You fool. They were an "independent" state before. Moron. What is wrong with you people? When Saddam screws their people over it's bad, but when the government we installed does, it's "freedom"? Except for the gays and women and Christians.
Republicans are stupid and insane. What is wrong with you people? Seriously, what is wrong with you people?
And these are the people who think they can govern THIS country? No wonder they messed up so badly. They haven't a clue.
I know that their government isn't what I would want to live under myself but they still have a hell lot more choice about what kind of government they want to live under than what they had before the invasion. Why is it you seem to be upset at the infractions that happen now but were OK with the completely f'ed situation they had under a dictatorship.
Sorry I was so harsh, but the terrible debacle in Iraq really gets me worked up. The deaths, the suffering.
Another thread and someone just posted the Shiites have made a "Sunni" ban as far as political candidates.
To think that there is much more freedom there is just wrong. If women can't leave home without a male relative, then, right there, half the population is captive.
Gays are being murdered. Another 3%.
The original Christian population was est to be 1.4 million, the current est is 0.4 million. Another couple of percent.
Keep adding up the percentages and how is Iraq more "free"?
Of course Republicans are going to insist they did a "good" thing. They got rid of an evil dictator. But everything that came next is worse. How could Bush not know the difference between Sunni and Shiite, or McCain? If you are going to invade a country, some things have to happen. You have to KNOW they are an immediate threat and you have to KNOW everything you can about that country. Anything else is arrogance and delusion.
Lawless Somalia remained the world's most corrupt country, followed by Afghanistan, Myanmar, Sudan and Iraq, Transparency International said in its annual Corruption Perception Index .
Afghanistan, Iraq Among Most Corrupt - CBS News