Obamacare=FAIL- Zero Signups in Michigan and 1 in Delaware


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Zero signed up in Michigan and only 1 in Delaware


ObamaCare FAIL: Zero enrolled in Michigan, 1 in Delaware

ObamaCare’s failures are becoming more apparent to the American people as tens of thousands are seeing their insurances being dropped by their employers.

Delaware signed up its first and only enrollee this past week (report via USA Today), 20 days after the website was launched, and Michigan has 0 enrollees as of this past weekend (via NRO’s Jim Geraghty). Maryland, one of the more eager states to implement the health care law, has not overcome many of the website’s glaring problems.
That's what you get for following radical right wing propaganda sites. Both of these states are in the process of expanding medicaid at the state level, so there is no sign up for the national level ACA.
Zero signed up in Michigan and only 1 in Delaware


ObamaCare FAIL: Zero enrolled in Michigan, 1 in Delaware

ObamaCare’s failures are becoming more apparent to the American people as tens of thousands are seeing their insurances being dropped by their employers.

Delaware signed up its first and only enrollee this past week (report via USA Today), 20 days after the website was launched, and Michigan has 0 enrollees as of this past weekend (via NRO’s Jim Geraghty). Maryland, one of the more eager states to implement the health care law, has not overcome many of the website’s glaring problems.

Health plan sign-ups on the rise in Michigan : News : miNBCnews.com
Yep- All the sick lame and lazy are signing up. LMAO


Healthy young, key to Obamacare, aren't buying it « Watchdog.org

By Kathryn Watson | Watchdog.org

Obamacare “only works … if young people show up.”

That’s from former President Bill Clinton in a recent MSNBC interview.

It’s why Obamacare supporters and government agencies are trying everything from sports advertising to video contests to get young people in the game.

But will those millions of Millennials show up and sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act?

A recent Reuters poll found Obamacare may not attract enough young people to keep costs low for others, despite a headline that asserts the opposite: “Poll shows healthy young adults may keep Obamacare afloat.”

The conflict between headline and data represents a collision between the hopes of survey respondents and economic logic.

The poll found that a little more than a third of young adults in its survey had tried and failed to purchase health insurance in the past. It also found that a third hoped to be able to buy health insurance now.

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