Obamacare has reversed the trend of families struggling to pay medical bills!

MUCH more affordable since, now, we're Forced to pay $500 a month for what used to cost $350 AND used to be a $500 deductible and a 80/20 copay is now a $3,000 deductible with a 70/30 copay.

Thanks for nothing assholes
Fewer People Are Having Trouble Paying Medical Bills Thanks To Obamacare

Just incredible! How will the GOP spin this to be "BAD....JUST BAD!"

They better start planning a good rebuttal for 2016, or they will again be an also ran....
Has the cost of health care gotten cheaper? Are doctors, labs, clinics, hospitals, and pharmaceuticals charging less? If the answer to those two questions is no, then how can people magically start affording what was unaffordable? How can they suddenly pay medical expenses with ease? Could the answer be subsidized health care? If the answer is yes, then someone is subsidizing it, to make it easier to pay health care expenses. The ACA ( Obamacare ) takes from some to give to others. While the ACA makes healthcare affordable and less of a financial strain on some, it is also placing an additional burden on others. The ACA ( Obamacare ) is not a "net gain" proposition. Obamacare is NOT a "win win" proposition. Higher cost for some, enables some to be less burdened by health care cost. It's akin to the "Robin Hood" take from the rich to give to the poor.

You are bitching about something ( costs ) that was not addressed by the law....because the opposition to the law didn't allow it to be addressed.

When will people stop lying about their personal experiences with the ACA? I'll guess 2017.
When will people stop lying about their personal experiences with the ACA? I'll guess 2017.
if you're going to call me a liar you should post proof

Your story looks like Swiss cheese, bro.

Tell that to my employee who was on her husband's plan that got cancelled

She had no deductible and the only plan I could get for her was one with a 2500 deductible.

They are both on a single plan now because the family plan was ridiculously priced
When will people stop lying about their personal experiences with the ACA? I'll guess 2017.
if you're going to call me a liar you should post proof

Your story looks like Swiss cheese, bro.

Tell that to my employee who was on her husband's plan that got cancelled

She had no deductible and the only plan I could get for her was one with a 2500 deductible.

They are both on a single plan now because the family plan was ridiculously priced

When will people stop lying about their personal experiences with the ACA? I'll guess 2017.
if you're going to call me a liar you should post proof

Your story looks like Swiss cheese, bro.

Tell that to my employee who was on her husband's plan that got cancelled

She had no deductible and the only plan I could get for her was one with a 2500 deductible.

They are both on a single plan now because the family plan was ridiculously priced


you obviously never had employees or paid their insurance.
When will people stop lying about their personal experiences with the ACA? I'll guess 2017.
if you're going to call me a liar you should post proof

Your story looks like Swiss cheese, bro.

Tell that to my employee who was on her husband's plan that got cancelled

She had no deductible and the only plan I could get for her was one with a 2500 deductible.

They are both on a single plan now because the family plan was ridiculously priced


Dear LoneLaugher
There are plenty of places you can argue that ACA is helping people.
There are equal places that have hurt others who get shafted.

Please do not hurt credibility by slamming those real cases.
There are some on both sides. Please respect this.

You are not helping the cause if you trip over the provable cases
as Skullpilot points out.

You make it look like people are in such denial, even rejecting real life
experiences, that you appear only for propaganda that makes the
real cases in support of ACA seem suspect if you only care about facts on one side!

Please don't do this.
Please show respect for real life experiences
if you want pro ACA testimonies to be taken as real and not blind propaganda and BS.

We need to hear from each other if we are going to figure
out what parts of ACA to keep and what needs to be changed.

So we need the feedback to be as accurate as possible
if we are going to fix this and make it work for the peopl eit works for,
and change the parts that aren't working for other people equally.

it is not fair to impose a system that denies equal help to all people
if it is required for all people.

So please encourage truthful reporting and let's use that to figure out
where the problems are so these can be remedied.

Please do not hurt the credibility by rejecting honest feedback
and experiences.
When will people stop lying about their personal experiences with the ACA? I'll guess 2017.
if you're going to call me a liar you should post proof

Your story looks like Swiss cheese, bro.

