Obamacare cuts out Medicare Advantage


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
Congressman Darrell Issa Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
plans to press ahead with a subpoena for health department documents on a program he claims is being used to "buy"the election by hiding the effects of ObamaCare.*

"It's an unbelievable abuse of power," he said Thursday. Issa said the program basically funds "what ObamaCare took away.

A top official with the GAO also testified in July that he has "neverencountered" a demonstration project of this size."
Committee On Oversight & Government Reform

"...Earlier this year, the Government Accountability Office recommended that the* Obama administration kill the bonus payment program -- questioning the legal* authority behind the system.

A top official with the GAO also testified in July that he has "never* encountered" a demonstration project of this size."
Scout.com: Obama administration masking true costs of Obamacare...
You're wrong.

Medicare bonus payments are judged effective.

The Commonwealth Fund said:
...when the polices are in place, they will bring overall MA plan payments nationwide down from 114 percent to 102 percent of what spending would have been for the same enrollees if they had been enrolled in traditional Medicare. While payments will vary across the nation, high-performing MA plans stand to benefit from this new arrangement.

The Impact of Health Reform on the Medicare Advantage Program: Realigning Payment with Performance
this little video quickly explains what Obama is REALLY doing....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZr79AgiyZo]ObamaCare Guts Medicare Advantage - YouTube[/ame]
you know, the funny part is, the republicans have wanted this for years, and its ADVANTAGE! its the rich person medicare, so your telling me the rich deserve more than the rest of us?
You're wrong.

Medicare bonus payments are judged effective.

That's the "conservatves'" new terminology for $ub$idie$.....bonus payments???


Medicare D
For Teabaggin' Dummies


Among the key findings:

•Under the MMA, Medicare has been significantly overpaying private plans under Medicare Advantage. In 2005, Medicare overpaid private plans by at least 7% per beneficiary, costing taxpayers $2.7 billion. In 2006, overpayment reached 11% per beneficiary, costing taxpayers $4.6 billion.

•Under the MMA, Congress set aside $10 billion for an unnecessary subsidy (or "stabilization fund") to regional PPOs. This year, however, 88% of beneficiaries have access to a regional PPO, before the so-called "stabilization fund" was even tapped--no subsidy was necessary.

•Medicare Part D drug prices are substantially higher than the prices obtained by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), which negotiates prices on behalf of consumers. For all of the top 20 drugs prescribed to seniors, the lowest price charged by any Part D plan was higher than the lowest price secured by the VA. Yet Congress refused to let Medicare negotiate directly with the drug companies, as the VA does.

•Bottom line: this report shows that, unfortunately for consumers and taxpayers, the MMA has not even come close to meeting the high expectations set for it by Congress. Consumers are getting hurt and taxpayers fleeced, while insurance companies and drug manufacturers are raking in money faster than they can count it. Congress needs to move away from this deeply flawed privatization model, and instead focus on strengthening Medicare.
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you know, the funny part is, the republicans have wanted this for years, and its ADVANTAGE! its the rich person medicare, so your telling me the rich deserve more than the rest of us?

either you are just plain stupid or else you LIE....:eusa_hand:

this affects millions of lower income folks...

Medicare Advantage Cuts. ObamaCare cuts $308 billion from Medicare Advantage plans over the next decade. These cuts will force about 4 million seniors out of their Medicare Advantage plans. In a study one of us co-authored with Robert Book, these cuts were estimated to drive up costs on seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage by about $3,700 annually. And these aren’t rich people. Quite the contrary. It is lower income seniors who find Medicare Advantage most attractive because it offers better coverage than traditional Medicare without the high cost of a Medigap plan.

