Biden Claims He Was ‘Appointed’ to Naval Academy, Roger Staubach Prevented Him from Attending

High school stats. He couldn’t even play his way off the college freshman team and we are to believe he was offered to play for the Naval Academy, one of the nation’s Top 5 programs at the time?
LeftofLeft has no athletic ability at all. He was on the chess club (mediocre) and on the yearbook staff.
Anytime he speaks in front of a group, no matter what the group is comprised of, he always has a whopper of a story for them. Always some yarn to spin about how he did this or that, went here, knew this person and so on.

He is so desperate to be paid attention to he will just blatantly lie constantly. it's sad and pathetic to see a grown man act like that. He has no value to anyone so he lies so he can believe he has some value.

He has been doing this for decades. He always been a habitual liar. Always trying to impress everyone.
Anytime he speaks in front of a group, no matter what the group is comprised of, he always has a whopper of a story for them. Always some yarn to spin about how he did this or that, went here, knew this person and so on.

He is so desperate to be paid attention to he will just blatantly lie constantly. it's sad and pathetic to see a grown man act like that. He has no value to anyone so he lies so he can believe he has some value.

He has been doing this for decades. He always been a habitual liar. Always trying to impress everyone.
Trump claimed he was the top Bsseball prospect in NY and was scouted by the Yankees
A reporter looked up his stats and he hit .138
There are NO athletic scholarships to the service academies. Barring extremely unusual circumstances, there is a minimum four-year active duty requirement for those who successfully complete their college education there.

Simply based on his demonstrated IQ in public, I would be extremely surprised if he got an appointment to go to any service academy. You have to have something "on the ball," which he clearly lacks - even in his good days.

Schizophrenia involves a range of problems in how people think, feel and behave. Symptoms may include:

  • Delusions. This is when people believe in things that aren't real or true. For example, people with schizophrenia could think that they're being harmed or harassed when they aren't. They could think that they're the target for certain gestures or comments when they aren't. They may think they're very famous or have great ability when that's not the case. Or they could feel that a major disaster is about to occur when that's not true. Most people with schizophrenia have delusions.
  • Hallucinations. These usually involve seeing or hearing things that other people don't observe. For people with schizophrenia, these things seem real. Hallucinations can occur with any of the senses, but hearing voices is most common.
  • Disorganized speech and thinking. Disorganized speech causes disorganized thinking. It can be hard for people with schizophrenia to talk with other people. The answers people with schizophrenia give to questions may not be related to what's being asked. Or questions may not be answered fully. Rarely, speech may include putting together unrelated words in a way that can't be understood. Sometimes this is called word salad.

Schizophrenia involves a range of problems in how people think, feel and behave. Symptoms may include:

  • Delusions. This is when people believe in things that aren't real or true. For example, people with schizophrenia could think that they're being harmed or harassed when they aren't. They could think that they're the target for certain gestures or comments when they aren't. They may think they're very famous or have great ability when that's not the case. Or they could feel that a major disaster is about to occur when that's not true. Most people with schizophrenia have delusions.
  • Hallucinations. These usually involve seeing or hearing things that other people don't observe. For people with schizophrenia, these things seem real. Hallucinations can occur with any of the senses, but hearing voices is most common.
  • Disorganized speech and thinking. Disorganized speech causes disorganized thinking. It can be hard for people with schizophrenia to talk with other people. The answers people with schizophrenia give to questions may not be related to what's being asked. Or questions may not be answered fully. Rarely, speech may include putting together unrelated words in a way that can't be understood. Sometimes this is called word salad.
Very much the description of Dementia Don.
Biden beat the draft by claiming "asthma" but how could he have passed the physical for lifeguard if he had asthma? His entire life is a lie and in his advancing mental deterioration he actually believes the fantasies he created in his mind.
Not too shabby..

Biden would go on to become one of the state’s best players his senior year. Over the course of eight games, he’d score 10 touchdowns, and his 60 points on the season ranked third overall in the state of Delaware.
The corporate elites did well with him. A charlatan. A snake in the grass. A chameleon. Says and does anything for power and money. A reason why this nation is dying and the people who actually see it many do not care and make excuses for it. The negatives to it are seen and growing. The patriotism to die for what was dwindling and a new nasty system rising up which will crush those who pushed for it also.
You offered nothing to respond to.