Tell that to my employee who was on her husband's plan that got cancelled

She had no deductible and the only plan I could get for her was one with a 2500 deductible.

They are both on a single plan now because the family plan was ridiculously priced


Dear LoneLaugher
There are plenty of places you can argue that ACA is helping people.
There are equal places that have hurt others who get shafted.

Please do not hurt credibility by slamming those real cases.
There are some on both sides. Please respect this.

You are not helping the cause if you trip over the provable cases
as Skullpilot points out.

You make it look like people are in such denial, even rejecting real life
experiences, that you appear only for propaganda that makes the
real cases in support of ACA seem suspect if you only care about facts on one side!

Please don't do this.
Please show respect for real life experiences
if you want pro ACA testimonies to be taken as real and not blind propaganda and BS.

We need to hear from each other if we are going to figure
out what parts of ACA to keep and what needs to be changed.

So we need the feedback to be as accurate as possible
if we are going to fix this and make it work for the peopl eit works for,
and change the parts that aren't working for other people equally.

it is not fair to impose a system that denies equal help to all people
if it is required for all people.

So please encourage truthful reporting and let's use that to figure out
where the problems are so these can be remedied.

Please do not hurt the credibility by rejecting honest feedback
and experiences.

I don't reject honest feedback. You believe what you want. My bullshit detector is finely tuned. Got it?
Fewer People Are Having Trouble Paying Medical Bills Thanks To Obamacare

Just incredible! How will the GOP spin this to be "BAD....JUST BAD!"

They better start planning a good rebuttal for 2016, or they will again be an also ran....

Thats just great for people who are subsidized.
What about the people who can no longer afford healthcare because they now have to pay for the subsidized bums as well?
You know,the people who actually contribute to society...
They were already paying for that when ignorant and poor right wingers used the Emergency room as their only source of health care. Everyone knows that.
if you're going to call me a liar you should post proof

Your story looks like Swiss cheese, bro.

Tell that to my employee who was on her husband's plan that got cancelled

She had no deductible and the only plan I could get for her was one with a 2500 deductible.

They are both on a single plan now because the family plan was ridiculously priced


Dear LoneLaugher
There are plenty of places you can argue that ACA is helping people.
There are equal places that have hurt others who get shafted.

Please do not hurt credibility by slamming those real cases.
There are some on both sides. Please respect this.

You are not helping the cause if you trip over the provable cases
as Skullpilot points out.

You make it look like people are in such denial, even rejecting real life
experiences, that you appear only for propaganda that makes the
real cases in support of ACA seem suspect if you only care about facts on one side!

Please don't do this.
Please show respect for real life experiences
if you want pro ACA testimonies to be taken as real and not blind propaganda and BS.

We need to hear from each other if we are going to figure
out what parts of ACA to keep and what needs to be changed.

So we need the feedback to be as accurate as possible
if we are going to fix this and make it work for the peopl eit works for,
and change the parts that aren't working for other people equally.

it is not fair to impose a system that denies equal help to all people
if it is required for all people.

So please encourage truthful reporting and let's use that to figure out
where the problems are so these can be remedied.

Please do not hurt the credibility by rejecting honest feedback
and experiences.

I don't reject honest feedback. You believe what you want. My bullshit detector is finely tuned. Got it?

If a program really works then why would people even MAKE UP objections to oppose it.

isn't it clear that if people support it they will support explanations that justify why.
And if people oppose it, they will express their dissent.

Why isn't their dissent good enough to say NO I don't agree to this bill.

When an atheist sues in court over a cross, does the person have to prove
they really are an atheist and really don't believe in Christianity?

Now many people will say that atheists are only choosing not to believe,
but guess what the secular laws go by. If you say you are an atheist
then that is accepted. and differences cannot be imposed but religious freedom must be respected
if that person objects.

Why can't we accept when people object religiously to this bill?

This is very strange. I must be the oddity here that I can see
when people have political beliefs that won't change and
are being crossed, and I want to respect that.

so maybe my "detector" for when someone has a political belief
is finely tuned. And I am sensing these two sides need to be separated
and not imposed on each other. That's the "reading" I have been getting
out of these conversations from day one.

