Obama won because so many whites voted for him but then Democrats turned against white people


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
How many more white votes did Mitt Romney need to get elected in 2012? A lot.

Obama could not have won without so many whites voting for him.

But in the years since, Democrats have gone out of their way to prove to white voters that they no longer care about them.

They make nasty comments about "dead white males." They openly speak of "stopping" white males. As a result 64% of white males voted Republican in the 2014 election:

Revenge of the White Male Voter

Note that this article doesn't blame the Democratic party for its failure to get white mens' vote, it blames white males for being "angry" and not voting Democrat. What a fucked up world view that is.

Democrats have also lost big with white women:

Democrats Have a White Women Problem

And it will only continue getting worse as Democrats step up their anti-white rhetoric.

Here's a good analysis of why Democrats, through their own refusal to listen to white voters, now find themselves without the support of most white voters:

The Democrats Failed White Voters

Democrat's insistence in supporting policies that are unpopular with whites: gun control, abortion, Obamacare, while ignoring what whites really care about -- jobs, has made them the minority party in Congress, and in state legislatures, and governorships.

Another thing that we should know, as proven by our forum's liberals, is that Democrats come off as sanctimonious assholes. They are convinced that they are morally superior to any who disagrees with them, so they don't bother to listen to people who disagree with them.
The most obnoxious part of it, is that Democrats are deliberately waging an "ethnic cleansing" against whites, and bragging about it on this forum.
Is that the best you can do?

I have multiple citations, including some liberal sources.

If these liberal sources back up what I say, why do you say "nonsense"?

Either engage me in real debate, or go back to your home under the bridge.
About as many whites voted for Gore, Kerry and Mondale. What made the difference is hispanics and asians.
Here is how badly the GOP has turned on the Middle Class Compare below to the Psychotic GOP of today

Is that the best you can do?

I have multiple citations, including some liberal sources.

If these liberal sources back up what I say, why do you say "nonsense"?

Either engage me in real debate, or go back to your home under the bridge.

This must be when the light bulb went off in your head leading you to start that "Google it" thread.

Finding something that supports your hypothesis and linking to it is not considered valid research, junior.

Engage you in real debate? That's funny.
It's pretty obvious that dems have turned against white people.
It's the politically correct thing to do and they just cant help themselves.
The fawning over the BLM movement without ever calling them out on their bullshit is a prime example.
the truth, they were DUPED again by that party of snakes. I always wonder how they enjoyed being accused of being a racist just for criticizing that thug they put in as President . all we can do is hope they LEARNED their lesson about that party they supported. vote them out come 2016 and no to Hillary or that other old fogie Berniethecommie to run our government.
How many more white votes did Mitt Romney need to get elected in 2012? A lot.

Obama could not have won without so many whites voting for him.

But in the years since, Democrats have gone out of their way to prove to white voters that they no longer care about them.

They make nasty comments about "dead white males." They openly speak of "stopping" white males. As a result 64% of white males voted Republican in the 2014 election:

Revenge of the White Male Voter

Note that this article doesn't blame the Democratic party for its failure to get white mens' vote, it blames white males for being "angry" and not voting Democrat. What a fucked up world view that is.

Democrats have also lost big with white women:

Democrats Have a White Women Problem

And it will only continue getting worse as Democrats step up their anti-white rhetoric.

Here's a good analysis of why Democrats, through their own refusal to listen to white voters, now find themselves without the support of most white voters:

The Democrats Failed White Voters

Democrat's insistence in supporting policies that are unpopular with whites: gun control, abortion, Obamacare, while ignoring what whites really care about -- jobs, has made them the minority party in Congress, and in state legislatures, and governorships.

Another thing that we should know, as proven by our forum's liberals, is that Democrats come off as sanctimonious assholes. They are convinced that they are morally superior to any who disagrees with them, so they don't bother to listen to people who disagree with them.

LOL.....another bitter old white guy telling us why he is a bitter old white guy.
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How many more white votes did Mitt Romney need to get elected in 2012? A lot.

Obama could not have won without so many whites voting for him.

But in the years since, Democrats have gone out of their way to prove to white voters that they no longer care about them.

They make nasty comments about "dead white males." They openly speak of "stopping" white males. As a result 64% of white males voted Republican in the 2014 election:

Revenge of the White Male Voter

Note that this article doesn't blame the Democratic party for its failure to get white mens' vote, it blames white males for being "angry" and not voting Democrat. What a fucked up world view that is.

