What deporting 15 million people would actually look like

Yeah, Fast and Furious comes to mind.
Ha .. he probably doesn't even know who Eric Holder is and his botched strategy to illegally sell weapons and 'track' them to dismantle the criminal networks involved. Yeah .. went swimmingly well as expected - especially after they were used to kill Americans (like the border patrol officer).
And Trump did nothing.
FALSE! In 2020 Trump had the border more secure than at any time since the Eisenhower admin.

And part of that was Mexico paying for the wall, by supplying 28,000 troops to stop the migrations, induced by Trump's tariff threats.
Fifteen million at 100 per bus is 150,000 bus loads.

You’d better get busy.
Actually, it would be quite simple.

Just make it illegal to employ anyone who is not in the country legally, either formally or informally, AND ENFORCE THAT LAW. Send violators to jail and issue hefty fines to them and their employers. Second, prohibit any benefits of our "safety net" from going to people who are not in the country legally, including public schools, SNAP benefits, Medicaid, housing subsidies, and so on. AND ENFORCE IT.

Then offer transportation assistance to get the people back to any country where they can legally reside.

Should the problem arise of "people doing work that Americans won't do," increase the scope of guest worker laws while making it illegal for guest workers to bring their families, and requiring a fixed date by which they must return to their home countries, respectively.

As icing on the cake, impose an immediate 5% assessment on all funds transferred from foreign nationals in the U.S. to their home countries. Maybe Trump could thereby get "Mexico" to pay for the fucking wall.

Cancel anything relating to "Dreamers," who are in fact illegal aliens, and treat them just as you would any other illegal alien.

Really, it wouldn't be that difficult.
It has been difficult to enforce IRCA (the law since 1986) because of one word in the law > "knowingly". Without criminal intent, prosecuters can't function. False documentation has been an industry unto itself since the 1980s, and with advancements in computer technology, the problem has only gotten worse.

Courts generally gave up on prosecuting IRCA (knowingly hiring illegal aliens) decades ago, finding it to be a waste of time and money.
It has been difficult to enforce IRCA (the law since 1986) because of one word in the law > "knowingly". Without criminal intent, prosecuters can't function. False documentation has been an industry unto itself since the 1980s, and with advancements in computer technology, the problem has only gotten worse.

Courts generally gave up on prosecuting IRCA (knowingly hiring illegal aliens) decades ago, finding it to be a waste of time and money.

Always with the excuses. Mandatory e-verify could have been passed long ago.
Always with the excuses. Mandatory e-verify could have been passed long ago.
That doesn't negate the difficulty of prosecuting IRCA violators,.... or would you prefer to mix innocent employers in the prisons with the guilty ones ?
That doesn't negate the difficulty of prosecuting IRCA violators,.... or would you prefer to mix innocent employers in the prisons with the guilty ones ?

That is an excuse. Wal Mart was nailed and they didn't even hire the illegals. A contractor of theirs did.

All it takes is the will and it's not there.
Just send them back the same way they came in > in massive caravans, except this time headed south, with armed US troops & state police ensuring they don't turn round and come back.

We will see a re-run of Eisenhower's Operation Wetback (1954- 1959).

A million illegals were deported back to Mexico, Another million fled on their own when Ike's INS cops went house to house in southwestern states, hunting down illegals and arresting them.

Many of them were transported to Vera Cruz by ship, and to shorelines south of there. As a 9 year old boy living in Villahermosa, Tabasco at the time (1955), I watched the American ships with binoculars, from the beach, arriving and dumping illegal men into the shallow water, from which they waded ashore, by the thousands.

The Mexican government protested furiously. Eisenhower paid no attention to them at all.
and all that was for nothing......
Always with the excuses. Mandatory e-verify could have been passed long ago.
Could have if not for Democrat opposition (like Joe Biden) and the practice of loading up bills with multiple subjects that not everyone is OK with.

The first Legal Workforce Act was introduced by former Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, in 2013, and in subsequent sessions of Congress. Odds for passage could improve this year as Rep. Ed Case, D-Hawaii, became the first Democrat in a decade to co-sponsor such job protection legislation.

Meantime, however, the Biden administration is working to pre-empt any congressional action by enabling millions of asylum-seeking migrants to receive work authorization permits. As FAIR observed: “Even a nationwide [E-Verify] requirement would be effectively nullified as long as illegal aliens are authorized to compete with Americans in the job market.”

As Biden slaps U.S. workers yet again, more Americans are getting restive. A new Gallup Poll reports that 63 percent of those surveyed are “dissatisfied” with the ongoing high levels of immigration. That dissatisfaction is growing across the board, among Republicans, Independents and Democrats.

It's never going to happen. Everyone knows it's never going to happen. But still politicians will pontificate.
The Nazis would have done it. And that's why the capitalist elite import illegals. Not only as cheap labor, but also as an opportunity to scare the population with a huge wave of immigration and force them to support a dictatorship if the capitalists need one to maintain their existence.
That is an excuse. Wal Mart was nailed and they didn't even hire the illegals. A contractor of theirs did.

All it takes is the will and it's not there.
Yep, it's been done for years like that.....It's just the cost of doing business.....And guess who that cost gets passed to.
That is an excuse. Wal Mart was nailed and they didn't even hire the illegals. A contractor of theirs did.

All it takes is the will and it's not there.
FALSE! Anyone can point to one case here or one there, but overall, the difficulty for courts of getting past the criminal intent factor, has derailed the IRCA law for years, and nobody has come up with any way to get around it. Fact, not opinion.

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What’s the comparison cost of food, housing, welfare, healthcare, school taxes and lower wages / lower standard of living for Americans to assume the costs of Biden’s illegals?

You know that Biden is still importing illegals, right? Where does it end? 50 million?
The racist, bigoted right doesn’t care about facts or the truth – they're blinded to both by their anti-immigrant hate.

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