I just find it odd that I am one of the few that sees BOTH sides
as having political beliefs. When will other people recognize this besides me?

Will it catch on, and will more people see that both sides need to have their
own system or they feel their inherent rights are violated? How cruel
to pit them up against each other, like Hindus and Muslims, and force
them to either impose one way or the other "for the whole nation to follow."

When will other people's detectors start to go off besides just mine?
Fewer People Are Having Trouble Paying Medical Bills Thanks To Obamacare

Just incredible! How will the GOP spin this to be "BAD....JUST BAD!"

They better start planning a good rebuttal for 2016, or they will again be an also ran....

Thats just great for people who are subsidized.
What about the people who can no longer afford healthcare because they now have to pay for the subsidized bums as well?
You know,the people who actually contribute to society...
They were already paying for that when ignorant and poor right wingers used the Emergency room as their only source of health care. Everyone knows that.

And there could be OTHER means of going after those delinquent people
without restricting everyone else who wasn't guilty of racking up costs.

Just because people agree to one thing doesn't mean they will agree to another.

Some people agree to the death penalty but don't agree to abortion, which
may not make sense to us but to others they have a religious difference in their reasons.

Some women may agree to marry and have sex with their husband,
but if he were to force himself on them in ways they don't consent to, it is still rape,

In the case of women we ask to respect consent and not to assume
she asked for it, or consented anyway, or didn't really object enough.

Why can't we respect when people say NO I don't believe in this, I don't consent.
Why isn't that good enough to back off and find where they DO consent and respect those limits?
Fewer People Are Having Trouble Paying Medical Bills Thanks To Obamacare

Just incredible! How will the GOP spin this to be "BAD....JUST BAD!"

They better start planning a good rebuttal for 2016, or they will again be an also ran....

Thats just great for people who are subsidized.
What about the people who can no longer afford healthcare because they now have to pay for the subsidized bums as well?
You know,the people who actually contribute to society...
They were already paying for that when ignorant and poor right wingers used the Emergency room as their only source of health care. Everyone knows that.

Obviously never been to the E-room at one AM......
Your story looks like Swiss cheese, bro.

Tell that to my employee who was on her husband's plan that got cancelled

She had no deductible and the only plan I could get for her was one with a 2500 deductible.

They are both on a single plan now because the family plan was ridiculously priced


Dear LoneLaugher
There are plenty of places you can argue that ACA is helping people.
There are equal places that have hurt others who get shafted.

Please do not hurt credibility by slamming those real cases.
There are some on both sides. Please respect this.

You are not helping the cause if you trip over the provable cases
as Skullpilot points out.

You make it look like people are in such denial, even rejecting real life
experiences, that you appear only for propaganda that makes the
real cases in support of ACA seem suspect if you only care about facts on one side!

Please don't do this.
Please show respect for real life experiences
if you want pro ACA testimonies to be taken as real and not blind propaganda and BS.

We need to hear from each other if we are going to figure
out what parts of ACA to keep and what needs to be changed.

So we need the feedback to be as accurate as possible
if we are going to fix this and make it work for the peopl eit works for,
and change the parts that aren't working for other people equally.

it is not fair to impose a system that denies equal help to all people
if it is required for all people.

So please encourage truthful reporting and let's use that to figure out
where the problems are so these can be remedied.

Please do not hurt the credibility by rejecting honest feedback
and experiences.

I don't reject honest feedback. You believe what you want. My bullshit detector is finely tuned. Got it?

If a program really works then why would people even MAKE UP objections to oppose it.

isn't it clear that if people support it they will support explanations that justify why.
And if people oppose it, they will express their dissent.

Why isn't their dissent good enough to say NO I don't agree to this bill.

When an atheist sues in court over a cross, does the person have to prove
they really are an atheist and really don't believe in Christianity?

Now many people will say that atheists are only choosing not to believe,
but guess what the secular laws go by. If you say you are an atheist
then that is accepted. and differences cannot be imposed but religious freedom must be respected
if that person objects.

Why can't we accept when people object religiously to this bill?