Democrats have also lost big with white women:

Democrats Have a White Women Problem

And it will only continue getting worse as Democrats step up their anti-white rhetoric.

Here's a good analysis of why Democrats, through their own refusal to listen to white voters, now find themselves without the support of most white voters:

The Democrats Failed White Voters

Democrat's insistence in supporting policies that are unpopular with whites: gun control, abortion, Obamacare, while ignoring what whites really care about -- jobs, has made them the minority party in Congress, and in state legislatures, and governorships.

Another thing that we should know, as proven by our forum's liberals, is that Democrats come off as sanctimonious assholes. They are convinced that they are morally superior to any who disagrees with them, so they don't bother to listen to people who disagree with them.

The reality of it is that most white Democrats really want to be Black. The sad part is that they have only succeeded in possessing black hearts.
Obama’s skin looks a little different in these GOP campaign ads
Source: Washington Post

A new study shows that negative ads targeting President Obama in 2008 depicted him with very dark skin, and that these images would have appealed to some viewers’ racial biases.

The finding reinforces charges that some Republican politicians seek to win votes by implying support for racist views and ethnic hierarchies, without voicing those prejudices explicitly. The purported tactic is often called “dog-whistle politics” — just as only canines can hear a dog whistle, only prejudiced voters are aware of the racist connotations of a politician’s statement, according to the theory.

That debate has been prominent in the 2016 campaign, primarily targeting Donald Trump, but it has existed in almost every recent presidential election. To hear their opponents tell it, when Republican politicians say they oppose a generous welfare system, they really mean black beneficiaries are lazy. If they endorse strict immigration enforcement, they really mean that Latinos are criminals, critics say.

A study published online this month in Public Opinion Quarterly provides new evidence that one GOP campaign — intentionally or not — has aired advertisements that exacerbate viewers’ racial biases.

Read more: Obama’s skin looks a little different in these GOP campaign ads
How many more white votes did Mitt Romney need to get elected in 2012? A lot.

Obama could not have won without so many whites voting for him.

But in the years since, Democrats have gone out of their way to prove to white voters that they no longer care about them.

They make nasty comments about "dead white males." They openly speak of "stopping" white males. As a result 64% of white males voted Republican in the 2014 election:

Revenge of the White Male Voter

Note that this article doesn't blame the Democratic party for its failure to get white mens' vote, it blames white males for being "angry" and not voting Democrat. What a fucked up world view that is.

Democrats have also lost big with white women:

Democrats Have a White Women Problem

And it will only continue getting worse as Democrats step up their anti-white rhetoric.

Here's a good analysis of why Democrats, through their own refusal to listen to white voters, now find themselves without the support of most white voters:

The Democrats Failed White Voters

Democrat's insistence in supporting policies that are unpopular with whites: gun control, abortion, Obamacare, while ignoring what whites really care about -- jobs, has made them the minority party in Congress, and in state legislatures, and governorships.

Another thing that we should know, as proven by our forum's liberals, is that Democrats come off as sanctimonious assholes. They are convinced that they are morally superior to any who disagrees with them, so they don't bother to listen to people who disagree with them.
Your full of shit..

So if whites have turned against the Dems then why last summer was Bernie Sanders drawing THOUSANDS OF WHITES, to his rallies?? And why is his support so strong among whites??

Why do union memebers (who are majority white) support the Democrats and are strongly against right to work states..

Why did Democratic Governors win in New York, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and Minnesota, in 2012 and 2014??? With the majority of the white vote

:rofl:You Repugs and baggers own the South please keep it, them Rednecks have been voting for the same Garbage for 40 Years now and are still poor as dirt, you own it,,...
How many more white votes did Mitt Romney need to get elected in 2012? A lot.

Obama could not have won without so many whites voting for him.

But in the years since, Democrats have gone out of their way to prove to white voters that they no longer care about them.

They make nasty comments about "dead white males." They openly speak of "stopping" white males. As a result 64% of white males voted Republican in the 2014 election:

Revenge of the White Male Voter

Note that this article doesn't blame the Democratic party for its failure to get white mens' vote, it blames white males for being "angry" and not voting Democrat. What a fucked up world view that is.

Democrats have also lost big with white women:

Democrats Have a White Women Problem

And it will only continue getting worse as Democrats step up their anti-white rhetoric.

