Obamacare and the question of Supreme Court ethics.


Justadude with a keyboard
Feb 19, 2011
I think the most important question to ask right now would be whether or not Roberts was directly paid by lobbyists to change his stance.

By the very definition of the word tax, the penalties for failure to comply with the “individual mandate” are not a tax; they are in fact a fine by the definition of the word fine. It is impossible for a chief justice of the United States to be unaware of this, that fact along with the unusual manner in which Roberts suddenly changed his stance and refused to listen to any contrary arguments is highly suggestive of political corruption, in other words, it reeks of bribery.

Any American that is in any way concerned with this decision or the corruption of Washington by well-funded corporations and special interests should immediately write to their senators and congressional representatives to demand an independent council immediately launch a full and complete investigation of Roberts and this Supreme Court decision. To do any less would be to sacrifice our freedom and the future of American democracy.

Your Senators contact information can be found on this page U.S. Senate: Senators Home

Congressional contact information can be obtained on this page Find Your Representative · House.gov
Sorry, but you disagreeing with a Supreme Court decision isn't close to "evidence" of corruption.
Sorry, but you disagreeing with a Supreme Court decision isn't close to "evidence" of corruption.

Hmmm... funny... I don't see where the OP stated it was.

I see "highly suspicious," and I'd have to agree with that. I think Roberts turnabout decision and his convoluted, almost incoherent writings that went with it very suspicious myself. The man turns a life time of conservative beliefs around to side with liberals, and then babbles on some garbage about why, that's still every bit unconstitutional? Doesn't make sense... something stinks.
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It is sad but also funny how quickly and viciously they turn on their own, mostly sad though.
It is sad but also funny how quickly and viciously they turn on their own, mostly sad though.

Sorry... "their own" couldn't be farther from the truth, and there's nothing funny about our highest court in the nation voting for tyranny and coercion of the American people.

I'll tell ya what is funny though, you bubble headed liberal mouth breathers that think the government learning it can force you to do anything it wants is a good thing. You have to be the dumbest animals on the planet.
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It is sad but also funny how quickly and viciously they turn on their own, mostly sad though.

Sorry... "their own" couldn't be farther from the truth, and there's nothing funny about our highest court in the nation voting for tyranny and coercion of the American people.

He was your bright shining boy until the other day but now you feel personally betrayed, get over it.
It is sad but also funny how quickly and viciously they turn on their own, mostly sad though.

Sorry... "their own" couldn't be farther from the truth, and there's nothing funny about our highest court in the nation voting for tyranny and coercion of the American people.

He was your bright shining boy until the other day but now you feel personally betrayed, get over it.

He's your "boy" now, dumbass, until he turns coat again.

Now fuck off ya pimple faced brainless maggot.
I think the most important question to ask right now would be whether or not Roberts was directly paid by lobbyists to change his stance.

By the very definition of the word tax, the penalties for failure to comply with the “individual mandate” are not a tax; they are in fact a fine by the definition of the word fine. It is impossible for a chief justice of the United States to be unaware of this, that fact along with the unusual manner in which Roberts suddenly changed his stance and refused to listen to any contrary arguments is highly suggestive of political corruption, in other words, it reeks of bribery.

Any American that is in any way concerned with this decision or the corruption of Washington by well-funded corporations and special interests should immediately write to their senators and congressional representatives to demand an independent council immediately launch a full and complete investigation of Roberts and this Supreme Court decision. To do any less would be to sacrifice our freedom and the future of American democracy.

Your Senators contact information can be found on this page U.S. Senate: Senators Home

Congressional contact information can be obtained on this page Find Your Representative · House.gov

Oh stop. It would only have been corruption if the court had struck ACA down. Roberts was a noble circumspect statesman.
After the Supreme Court did its judicial acrobatics and ruled in the Citizens United case, Conservatives trumpeted that as a decision for Freedom and liberty! And nothing could be further from the truth.

With the ACA decision, Conservatives are looking under every rock in the Potomac for the 'source' of some perceived 'corruption'! Well, ain't this grand?
Sorry... "their own" couldn't be farther from the truth, and there's nothing funny about our highest court in the nation voting for tyranny and coercion of the American people.

He was your bright shining boy until the other day but now you feel personally betrayed, get over it.

He's your "boy" now, dumbass, until he turns coat again.

Now fuck off ya pimple faced brainless maggot.

LOL liberals never wanted the prick in the first place but it would not be the first time a republican justice sided with the "wrong" side, seems some justices just mellow over time.

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