This is very strange. I must be the oddity here that I can see
when people have political beliefs that won't change and
are being crossed, and I want to respect that.

so maybe my "detector" for when someone has a political belief
is finely tuned. And I am sensing these two sides need to be separated
and not imposed on each other. That's the "reading" I have been getting
out of these conversations from day one.

I just find it odd that I am one of the few that sees BOTH sides
as having political beliefs. When will other people recognize this besides me?

Will it catch on, and will more people see that both sides need to have their
own system or they feel their inherent rights are violated? How cruel
to pit them up against each other, like Hindus and Muslims, and force
them to either impose one way or the other "for the whole nation to follow."

When will other people's detectors start to go off besides just mine?

Damn....you are wordy.

ACA horror stories are now a meme. A few people have had to change plans and fewer have had to change doctors. Some have had to spend a bit more.......but the reason for that lies with the insurance companies...not the law.

When someone states their gripe in terms that are believable.....then I will believe them. Simple.
Fewer People Are Having Trouble Paying Medical Bills Thanks To Obamacare

Just incredible! How will the GOP spin this to be "BAD....JUST BAD!"

They better start planning a good rebuttal for 2016, or they will again be an also ran....

Thats just great for people who are subsidized.
What about the people who can no longer afford healthcare because they now have to pay for the subsidized bums as well?
You know,the people who actually contribute to society...
They were already paying for that when ignorant and poor right wingers used the Emergency room as their only source of health care. Everyone knows that.

Hey rdean you do bring up a good point:
the conservatives on the right WERE objecting to why aren't convicted inmates required to pay their own costs.

So they WERE objecting to pay for health care costs for people who are defrauding or burdening the taxpayers unfairly. If the money spent by inmates were credited back to taxpayers and/or paid back over time like student loans, this fund could cover the costs or LOANS to ER patients with the same option of paying back over time. This does not have to be a handout.

And guess what the arguments on the left were to making inmate pay back their costs?
That they were OPPOSED to making inmates work at "slave labor" and being exploited to pay for crimes.
why? because they didn't trust the institutions to manage the labor, it was being abused for corporate profit. Hmmm sounds very similar to why the right doesn't want their labor taxed to pay for health care if they don't trust the institution in charge of managing that either!

So the right did push for people to be accountable
for costs that COULD pay for heath care,
and the left objected.

And now, when the left want to hold people accountable
they no longer accept arguments of causing "involuntary servitude"
Suddenly it's okay to demand money and tax on labor from
law abiding citizens who committed no crimes,
when before these same leftist arguments OPPOSED
taxing the labor of people who DID commit crimes and DID incur costs of their health care and housing to the state.

Why the double standard?

1. Because one person trusts the administration handling the taxing and the other doesn't
so one is considered involuntary servitude and the other is considered a fair tax on everyone
2. Because one involves STATE budgets and accountability, and the other is on a federal level
which isn't as directly voted on or decided by people or states
3. Because the ACA attempts to address health care out of context with other issues
that the same taxpayers are "already paying for"

since we are already paying 50,000 a year for inmates, why not hold them accountable
for costs instead of pushing more costs onto taxpayers who already OPPOSE paying for that.

Now you've just added more without addressing the accountability for the other costs.
And the same arguments used to defend inmates against paying for their own costs
are now ignored when law abiding citizens make these arguments. Why?

What is wrong with mandating that the States quit wasting money on
prisons that could go into paying for public health care, and hold wrongdoers
accountable for costs they incur instead of charging lawabiding citizens?
Last edited:
ObumaCare headlines from the last 2 days...

Harvard Study Of CBO Reports Says Nothing New Or Interesting About King v. Burwell

Forbes ^
Vox‘s Sarah Kliff reports that Harvard University’s Theda Skocpol has produced a study purporting to show Congress intended for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to authorize health-insurance subsdies through Exchanges established by the federal government — even though the statute expressly and repeatedly says those subsidies are available only “through an Exchange established by the State.” Whether the PPACA authorizes those subsidies in the 36 states with federal Exchanges is the question presented in King v. Burwell. The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in King on March 4, with a ruling expected by June. Unfortunately for the...
  • NHS may be forced to abandon free healthcare, Britain’s top doctor says

