Obamacare Declared Unconstitutional by Federal Judge

We incentivize things with the tax code all the time.

And it's time it stopped. We grant government the taxation power to fund its legitimate operations, not to be used as a general purpose tool for manipulating society.

I’d rather make my own health care choices than some bureacrat

If you're chasing tax incentives, you're not making your own decisions.
Here we go again, sports fans...The Boiking's "signature" chunk of incomprehensibility, costliness, and general disdain declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL -lock, stock, and barrel- by a federal judge in Texas.

:banana::spinner: :rock:

Certain to make it back to USSC, where Murica may well FINALLY be done with this crony giveaway to Big Insurance, and general bureaucratic pain in the ass.

Federal judge in Texas strikes down ObamaCare
Look at all the crying rats!
"Judge's ruling tonight is another reminder that we cannot afford to have Donald Trump in office, especially when the healthcare of millions is on the line." - Beto

Trump didn't make it unconstitutional the whacky dems passed an unconstitutional bill and a judge ruled it was.

We tried to tell you all this long ago but noooooooo
Wrong again SmellyIrishAss

Trump placed a $0 penalty on not having insurance and blocked the Justice Dept from defending lawsuits on Obamacare

Once this was done, the judge ruled Obamacare unsustainable and therefore unconstitutional

GFY retard. I'm weary of your nonstop nonsense.

Don't you have a life off this forum?

You cannot force someone to buy something...that was the crux of the problem from the get go. Now it's gone and along with it Ear's epic disaster

A win for America
Try driving a car without buying insurance.

Those laws are wrong as well.

Try owning a house with a mortgage without home insurance or a termite policy.

That's not a legal requirement. That's a request of the bank issuing the mortgage.
Federal judge in Texas strikes down ObamaCare

"As I predicted all along, Obamacare has been struck down as an UNCONSTITUTIONAL disaster! Now Congress must pass a STRONG law that provides GREAT healthcare and protects pre-existing conditions. Mitch and Nancy, get it done!" - President Trump

thank God this monstrosity is over!

hoorray for the actions of a rare NON corrupt judge.:dance:

Is your dancing going to turn into crying when that judges ruling is struck down?
"Judge's ruling tonight is another reminder that we cannot afford to have Donald Trump in office, especially when the healthcare of millions is on the line." - Beto

Trump didn't make it unconstitutional the whacky dems passed an unconstitutional bill and a judge ruled it was.

We tried to tell you all this long ago but noooooooo
Wrong again SmellyIrishAss

Trump placed a $0 penalty on not having insurance and blocked the Justice Dept from defending lawsuits on Obamacare

Once this was done, the judge ruled Obamacare unsustainable and therefore unconstitutional

GFY retard. I'm weary of your nonstop nonsense.

Don't you have a life off this forum?

You cannot force someone to buy something...that was the crux of the problem from the get go. Now it's gone and along with it Ear's epic disaster

A win for America
Try driving a car without buying insurance.

Those laws are wrong as well.

Try owning a house with a mortgage without home insurance or a termite policy.

That's not a legal requirement. That's a request of the bank issuing the mortgage.
Bank wont give the loan without insurance. You'd have to own the house clear to NOT carry ins.
Federal judge in Texas rules entire Obama health-care law is unconstitutional

If upheld, Dems will now push for Single-Payer... for now it's headed to the fifth Circuit Court
So, where is this great, cheap, healthcare Cheeto Jesus promised us?

Struck down buy worthless inbreed liberals

Now show me where it was proposed genius.

I mean you do understand that a plan needs to be presented before it can be "shot down" right?

Any proposal from Trump is automatically a no vote from inbreed liberals dip.
Obamacare Thrown Out by Judge, Raising Insurance Uncertainty


Well, here we go again! This will certainly make its way to the Supreme Court. We will first see what the Appeals Court says. Whatever that ruling is, it will certainly be further appealed.

At least another year or so of uncertainty?

Obamacare was struck down by a Texas federal judge in a ruling that casts uncertainty on insurance coverage for millions of U.S. residents.

The decision Friday finding the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional comes just before the end of a six-week open enrollment period for the program in 2019 and underscores a divide between Republicans who have long sought to invalidate the law and Democrats who fought to keep it in place.

U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor in Fort Worth agreed with a coalition of Republican states led by Texas that he had to eviscerate the Affordable Care Act, the signature health-care overhaul by President Barack Obama, after Congress last year zeroed out a key provision -- the tax penalty for not complying with the requirement to buy insurance. The decision is almost certain to be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court.

Much more @ Obamacare Thrown Out by Judge, Raising Insurance Uncertainty and I’ve seen dozens of articles about this.
The left is for advancing equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will in our at-will employment States. Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment takes that natural capital phenomena into account. It is a market friendly concept and the infrastructure already exists in our Republic.

Solving for simple poverty can automatically stabilize our market economy and engender a positive multiplier effect.

Promoting the general welfare must result in a positive multiplier effect to result in the general prosperity.
Federal judge in Texas strikes down ObamaCare

"As I predicted all along, Obamacare has been struck down as an UNCONSTITUTIONAL disaster! Now Congress must pass a STRONG law that provides GREAT healthcare and protects pre-existing conditions. Mitch and Nancy, get it done!" - President Trump

thank God this monstrosity is over!

hoorray for the actions of a rare NON corrupt judge.:dance:
He was corrupt and out of judiciary bounds... he usurped the congress and existing legislation by declaring all of ocare unconstitutional.... he had no power to do that.... congress just simply took out the mandate in their tax cut legislation....

