Obamacare Declared Unconstitutional by Federal Judge

"I don't mind the ACA mandate cuz I saved $2500 a year on my health care!" said no one ever.
I saved $900 a month on anm equivalent policy without subsidies.

You assfucks are so GD stupid that it makes me sicjk.

Try buying a policy as an individual with a pre-existing conditions as a couple in their late 50's.

In 2013 that policy cost me $1800.00 a month. In 2014, that same policy was $900.00 on the exchamges because of two things:

1) Elimination of pre-existing conditions addons
2) Buying as part of a large group.

The main purpose of the exchanges was to help those who were not part of a large group.

The entire problem you Assfuck Trumpettes have with the ACA is that you know shit about it. Get educated for a change.
The majority of people who benefited from Obama care were Trump voters.

I’m sure they’re thrilled.

And if someone in their family get sick or they get sick there’s always trump care. At least with Trump care you don’t stay sick long.

The list of the ten worst states for healthcare were all red states.

All were party of the case in Texas.

Stupid people doing stupid shit.
The really delicious, juicy part?

The Great Obama "you can keep your doctor" scam just got tossed by an Obama judge!
The really delicious, juicy part?

The Great Obama "you can keep your doctor" scam just got tossed by an Obama judge!
Another fucking idiot Trumpette.

The judge was appointed by George W Bush.

There was nothing in the ACA that set provider networks. If you .lost your doctor, it was because you are such a fucking moron who chose a policy that did not include him.
Here we go again, sports fans...The Boiking's "signature" chunk of incomprehensibility, costliness, and general disdain declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL -lock, stock, and barrel- by a federal judge in Texas.

:banana::spinner: :rock:

Certain to make it back to USSC, where Murica may well FINALLY be done with this crony giveaway to Big Insurance, and general bureaucratic pain in the ass.

Federal judge in Texas strikes down ObamaCare

Their party just lost an election on it.

Please do it again
"I don't mind the ACA mandate cuz I saved $2500 a year on my health care!" said no one ever.
I saved $900 a month on anm equivalent policy without subsidies.

You assfucks are so GD stupid that it makes me sicjk.

Try buying a policy as an individual with a pre-existing conditions as a couple in their late 50's.

In 2013 that policy cost me $1800.00 a month. In 2014, that same policy was $900.00 on the exchamges because of two things:

1) Elimination of pre-existing conditions addons
2) Buying as part of a large group.

The main purpose of the exchanges was to help those who were not part of a large group.

The entire problem you Assfuck Trumpettes have with the ACA is that you know shit about it. Get educated for a change.

If that's true, you are one of a very tiny minority, for virtually everyone else premiums went up, deductibles went up, the list of doctors went down, and co-pays went up.

Did you have insurance before ACA? Did your policy force you to buy maternity coverage if you are a single male? Under obozocare a single male has to buy a policy that covers maternity. One size does NOT fit all.
A state mandate that everyone has driver's license should be unconstitutional also. driver license as healthcare protects us all if we all have it. Healthcare cost is down and everyone gets equal treatment. Otherwise, hospital Emergency Rooms become primary physicians and drive up the cost for those who do pay for healthcare. If they do not pay, then we who do pay, pay for them in higher healthcare cost. Puts lives in danger with packed ER rooms. I have had to wait for 6 hrs in er because it is being used as primary care for those who do not have medical insurance..
Upgrade Ellis Island. We should have no illegal problem in our Republic; only foreign nationals with federal identification.
Here we go again, sports fans...The Boiking's "signature" chunk of incomprehensibility, costliness, and general disdain declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL -lock, stock, and barrel- by a federal judge in Texas.

:banana::spinner: :rock:

Certain to make it back to USSC, where Murica may well FINALLY be done with this crony giveaway to Big Insurance, and general bureaucratic pain in the ass.

Federal judge in Texas strikes down ObamaCare

"Death Panel Orders Life Support Removed From Obamacare

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a shocking turn of events, a group of government officials—what some people call a “death panel”—has decided to remove all life support from Obamacare and let it die a natural death.