Will Biden be wearing his Naval Academy football uniform at the debate?

He’s much safer if he wears a helmet in case he falls down again.

Talk about offering nothing to respond to.

Tornados are ravaging the nation. Floods and wildfires reach crisis proportions every summer, and you can't buy storm or flood insurance in Florida, and all you want to talk about is the insane man who just promised the oil industry to end all efforts to reduce carbon emissions of the most polluting nation on the planet, if they paid him $1 billion.

I seriously doubt that Trump will show up to the debate, because he has no grasp of the issues, and no plans to make things better for the people. He just wants to get even with the people who insist on him taking responsibility for his criminal behaviour.

You've become increasingly strident in denying reality and glorifying the conman, rapist, tax evading, twice impeached criminal you worship and adore.

Remember the part where Trump said he was "Going to run the country, like I run my business"? Well that's exactly what he did: Fraud, bribery, extortion, corruption, massive amounts of debt, grifting off his gullible fans, and filing thousands of legal actions to fight anyone who tried to hold him to account.

The chaos, lies, frauds, and obstruction of justice continued unabated until the public voted the asshole out of office after he killed a million people and crashed the economy, and Trump has been refusing to go away, and committing even MORE crimes trying to take over the federal government, either by election, or by insurrection. He'll keep trying until he's locked up or dead.

This is the same pattern he's shown in all of his failed business deals. Lawsuits, motions, appeals - lawfare, against anyone who goes against him, or tries to hold him accountable.

Talk about offering nothing to respond to.

Tornados are ravaging the nation. Floods and wildfires reach crisis proportions every summer, and you can't buy storm or flood insurance in Florida, and all you want to talk about is the insane man who just promised the oil industry to end all efforts to reduce carbon emissions of the most polluting nation on the planet, if they paid him $1 billion.

I seriously doubt that Trump will show up to the debate, because he has no grasp of the issues, and no plans to make things better for the people. He just wants to get even with the people who insist on him taking responsibility for his criminal behaviour.

You've become increasingly strident in denying reality and glorifying the conman, rapist, tax evading, twice impeached criminal you worship and adore.

Remember the part where Trump said he was "Going to run the country, like I run my business"? Well that's exactly what he did: Fraud, bribery, extortion, corruption, massive amounts of debt, grifting off his gullible fans, and filing thousands of legal actions to fight anyone who tried to hold him to account.

The chaos, lies, frauds, and obstruction of justice continued unabated until the public voted the asshole out of office after he killed a million people and crashed the economy, and Trump has been refusing to go away, and committing even MORE crimes trying to take over the federal government, either by election, or by insurrection. He'll keep trying until he's locked up or dead.

This is the same pattern he's shown in all of his failed business deals. Lawsuits, motions, appeals - lawfare, against anyone who goes against him, or tries to hold him accountable.

Why do you believe anyone is going to bother responding to your cutting and pasting from leftist tabloids?

Really, dear. Take your screaming tirades to soy boy Trudeau.
The corporate elites did well with him. A charlatan. A snake in the grass. A chameleon. Says and does anything for power and money. A reason why this nation is dying and the people who actually see it many do not care and make excuses for it. The negatives to it are seen and growing. The patriotism to die for what was dwindling and a new nasty system rising up which will crush those who pushed for it also.

You've just described the nation under Donald Trump. Nothing to die for, and a nasty system which will crush those who pushed for him. It's EXACTLY what he did last time, and why he was voted out of office. Trump promises to be your "retribution". Who is he taking revenge against??? And for what?

How is that going to help your economy? Your family? Your world standing? Your national security. Already the Russians, the Iranians and the Chinese are working hard to get Trump elected, as you well know since you're part of that effort.

A leader is a man who would die for his PEOPLE. A despot is a man who asked you to die for HIM.
Do you have any legitimate sources for another trip down memory lane?....cause if that's all ya got, you're in big trouble...and it's only May. :)
Only May and the number of Blacks and Hispanics supporting Trump is growing and will continue to grow. Trump actually can't lose.

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