    Daily Telegraph (UK) ^
    Britain’s most senior doctor has said the under-pressure NHS may be forced to abandon the concept of free healthcare for all. Prof. Sir Bruce Keogh, medical director of the NHS in England, said there were doubts over whether the taxpayer-funded model was “sustainable in the longer term”. He added that huge changes were needed—including less reliance on hospitals—if free treatment was to be preserved. He told the Guardian: “If the NHS continues to function as it does now, it’s going to really struggle to cope because the model of delivery and service that we have at the moment is not...
  • HHS secretary uses MLK Day speech to shill Obamacare at Al Sharpton event

    Washington Times ^
    Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell promoted Obamacare “in the spirit of Dr. King” on Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, during a breakfast hosted by Al Sharpton. “African-Americans have the lowest life expectancy of any other race in this country,” Ms. Burwell said in a speech to the National Action Network, The Hill reported. But “thanks to the Affordable Care Act,” she said, “7.8 million African-Americans with private insurance now have access to expanded preventative services with no cost sharing.” Ms. Burwell’s speech comes as HHS ramps up its efforts to insure people ahead of next month’s
  • Radiology: Choose between change or trouble

    Diagnostic Imaging ^
    CHICAGO — “Some folks might think that I’m just a paranoid old guy who feels that the world is coming to an end and we had a great ride…but there are major disruptive changes in health care on the horizon, and unless we understand them and respond, I think, personally, the future of our profession is in jeopardy,” Paul Berger, MD, chairman, Partners in the Imaging Enterprise, and past founder and former chairman of NightHawk Radiology, said at RSNA 2014. The disruption Berger was referring to specifically is the trend of population health. Population health is an idea with varying...
  • H&R Block: ‘No One Can Understand’ New Obamacare Tax Code

dailycaller.com ^
“Now that the Affordable Care Act has made health care a tax issue, no one can understand it,” H&R Block flatly tells taxpayers in a video that resides on its dedicated Obamacare web site. A former IRS Commissioner agrees, and cautions that the new tax requirements will be a “shock to the system,” especially afflicting low-income earners who have never itemized on their tax return.The tax preparation giant — with 24 million tax clients worldwide — reports that the Obamacare tax rules now constitute “the biggest tax code change in the last 20 years.”The company is so concerned, it has...
  • The Obamacare death panel has a constitutional problem

    Absolute Rights ^
    She was vilified as ignorant, alarmist, extreme and right-wing when former Alaska governor and 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin tried to tell Americans that yes, the Affordable Care Act – a.k.a. Obamacare – created so-called “death panels.” But of course, she has since been proven correct, even though they are not identified as “death panels” specifically in the language of the law. President Obama and the Democrats who passed this abomination would never be so politically bold or so politically honest; then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California famously said that Congress would “have to pass the bill so that” Americans...
  • Doom: IRS Complains About Budget Cuts, Forgets The Back Taxes IRS Employees Owe

Townhall ^
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, infamous for his defiant congressional testimony about the inappropriate targeting of conservative tea party groups, is warning that budget cuts to the agency will cause delayed refunds, more identity theft, long wait times for help and a possible shut down of the agency ... Koskinen doesn't mention the extra hell Obamacare rules are putting tax filers through this year... Maybe Koskinen should ask IRS employees who owe back taxes to pay up in order to help fill the gap. Or how about avoiding handing out bonuses worth millions to employees who owe back taxes to the...
Marilyn Tavenner, the Obama administration official who presided over Obamacare’s worst debacles and most devious deceptions, has finally made an intelligent decision—she resigned. Tavenner ran the government bureaucracy responsible for the inept rollout of HealthCare.gov, the promulgation of phony PPACA enrollment figures, and the handout of legally dubious waivers to Democrat-friendly donors. And, when Congress subpoenaed her emails—stop me if you’ve heard this one before—she discovered that they had somehow been deleted. Having thus committed as many blunders as can be reasonably expected of any incompetent apparatchik, she announced last Friday that she will depart next month. The “news” media...
  • Obamacare penalty may come as shock at tax time