They did NOT kill ocare in their legislation that our representatives voted on.

This corrupt judge is legislating from the bench.

His decision will be over turned.
Here we go again, sports fans...The Boiking's "signature" chunk of incomprehensibility, costliness, and general disdain declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL -lock, stock, and barrel- by a federal judge in Texas.

:banana::spinner: :rock:

Certain to make it back to USSC, where Murica may well FINALLY be done with this crony giveaway to Big Insurance, and general bureaucratic pain in the ass.

Federal judge in Texas strikes down ObamaCare
Finally a judge with some sanity to stop the overreach from our government.
He was corrupt and out of judiciary bounds... he usurped the congress and existing legislation by declaring all of ocare unconstitutional.... he had no power to do that.... congress just simply took out the mandate in their tax cut legislation....

They did NOT kill ocare in their legislation that our representatives voted on.

This corrupt judge is legislating from the bench.

His decision will be over turned.
Nullifying bad law isn't legislating...It's what they're supposed to do....In fact, it's what juries are supposed to do, but the judicial oligarchy has usurped that natural right.
This is what happens when Socialists destroy the existing health care system, lie to the American people, and ram a minority-supported piece of socialist ideology / agenda down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it.

Democrats, who knew the ACA was DESIGNED TO FAIL as it was the 1st step in admitted govt-controlled single payer, CLAIMED their 'good intention' was to help the American people.

Since the POS has gone down hill since the day it was passed, now that it has collapsed / is collapsing, they DEMAND to be judged based of of that falsely proclaimed INTENT, not on the actual disastrous RESULT.
"Judge's ruling tonight is another reminder that we cannot afford to have Donald Trump in office, especially when the healthcare of millions is on the line." - Beto

Trump didn't make it unconstitutional the whacky dems passed an unconstitutional bill and a judge ruled it was.

We tried to tell you all this long ago but noooooooo
Wrong again SmellyIrishAss

Trump placed a $0 penalty on not having insurance and blocked the Justice Dept from defending lawsuits on Obamacare

Once this was done, the judge ruled Obamacare unsustainable and therefore unconstitutional

GFY retard. I'm weary of your nonstop nonsense.

Don't you have a life off this forum?

You cannot force someone to buy something...that was the crux of the problem from the get go. Now it's gone and along with it Ear's epic disaster

A win for America
Try driving a car without buying insurance.

Those laws are wrong as well.

Try owning a house with a mortgage without home insurance or a termite policy.

That's not a legal requirement. That's a request of the bank issuing the mortgage.

Interesting comments, one with out a lick of sense. What is implied in your comment is, the authority to protect banks is ok, but not when it protects the home buyer.
Bank wont give the loan without insurance. You'd have to own the house clear to NOT carry ins.
That depends on the bank. Point is, it's not a legal requirement. Not a value comparison to ACA's "individual mandate".
Trump didn't make it unconstitutional the whacky dems passed an unconstitutional bill and a judge ruled it was.

We tried to tell you all this long ago but noooooooo
Wrong again SmellyIrishAss

Trump placed a $0 penalty on not having insurance and blocked the Justice Dept from defending lawsuits on Obamacare

Once this was done, the judge ruled Obamacare unsustainable and therefore unconstitutional

GFY retard. I'm weary of your nonstop nonsense.

Don't you have a life off this forum?

You cannot force someone to buy something...that was the crux of the problem from the get go. Now it's gone and along with it Ear's epic disaster

A win for America
Try driving a car without buying insurance.

Those laws are wrong as well.

Try owning a house with a mortgage without home insurance or a termite policy.

That's not a legal requirement. That's a request of the bank issuing the mortgage.

Interesting comments, one with out a lick of sense. What is implied in your comment is, the authority to protect banks is ok, but not when it protects the home buyer.
Where in the world did you get that idea? Have you been into daniel's stash?
Don't you love how liberals tout: "Millions of Americans will lose their coverage".

Coverage that:

1. They didn't want in the first place
2. They only have to avoid the tax penalty
3. They no longer need because they have a job and employee sponsored health care
4. Has been ruled unconstitutional to force down people's throats

There is something between "no coverage" and "gov't healthcare." Just because someone drops off of Obamacare doesn't mean they lost coverage. It's called employee sponsored health care. Ya know that 3.7% unemployment? People have JOBS now and since most jobs offer some degree of health care to the employee at a far cheaper rate than Obamacare ever was, people ran from O'care. Doesn't mean they "lost coverage" it means they found more affordable and better coverage for less.

They're also blaming it on Trump. Trump didn't make this declaration, a federal judge did.
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Federal judge in Texas rules entire Obama health-care law is unconstitutional

If upheld, Dems will now push for Single-Payer... for now it's headed to the fifth Circuit Court
So, where is this great, cheap, healthcare Cheeto Jesus promised us?

Struck down buy worthless inbreed liberals

Now show me where it was proposed genius.

I mean you do understand that a plan needs to be presented before it can be "shot down" right?

Any proposal from Trump is automatically a no vote from inbreed liberals dip.
View attachment 234849
So, you can't come up with the facts (they don't exist) and you resort to insults.

But I'm the stupid one.


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