Here's a good analysis of why Democrats, through their own refusal to listen to white voters, now find themselves without the support of most white voters:

The Democrats Failed White Voters

Democrat's insistence in supporting policies that are unpopular with whites: gun control, abortion, Obamacare, while ignoring what whites really care about -- jobs, has made them the minority party in Congress, and in state legislatures, and governorships.

Another thing that we should know, as proven by our forum's liberals, is that Democrats come off as sanctimonious assholes. They are convinced that they are morally superior to any who disagrees with them, so they don't bother to listen to people who disagree with them.
Your full of shit..

So if whites have turned against the Dems then why last summer was Bernie Sanders drawing THOUSANDS OF WHITES, to his rallies?? And why is his support so strong among whites??

Why do union memebers (who are majority white) support the Democrats and are strongly against right to work states..

Why did Democratic Governors win in New York, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and Minnesota, in 2012 and 2014??? With the majority of the white vote

:rofl:You Repugs and baggers own the South please keep it, them Rednecks have been voting for the same Garbage for 40 Years now and are still poor as dirt, you own it,,...

Read this:

Republican Gains Deep and Wide | RealClearPolitics

Cherry picking victories in blue states is dishonest. The fact is, Democrats took a severe beating all over America. Maybe you should stop bragging, because it makes you look stupid to brag about victory when you're on the losing side.
How many more white votes did Mitt Romney need to get elected in 2012? A lot.

Obama could not have won without so many whites voting for him.

But in the years since, Democrats have gone out of their way to prove to white voters that they no longer care about them.

They make nasty comments about "dead white males." They openly speak of "stopping" white males. As a result 64% of white males voted Republican in the 2014 election:

Revenge of the White Male Voter

Note that this article doesn't blame the Democratic party for its failure to get white mens' vote, it blames white males for being "angry" and not voting Democrat. What a fucked up world view that is.

Democrats have also lost big with white women:

Democrats Have a White Women Problem

And it will only continue getting worse as Democrats step up their anti-white rhetoric.

Here's a good analysis of why Democrats, through their own refusal to listen to white voters, now find themselves without the support of most white voters:

The Democrats Failed White Voters

Democrat's insistence in supporting policies that are unpopular with whites: gun control, abortion, Obamacare, while ignoring what whites really care about -- jobs, has made them the minority party in Congress, and in state legislatures, and governorships.

Another thing that we should know, as proven by our forum's liberals, is that Democrats come off as sanctimonious assholes. They are convinced that they are morally superior to any who disagrees with them, so they don't bother to listen to people who disagree with them.
Your full of shit..

So if whites have turned against the Dems then why last summer was Bernie Sanders drawing THOUSANDS OF WHITES, to his rallies?? And why is his support so strong among whites??

Why do union memebers (who are majority white) support the Democrats and are strongly against right to work states..

Why did Democratic Governors win in New York, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and Minnesota, in 2012 and 2014??? With the majority of the white vote

:rofl:You Repugs and baggers own the South please keep it, them Rednecks have been voting for the same Garbage for 40 Years now and are still poor as dirt, you own it,,...

Read this:

Republican Gains Deep and Wide | RealClearPolitics

Cherry picking victories in blue states is dishonest. The fact is, Democrats took a severe beating all over America. Maybe you should stop bragging, because it makes you look stupid to brag about victory when you're on the losing side.
And the Repugs have been on the losing side since you have lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 Presidential elsections, which you were BADLY beaten in 2008-2012..

Are you sure your side won, you STILL DON'T have a veto proof majority in the senate,,keep dreaming, LOL..

Gay marriage passed.

The ACA is still standing..

The Iran deal went thru..

Cuba - Us relations restored..

Keystone pipeline went thru..

Abortion rights still upheld..

Guantanamo bay prisoners are being released.

2 more Liberals are on the supreme court..

So tell me how the Liberals are on the losing side again????

Wake me up when a Repuke wins the WH again, its been how many years now??:rofl:
Abortion rights?

That's really important to you libs, isn't it?

I have news for you.

Every woman who gets an abortion is guilty of murder.

Every doctor who performs abortion is a serial killer.

Every person who works in an abortion clinic is an acccessory to murder.

Every person who pays for an abortion is guilty of solicitation of murders.

All of you will find this out the moment after you die.

You better be right when you say there is no God.

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