    Washington Times ^
    Those Americans who didn’t get health insurance last year could be in for a rude awakening when the IRS asks them to fork over their Obamacare penalty — and it could be a lot more than the $95 many of them may be expecting. The Affordable Care Act requires those who didn’t have insurance last year and didn’t qualify for one of the exemptions to pay a tax penalty, which was widely cited as $95 the first year. But the $95 is actually a minimum, and middle- and upper-income families will actually end up paying 1 percent of their household...
  • Large Penalties Await Employers Who Reimbursed Certain Employee Health Insurance Premiums In 2014

    Forbes ^
    Do you have people – as in, more than one – working for you? If so, you’re probably knee deep in preparing Forms W-2 for your employees before the January 31st deadline. Well, what if I told you that when you send in those forms, unless you’re aware of an under-publicized change to the insurance and tax laws that took place on January 1, 2014, you might be exposing yourself to tens or even hundreds, of thousands of dollars in penalties? And what if I told you that even if reading this column makes you aware of the required change,...

Tell that to my employee who was on her husband's plan that got cancelled

She had no deductible and the only plan I could get for her was one with a 2500 deductible.

They are both on a single plan now because the family plan was ridiculously priced


Dear LoneLaugher
There are plenty of places you can argue that ACA is helping people.
There are equal places that have hurt others who get shafted.

Please do not hurt credibility by slamming those real cases.
There are some on both sides. Please respect this.

You are not helping the cause if you trip over the provable cases
as Skullpilot points out.

You make it look like people are in such denial, even rejecting real life
experiences, that you appear only for propaganda that makes the
real cases in support of ACA seem suspect if you only care about facts on one side!

Please don't do this.
Please show respect for real life experiences
if you want pro ACA testimonies to be taken as real and not blind propaganda and BS.

We need to hear from each other if we are going to figure
out what parts of ACA to keep and what needs to be changed.

So we need the feedback to be as accurate as possible
if we are going to fix this and make it work for the peopl eit works for,
and change the parts that aren't working for other people equally.

it is not fair to impose a system that denies equal help to all people
if it is required for all people.

So please encourage truthful reporting and let's use that to figure out
where the problems are so these can be remedied.

Please do not hurt the credibility by rejecting honest feedback
and experiences.

I don't reject honest feedback. You believe what you want. My bullshit detector is finely tuned. Got it?

If a program really works then why would people even MAKE UP objections to oppose it.

isn't it clear that if people support it they will support explanations that justify why.
And if people oppose it, they will express their dissent.

Why isn't their dissent good enough to say NO I don't agree to this bill.

When an atheist sues in court over a cross, does the person have to prove
they really are an atheist and really don't believe in Christianity?

Now many people will say that atheists are only choosing not to believe,
but guess what the secular laws go by. If you say you are an atheist
then that is accepted. and differences cannot be imposed but religious freedom must be respected
if that person objects.

Why can't we accept when people object religiously to this bill?

This is very strange. I must be the oddity here that I can see
when people have political beliefs that won't change and
are being crossed, and I want to respect that.

so maybe my "detector" for when someone has a political belief
is finely tuned. And I am sensing these two sides need to be separated
and not imposed on each other. That's the "reading" I have been getting
out of these conversations from day one.

I just find it odd that I am one of the few that sees BOTH sides
as having political beliefs. When will other people recognize this besides me?

Will it catch on, and will more people see that both sides need to have their
own system or they feel their inherent rights are violated? How cruel
to pit them up against each other, like Hindus and Muslims, and force
them to either impose one way or the other "for the whole nation to follow."

When will other people's detectors start to go off besides just mine?

Damn....you are wordy.

ACA horror stories are now a meme. A few people have had to change plans and fewer have had to change doctors. Some have had to spend a bit more.......but the reason for that lies with the insurance companies...not the law.

When someone states their gripe in terms that are believable.....then I will believe them. Simple.

Simple LoneLaugher
When I explain that the objections to the ACA are based on inherent beliefs
that individual liberties such as health care choices and how to pay for them
were never authorizied to hand over to federal govt, but belong to the States and to the People,
that explains the spirit of the objections.

If you can recognize that as a God given belief that objectors have,
then that is sufficient to understand how First and Fourteenth Amendment rights
are violated by these ACA mandates that discriminate by taxing some and exempting
others by regulating choices and approving some but not others when there are many ways to pay for health care.