“It’s time to recognize that with Donald Trump chipping away at it and the new ruling by a Texas judge that it’s unconstitutional, there is little chance that Obamacare will recover,” said Robert Weber, one of the decision makers. “Plus, there are quality of life issues with the high deductibles and high premiums. It is our decision that the kind thing to do is to remove all costly support keeping it artificially alive.”

A tearful Barack Obama disputed the decision. “You soulless bureaucrats! It’s going to get better,” he argued. “That judge’s decision is going to be overturned. And Obamacare is still going to save people money... it’s just going to take more time and support to get there.”

The panel reiterated that its decision was firm and it would hear no further appeals. President Trump, in a rare moment of sensitivity, consoled former president Obama, telling him not to be sad because Obamacare is “stupid” and that he should be “glad when it’s dead.”
Death Panel Orders Life Support Removed From Obamacare
geez...calm down and stop wetting yourselves in ecstasy...

“The ruling is certain to be appealed, and legal experts in both parties have said they ultimately expect the challenge to the health law will not succeed. ObamaCare will remain in effect while the case is appealed.”

If it goes to the Supreme Court which it will, how can they rule it constitutional when Roberts original ruling was it was constitutional because of that mandate?

Without that mandate Roberts' basis of it being constitutional is gone.

In my opinion it's constitutional because of the Commerce Clause. It gives the government the power to regulate business. That's basically all Obamacare is. Regulations on the insurance business.

Oh, it will go by the way side in the next year or so. Something else will replace it on the lines of a single payer, exactly what Trump wanted many years ago.
"I don't mind the ACA mandate cuz I saved $2500 a year on my health care!" said no one ever.
I saved $900 a month on anm equivalent policy without subsidies.

You assfucks are so GD stupid that it makes me sicjk.

Try buying a policy as an individual with a pre-existing conditions as a couple in their late 50's.

In 2013 that policy cost me $1800.00 a month. In 2014, that same policy was $900.00 on the exchamges because of two things:

1) Elimination of pre-existing conditions addons
2) Buying as part of a large group.

The main purpose of the exchanges was to help those who were not part of a large group.

The entire problem you Assfuck Trumpettes have with the ACA is that you know shit about it. Get educated for a change.

If that's true, you are one of a very tiny minority, for virtually everyone else premiums went up, deductibles went up, the list of doctors went down, and co-pays went up.

Did you have insurance before ACA? Did your policy force you to buy maternity coverage if you are a single male? Under obozocare a single male has to buy a policy that covers maternity. One size does NOT fit all.
Premiums were rising prior to ACA.

Slower Premium Growth Under Obama - FactCheck.org
"I don't mind the ACA mandate cuz I saved $2500 a year on my health care!" said no one ever.
I saved $900 a month on anm equivalent policy without subsidies.

You assfucks are so GD stupid that it makes me sicjk.

Try buying a policy as an individual with a pre-existing conditions as a couple in their late 50's.

In 2013 that policy cost me $1800.00 a month. In 2014, that same policy was $900.00 on the exchamges because of two things:

1) Elimination of pre-existing conditions addons
2) Buying as part of a large group.

The main purpose of the exchanges was to help those who were not part of a large group.

The entire problem you Assfuck Trumpettes have with the ACA is that you know shit about it. Get educated for a change.

If that's true, you are one of a very tiny minority, for virtually everyone else premiums went up, deductibles went up, the list of doctors went down, and co-pays went up.

Did you have insurance before ACA? Did your policy force you to buy maternity coverage if you are a single male? Under obozocare a single male has to buy a policy that covers maternity. One size does NOT fit all.
Premiums were rising prior to ACA.

Slower Premium Growth Under Obama - FactCheck.org

yes they were, do you know why?
geez...calm down and stop wetting yourselves in ecstasy...

“The ruling is certain to be appealed, and legal experts in both parties have said they ultimately expect the challenge to the health law will not succeed. ObamaCare will remain in effect while the case is appealed.”

If it goes to the Supreme Court which it will, how can they rule it constitutional when Roberts original ruling was it was constitutional because of that mandate?

Without that mandate Roberts' basis of it being constitutional is gone.

In my opinion it's constitutional because of the Commerce Clause. It gives the government the power to regulate business. That's basically all Obamacare is. Regulations on the insurance business.