Commentary | e21 - Economic Policies for the 21st Century
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Medicare advantage plans are middle man and we would save billion if they are cut out. They take medicare and raise cost to seniors. I have seen Medicare and Medicaid work together and better. Advantage get rid of Medicare and take over healthcare for seniors and ask seniors, it is a disaster. You have to get referrals to get sick. Some medications are not covered. High deductioins and co pays. Medicare Advantage plans are private healthcare working for private healthcare. I could never understand how they worked until I because a senior.
Medicare advantage plans are middle man and we would save billion if they are cut out. They take medicare and raise cost to seniors. I have seen Medicare and Medicaid work together and better. Advantage get rid of Medicare and take over healthcare for seniors and ask seniors, it is a disaster. You have to get referrals to get sick. Some medications are not covered. High deductioins and co pays. Medicare Advantage plans are private healthcare working for private healthcare. I could never understand how they worked until I because a senior.

off your meds again i see....what garbled garbage....

seniors who can no longer afford the Advantage plans THAT THEY LIKE will now be forced to go onto Medicaid (aka Obamacare)......which is the plan they DON'T LIKE....

this is just one way how Obama is secretly forcing people into his socialized system....where healthcare is rationed and seniors get the short end of the stick...
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Medicare advantage plans are middle man and we would save billion if they are cut out. They take medicare and raise cost to seniors. I have seen Medicare and Medicaid work together and better. Advantage get rid of Medicare and take over healthcare for seniors and ask seniors, it is a disaster. You have to get referrals to get sick. Some medications are not covered. High deductioins and co pays. Medicare Advantage plans are private healthcare working for private healthcare. I could never understand how they worked until I because a senior.






:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
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Obamacare was set to make huge cuts to Medicare Advantage a few weeks before the election. Knowing this would be political suicide to occur before the election, Obama postponed it to a few weeks after the election.

As many as 12 million seniors use Medicare Advantage.

Obama wants to fool a bunch of seniors in allowing them to go to the polls in 2012 not realizing that they will be receiving a letter indicating cuts to their plans a few weeks after the Election.

Dick Morris:

"One of the most cynical, dirty, reprehensible political moves was made by Barack Obama just a few days ago. When he passed Obamacare, he included $500 Bn of cuts in Medicare. Jammed it through ... But the cut would come three weeks before Election day. So Obama has passed an $8.3 Bn appropriation to extend that program for 4 or 5 weeks to get it passed Election day so the notices don't go out until after the Senior Citizens have voted and then they'll be cut. Isn't that unbelievably cynical?

Read more at Dick Morris: Obama's Dirty Obamacare Trick
Medicare advantage plans are middle man and we would save billion if they are cut out. They take medicare and raise cost to seniors. I have seen Medicare and Medicaid work together and better. Advantage get rid of Medicare and take over healthcare for seniors and ask seniors, it is a disaster. You have to get referrals to get sick. Some medications are not covered. High deductioins and co pays. Medicare Advantage plans are private healthcare working for private healthcare. I could never understand how they worked until I because a senior.






:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

what a dumbass.....you can't even see the basic problem.....

Advantage programs exist in the first place because Medicare does NOT COVER everything and it is there to help the poor seniors....it is the Advantage plans and the other medigap plans that fill in for what the GOVERNMENT CANNOT COVER....

if GOVERNMENT healthcare like Medicare/Medicaid is so great WHY can't they cover 100% of all the costs....? instead they are going BANKRUPT....

this is why the Ryan plan is attempting to bring around more competition in the healthcare market.....to LOWER PRICES....
you know, the funny part is, the republicans have wanted this for years, and its ADVANTAGE! its the rich person medicare, so your telling me the rich deserve more than the rest of us?

What do you mean "rich person Medicare"????
I'm not a rich person.
I'm on a Medicare Advantage plan THAT OBAMA hates because it makes a oh...evil... Profit!!
YET this "evil" profit making Advantage plan Obama wants to do away with AFTER the election

My Medicare Advantage plan Versus Traditional Medicare Fee for Services (FFS)
More money in my SS check
Under my Advantage plan..My SS check is NOT reduced by $1,156 annually ---
Under Traditional FFS $1,156 deducted from SS.

NO Co-pays
Everytime I see the doctor NO co-pay... no deductibles zero.. nothing
But under FFS Part B I would have to pay the first $162 and then 20% co-pay office visits!

FREE $600 over the counter
Every month I can order FREE up to $50 in over the counter health products.. aspirin, blood pressure meter,etc.

Nothing from Medicare FFS.

Little or NO FRAUD!!!
Medicare pays a flat monthly fee to my advantage plan. NO opportunity for fraud! Total costs are known! And all done under the lowest bid.

BUT with Medicare Fee for Services, traditional Medicare, a few hospitals overcharge Medicare sometimes 6,000% above their costs!

Continual Monitoring of my health...