You and I don't have to AGREE with someone's beliefs
in order to see they deserve equal protection by law.

We can ask them to take responsibility for their beliefs,
so WE don't have to pay for the cost and consequences of those other choices,
but we have no right to abuse govt especially federal laws and taxation
to penalize people on the basis of having different beliefs than us.

That is discrimination and I am not going to participate it
or enforce it in anyway. I believe that is negligence that
violates civil rights, and it goes against my beliefs in equal protection of the laws.

Sorry but I am going to defend equal rights of people of both parties
to support the plans of their choice WITHOUT imposing that on others.
Fewer People Are Having Trouble Paying Medical Bills Thanks To Obamacare

Just incredible! How will the GOP spin this to be "BAD....JUST BAD!"

They better start planning a good rebuttal for 2016, or they will again be an also ran....
Has the cost of health care gotten cheaper? Are doctors, labs, clinics, hospitals, and pharmaceuticals charging less? If the answer to those two questions is no, then how can people magically start affording what was unaffordable? How can they suddenly pay medical expenses with ease? Could the answer be subsidized health care? If the answer is yes, then someone is subsidizing it, to make it easier to pay health care expenses. The ACA ( Obamacare ) takes from some to give to others. While the ACA makes healthcare affordable and less of a financial strain on some, it is also placing an additional burden on others. The ACA ( Obamacare ) is not a "net gain" proposition. Obamacare is NOT a "win win" proposition. Higher cost for some, enables some to be less burdened by health care cost. It's akin to the "Robin Hood" take from the rich to give to the poor.

Was just watching an interview with Atul Gawande where he talked about how health care costs have been flat, have not increased, since ObamaCare was enacted.

ALL insurance works the same way - those who do not file claims subsidize those who do. That's true of your car insurance, which you are required to have, as well as the insurance you have on your home.

A difference now is that you have to buy health insurance instead of getting it free (subsidized by taxpayers) at the ER.

OTOH, EMTALA is still available and there is no real penalty for not buying health care insurance.
Fewer People Are Having Trouble Paying Medical Bills Thanks To Obamacare

Just incredible! How will the GOP spin this to be "BAD....JUST BAD!"

They better start planning a good rebuttal for 2016, or they will again be an also ran....
Has the cost of health care gotten cheaper? Are doctors, labs, clinics, hospitals, and pharmaceuticals charging less? If the answer to those two questions is no, then how can people magically start affording what was unaffordable? How can they suddenly pay medical expenses with ease? Could the answer be subsidized health care? If the answer is yes, then someone is subsidizing it, to make it easier to pay health care expenses. The ACA ( Obamacare ) takes from some to give to others. While the ACA makes healthcare affordable and less of a financial strain on some, it is also placing an additional burden on others. The ACA ( Obamacare ) is not a "net gain" proposition. Obamacare is NOT a "win win" proposition. Higher cost for some, enables some to be less burdened by health care cost. It's akin to the "Robin Hood" take from the rich to give to the poor.

Was just watching an interview with Atul Gawande where he talked about how health care costs have been flat, have not increased, since ObamaCare was enacted.

ALL insurance works the same way - those who do not file claims subsidize those who do. That's true of your car insurance, which you are required to have, as well as the insurance you have on your home.

A difference now is that you have to buy health insurance instead of getting it free (subsidized by taxpayers) at the ER.

OTOH, EMTALA is still available and there is no real penalty for not buying health care insurance.

Okay Luddly Neddite
since prolife people are already paying extra to support prolife programs
why not make that a requirement alternative since they are paying anyway?

Give people equal choice to pay the amount that woudl go toward insurance
or the tax penalty if they prefer,
into PROLIFE hospitals education and medical services.

so you can pay for your govt system
and the others who don't believe in govt health care
can pay for church run programs and send all their emergency
cases there and pay that way.

Since they are already paying anyway, why not require this for all people?

Why not give equal choice to separate church and state
and let people use and fund the system of their choice?

If you don't believe in govt insurance mandates
but believe in prolife you go use the prolife system that is run whatever way
they expect to pay for that.

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