Obamacare essential to keeping 3 year-old alive, parents say


Class Warrior
Aug 1, 2011

Violet McManus, a 3-year-old who suffers from debilitating seizures, was able to get insurance coverage for her expensive medication thanks to the passage of Obama’s plan, her grateful parents believe.

But if the President’s program is struck down, Violet will likely be dropped from her father’s insurance — and her family may not be able to pay her staggering bills.

“I’m really scared,” her mother Julie Walters told CNN. “Like, ‘I-can’t-sleep’-scared.”

Read more: Obamacare takes Supreme Court beating as justices ask hard questions about requirement to buy insurance - NY Daily News
It is unfortunate that people have reached the point where they only believe that government can save them.

If the little girl dies...she'll be the first person I know of that fullfills the assanine Harvard study (you know 45K a year...but you can't produce names).

On another note.....

Look at the cooks come out of the woodwork now.....

Obamacare is looking DOA and now all the liberals have their fluttering wings up in pissville because they might lose his legacy legislation.....

Good...and Good Ridance.
It is unfortunate that people have reached the point where they only believe that government can save them.

If the little girl dies...she'll be the first person I know of that fullfills the assanine Harvard study (you know 45K a year...but you can't produce names).

On another note.....

Look at the cooks come out of the woodwork now.....

Obamacare is looking DOA and now all the liberals have their fluttering wings up in pissville because they might lose his legacy legislation.....

Good...and Good Ridance.

There are thousands like that kd and many adults too- You believe absolute corporate dupe idiocy- enjoy Hell, Pubtroll. Good riddance. Actually, hoping for your recovery- change the channel.
It is unfortunate that people have reached the point where they only believe that government can save them.

If the little girl dies...she'll be the first person I know of that fullfills the assanine Harvard study (you know 45K a year...but you can't produce names).

On another note.....

Look at the cooks come out of the woodwork now.....

Obamacare is looking DOA and now all the liberals have their fluttering wings up in pissville because they might lose his legacy legislation.....

Good...and Good Ridance.

There are thousands like that kd and many adults too- You believe absolute corporate dupe idiocy- enjoy Hell, Pubtroll. Good riddance. Actually, hoping for your recovery- change the channel.

You must be drunk...you usually are by now.

As to the thousands.....these are thousands that what...die if Obamacare is overturned. Like they suddenly showed up ?

Moron. Start drinking light beer.

Violet McManus, a 3-year-old who suffers from debilitating seizures, was able to get insurance coverage for her expensive medication thanks to the passage of Obama’s plan, her grateful parents believe.

But if the President’s program is struck down, Violet will likely be dropped from her father’s insurance — and her family may not be able to pay her staggering bills.

“I’m really scared,” her mother Julie Walters told CNN. “Like, ‘I-can’t-sleep’-scared.”

Read more: Obamacare takes Supreme Court beating as justices ask hard questions about requirement to buy insurance - NY Daily News

As sad as this little girls plight may be...... i am unmoved. The parents had her, they can pay for her as well.

We are using the words.... they believe..... and likely to be dropped. Sorry its not tugging on my heart strings.

Violet McManus, a 3-year-old who suffers from debilitating seizures, was able to get insurance coverage for her expensive medication thanks to the passage of Obama’s plan, her grateful parents believe.

But if the President’s program is struck down, Violet will likely be dropped from her father’s insurance — and her family may not be able to pay her staggering bills.

“I’m really scared,” her mother Julie Walters told CNN. “Like, ‘I-can’t-sleep’-scared.”

Read more: Obamacare takes Supreme Court beating as justices ask hard questions about requirement to buy insurance - NY Daily News

If the girl is already covered, as long as premiums are paid, why would she be "dropped from her father's insurance"?

Let's stick a sad young child's face to a political train wreck and sling guilt at anyone that would dare challenge Obamaaaaahh!!!!
Nature has a way of weeding out the sickly, the weak, and the genetically damaged. Let's let Nature takes her course. Is it sad? Yes. Is it tragic? To some, yes. Is it natural? Yes. Are we playing god by keeping those Nature would cull, alive, hell, yes.
That little girl looks a lot like my oldest granddaughter.
Yea, one Obamacare commercial showed a lady bragging about how her free breast cancer screening saved her life. We could've easily funded free screenings w/o passing that glutenous disgusting wasteful obtrusive thing called Obamacare. He's the master of propaganda.
Breast cancer screenings have been free for decades. Go to a planned parenthood clinic, isn't that what they have been screaming about, they provide free breast cancer screenings?

What did the McManus family do before last year when there was no obamacare?

How stupid does the government believe we all are?
No, they've been dying for years, jackass.

Oh, and I thought I might add that if they really have been dying....according to you on the left....most of them would be conservatives.

So why are you complaining ?

Produce some names, dickweed.

Violet McManus, a 3-year-old who suffers from debilitating seizures, was able to get insurance coverage for her expensive medication thanks to the passage of Obama’s plan, her grateful parents believe.

But if the President’s program is struck down, Violet will likely be dropped from her father’s insurance — and her family may not be able to pay her staggering bills.

“I’m really scared,” her mother Julie Walters told CNN. “Like, ‘I-can’t-sleep’-scared.”

Read more: Obamacare takes Supreme Court beating as justices ask hard questions about requirement to buy insurance - NY Daily News

I am willing to bet you right here and now that, even if SCOTUS trashes Obamacare in its entirety, that girl will not die.

Thanks for playing though.
Why do people continue to vote against their own interest?

Why do people vote for their personal wishes against the needs of the nation?

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville

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