I am looking at a list of preventive screenings my Advantage plan wants me to complete!
They know if I take these screenings I reduce greater problems and therefore more costs!
They remind me to have blood tests at least twice a year.
eyes checked every year.
Foot specialists are paid for..

Traditional Medicare... DOES NOTHING! NO material encouraging me to see my doctor! NOTHING.

So given the REAL dollars difference
-- $1,156 MORE in my SS check with my advantage plan
-- $162 I don't have to pay but would have to with traditional FFS.
-- NO co-pays versus Medicare 20% for each visit!
-- $600 a year in FREE OTC products.
-- Constant monitoring of my health...
-- Free health club!!!

Those of you on traditional Medicare tell me you have a better deal???
Medicare advantage plans are middle man and we would save billion if they are cut out. They take medicare and raise cost to seniors. I have seen Medicare and Medicaid work together and better. Advantage get rid of Medicare and take over healthcare for seniors and ask seniors, it is a disaster. You have to get referrals to get sick. Some medications are not covered. High deductioins and co pays. Medicare Advantage plans are private healthcare working for private healthcare. I could never understand how they worked until I because a senior.






:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

what a dumbass.....you can't even see the basic problem.....

Advantage programs exist in the first place because Medicare does NOT COVER everything and it is there to help the poor seniors....
Then, ALLOW Medicare to negotiate lower-prices (from the Big Pharms), like the VA DOES!!!


Stupid fuckin' Teabagger


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The goal is to slowly defund medicare and fold it all into obamacare where government panels will decide who gets medication or treatment.
you know, the funny part is, the republicans have wanted this for years, and its ADVANTAGE! its the rich person medicare, so your telling me the rich deserve more than the rest of us?

Rich persons medicare? LMAO...another one who posts on here without knowing what they are talking about.

But something else you said strikes me...

"so your telling me the rich deserve more than the rest of us?"

Deserve more than the rest of us? That all depends on how you define "deserve". Deserve BECAUSE they are rich? No.


Earned the right to have more than the rest of us? Sure. Would you say you have earned the right to live in a nicer home than say...a homeless person?
What alot of people don't realize is that the cuts Obamacare makes to Medicare are NOT limited to simply killing off Medicare Advantage, although that does account for a hefty portion of it. Of course, Medicare Advantage pisses off Democrats because they view it as a step toward "privatizing" Medicare. They like it so much better when every American is at the mercy of a faceless, conscienceless Big Government. AARP's involvement is clearly about CASH. It's not so much a lobbying organization for seniors these days as it is an INSURANCE COMPANY hawking Medigap policies. The end of Medicare Advantage increases their business, so we see the cronies hard at work, each washing the hands of the other. So much for "changing the way Washington does business", huh? :rolleyes:

But these cuts affect MORE than just what's advertised. The CBO breaks it down in part:
  • $308 billion: Cuts to the Medicare Advantage program, where more than one in four Medicare beneficiaries receive their Medicare health benefits (note: the amount includes interactions);
  • $294 billion: Payment cuts to hospitals (including DSH);
  • $66 billion: Cuts in payments for home health services;
  • $39 billion: Reductions in nursing home payments; and
  • $17 billion: Cuts to hospice payments to hospice providers.

cont... Another Independent Analysis of ObamaCare Means More Bad News for America

As we see, the cuts in payments to hospitals are nearly as big as the cuts which will destroy Medicare Advantage. And then they go on to cut home services, nursing homes and dispicably, hospices! :eek: The whole idea behind the Death Panel is to encourage senior citizens not to fight for their lives, and now they can't even die with whatever comfort possible.

To add salt to the wound, we see Team Obama deliberately attempting to hide the truth from seniors before election day. But then I guess we shouldn't be surprised. The U.S.S. Transparency set sail a long-assed time ago. :rolleyes:

You libs should be deeply ASHAMED of this guy. This isn't what you've said you stand for. And it seems to me, that killing Medicare Advantage isn't worth the human cost you've been asked to pay to see it done. We're looking at cash cronyism of the worst sort in the AARP's involvement, deceit toward voters, and life-threatening cuts in a program that YOU have espoused since before its inception. Yet you sit on your hands and DEFEND every bit of that... for the likes of Barack Obama.

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