Oh, it will go by the way side in the next year or so. Something else will replace it on the lines of a single payer, exactly what Trump wanted many years ago.

Do you understand what single payer would mean to you personally?

1. higher taxes
2. long waits for basic services
3. limits on what drugs you and get
4. some GS 7 in a cubicle in DC making your medical decisions for you
5. that same GS7 telling you which doctors you can see
6. less research into new drugs and treatments
7. less incentive for young people to go into medicine

ask anyone in the UK or Canada how single payer works for them, they don't like it, and neither would you.
geez...calm down and stop wetting yourselves in ecstasy...

“The ruling is certain to be appealed, and legal experts in both parties have said they ultimately expect the challenge to the health law will not succeed. ObamaCare will remain in effect while the case is appealed.”

If it goes to the Supreme Court which it will, how can they rule it constitutional when Roberts original ruling was it was constitutional because of that mandate?

Without that mandate Roberts' basis of it being constitutional is gone.

In my opinion it's constitutional because of the Commerce Clause. It gives the government the power to regulate business. That's basically all Obamacare is. Regulations on the insurance business.

Oh, it will go by the way side in the next year or so. Something else will replace it on the lines of a single payer, exactly what Trump wanted many years ago.

Do you understand what single payer would mean to you personally?

1. higher taxes
2. long waits for basic services
3. limits on what drugs you and get
4. some GS 7 in a cubicle in DC making your medical decisions for you
5. that same GS7 telling you which doctors you can see
6. less research into new drugs and treatments
7. less incentive for young people to go into medicine

ask anyone in the UK or Canada how single payer works for them, they don't like it, and neither would you.

Do you realize some of the countries that have socialized medicine also sell insurance polices? Germany has the best model.

No GS7 would make decisions they would contract that out to an insurance company.

I only stated what trump has always wanted all along.
"I don't mind the ACA mandate cuz I saved $2500 a year on my health care!" said no one ever.
I saved $900 a month on anm equivalent policy without subsidies.

You assfucks are so GD stupid that it makes me sicjk.

Try buying a policy as an individual with a pre-existing conditions as a couple in their late 50's.

In 2013 that policy cost me $1800.00 a month. In 2014, that same policy was $900.00 on the exchamges because of two things:

1) Elimination of pre-existing conditions addons
2) Buying as part of a large group.

The main purpose of the exchanges was to help those who were not part of a large group.

The entire problem you Assfuck Trumpettes have with the ACA is that you know shit about it. Get educated for a change.

If that's true, you are one of a very tiny minority, for virtually everyone else premiums went up, deductibles went up, the list of doctors went down, and co-pays went up.

Did you have insurance before ACA? Did your policy force you to buy maternity coverage if you are a single male? Under obozocare a single male has to buy a policy that covers maternity. One size does NOT fit all.
Premiums were rising prior to ACA.

Slower Premium Growth Under Obama - FactCheck.org

yes they were, do you know why?
Many reasons, which is why there could not be a simple fix.
geez...calm down and stop wetting yourselves in ecstasy...

“The ruling is certain to be appealed, and legal experts in both parties have said they ultimately expect the challenge to the health law will not succeed. ObamaCare will remain in effect while the case is appealed.”

If it goes to the Supreme Court which it will, how can they rule it constitutional when Roberts original ruling was it was constitutional because of that mandate?

Without that mandate Roberts' basis of it being constitutional is gone.

In my opinion it's constitutional because of the Commerce Clause. It gives the government the power to regulate business. That's basically all Obamacare is. Regulations on the insurance business.

Oh, it will go by the way side in the next year or so. Something else will replace it on the lines of a single payer, exactly what Trump wanted many years ago.

Do you understand what single payer would mean to you personally?

1. higher taxes
2. long waits for basic services
3. limits on what drugs you and get
4. some GS 7 in a cubicle in DC making your medical decisions for you
5. that same GS7 telling you which doctors you can see
6. less research into new drugs and treatments
7. less incentive for young people to go into medicine

ask anyone in the UK or Canada how single payer works for them, they don't like it, and neither would you.

They might complain but they would not trade it for ours.

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