GOP different is the constituency they represent. They throw us much better bones to keep us voting for them.

And in this case, those bones are pretty friggin' nice, despite what any of the naysayers may opine.
Nothing wrong with taking a loan out to finance education. But, like a mortgage, there are limits and students and parents need to be mindful of that. They need to really think through the notion of taking out $250-$300k to attend a private college three time zones away to major in a field for which there is little or no job market vs. a more manageable $60k-$80k for a local community college and in-state public university and concentrate in a field for which there is a healthy demand and good pay. Or, maybe even concentrate on an IT field/certification or trade school and use less financing. As a taxpayer, I’d be open to this vs. funding some entitled student who thinks everyone owes them an elite college experience to study some bullshit major.
And in this case, those bones are pretty friggin' nice, despite what any of the naysayers may opine.
Yes. I evaluate success and value and goodness based on the consequences/results/effects of what government does and not via the motives of those doing it. The GOP has too often been timid, feckless, or even dishonest in carrying out campaign promises.

DJT was so successful in that he didn't give up the first time there was a road block or other reasons he didn't succeed. He found ways around the road blocks, ways to negotiate through filibusters, was willing to try and try again until he accomplished his goal as well as he could. Too many Republicans make one show at attempting an objective and if it doesn't get done they say oh well, we tried. That is not what we elected them to do.

But what they do is far less destructive and generally far more beneficial than what the Democrats do.
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The truth is that the failure of the Administration to preserve this most socialist of programs is emblematic of their imminent failure across the board.

I plan on enjoying it.
Nothing wrong with taking a loan out to finance education. But, like a mortgage, there are limits and students and parents need to be mindful of that. They need to really think through the notion of taking out $250-$300k to attend a private college three time zones away to major in a field for which there is little or no job market vs. a more manageable $60k-$80k for a local community college and in-state public university and concentrate in a field for which there is a healthy demand and good pay. Or, maybe even concentrate on an IT field/certification or trade school and use less financing. As a taxpayer, I’d be open to this vs. funding some entitled student who thinks everyone owes them an elite college experience to study some bullshit major.

The problem is, entry level jobs that require a college degree are at something very close to an all time low right now. So kids are getting out of college, if they can find a job at all, in debt up their eyeballs making 10-12 dollars an hour. It's not worth it anymore. There is still some entitlement that comes with a college degree. Most kids with a degree won't accept jobs flipping burgers, even though it pays the bills.

My first job out of college was pumping aviation fuel at a local airport. Within weeks I was made night shift manager, and then moved on to manage a corporate aircraft hangar later on. Unfortunately that didn't work out when I told my boss to fuck off when he asked me to sign off on illegal work done to one of the airplanes in the hangar since I was a licensed A&P. He fired me for refusing, and in 2019 that plane crashed and killed 5 out of 6 people on board. That was the plane that killed LSU offensive coordinator Steve Ensmingers daughter Carly McCord. It made national news because it was the day of the LSU game on December 29th, 2019. Throughout the entire game the announcers were giving updates about the crash and death of Carly. I was a named witness in the ensuing wrongful death lawsuit against the aircraft owner, my old boss.
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In fact, the tentative deal McCarthy has struck with China Joe is just chock full o' goodies that Dems are going to loathe.

What Republicans Are Saying About the Debt Ceiling Deal

No doubt the Dems will attempt some dirty tricks and shenanigans in the House and/or Senate; but I think they're gonna have to take the L on this one in some way shape or form.

After all, they wouldn't want to be seen as the precipitators of a crisis entirely manufactured from whole cloth for political purposes, IE the debt ceiling.

The next few days could get very interesting.

Good deal

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