Obamacare: Many top cancer hospitals off-limits for newly insured

"Ensuring Coverage for Individuals Participating in Clinical Trials.*Insurers will be prohibited from dropping or limiting coverage because an individual chooses to participate in a clinical trial.* Applies to all clinical trials that treat cancer or other life-threatening diseases.*Effective January 1, 2014.*"

Clinical trials have never been covered. Hospitals, doctors, corporations and drug companies eat the costs of clinical trials and usually get the investment back when the drug, equipment or procedure is approved.

That has nothing to do with the hospitals not being on obamacare plans.
We didn't turn people away before Obamacare.

Illegal immigration is a problem for a lot of reasons. Health care costs only being one of them.

I thought this thread was about high end hospitals.

No, you forced peolple to buy it and the same number of uninsured is roughly the same, and those that were dropped from their better insurance coverage now have worse coverage.

Yeah, but this lying bag of shit in chief did not know that was going to happen.

Fucking idiots.

Dude how many times are you going to change the talking point?

The system is built to increase the number of people insured over time. Insurance plans are dropped all the time as prices increase. Obamacare did shift some costs around and increased the standards of plans. It did not establish complete government control over all health insurance plans and their prices. It actually did very little to control costs. Instead the costs are becoming more transparent and spread out which is annoying people.

Definitely helps a lot of people who were going bankrupt because they got cancer though.

So....we spent millions and millions of dollars, set the nations healthcare system on a path to ruin, destroyed jobs, took insurance away from millions for what now? For a system that's no better or worse than the one we had?
No, you forced peolple to buy it and the same number of uninsured is roughly the same, and those that were dropped from their better insurance coverage now have worse coverage.

Yeah, but this lying bag of shit in chief did not know that was going to happen.

Fucking idiots.

Dude how many times are you going to change the talking point?

The system is built to increase the number of people insured over time. Insurance plans are dropped all the time as prices increase. Obamacare did shift some costs around and increased the standards of plans. It did not establish complete government control over all health insurance plans and their prices. It actually did very little to control costs. Instead the costs are becoming more transparent and spread out which is annoying people.

Definitely helps a lot of people who were going bankrupt because they got cancer though.

So....we spent millions and millions of dollars, set the nations healthcare system on a path to ruin, destroyed jobs, took insurance away from millions for what now? For a system that's no better or worse than the one we had?

The system had a serious cost problem. That cost problem was most acutely felt by the poor and the sick. Obamacare shifted that burden away from those groups onto others.

It is hard to call a shift of burden better or worse without being subjective.

There are still massive problems with the US system. Only the most partisan would have looked at Obamacare and thought it fixed even a large percentage of those problems. Most would agree on both sides that it has exposed the problems within the system.
you do understand those people had NO insurance before.

hmmmm....let's see what's worse....

no insurance or some POSSIBLE limitations on hospitsl.

oh wait... I know....


So they can treat themselves,and send the bill to the insurance company.
That has nothing to do with the hospitals not being on obamacare plans.

So why is it being used as an excuse?

Those patients may not be able get the most advanced treatment, including clinical trials of new medications.

Look...these places are "for profit". They don't care about the cancer patient, they care about the bottom line.

If they wanted to participate in Obamacare, they can follow the rules. If they don't, screw 'em!
Those patients may not be able get the most advanced treatment, including clinical trials of new medications.

Once again...When I see flat out lies like this I will refuse to take credence with other claims. When the right stops lying, I'll start listening.
you do understand those people had NO insurance before.

hmmmm....let's see what's worse....

no insurance or some POSSIBLE limitations on hospitsl.

oh wait... I know....


So, they still have no insurance. But they didn't have to pay $500 a month to have no insurance before. DUH!
I am not aware of any other country having an illegal immigration problem like the US has.

Nations with single payer systems or UHC create agreements with one another to cover people coming into their country from other nations.

The fact that we don't turn people away is never going to change and has little to nothing to do with the discussion.

You do not think the illegal immigration situation has ANYTHING TO DO with the discussion on Obamacare?

It is literally impossible to debate such moronic shit.

You even admit in your statement that illegal immigration is a PROBLEM and the logistical reality of what is happening here as opposed to any other place on earth means the situation needs to be factored in whenever discussing this bag shit known as Obamacare.

Now, shift away from this and hold on to that straw in trying to say Obamacare is working.

We didn't turn people away before Obamacare.

Illegal immigration is a problem for a lot of reasons. Health care costs only being one of them.

I thought this thread was about high end hospitals.

Under EMTALA no one was turned away because of an emergent condition. But they could not get specialty treatment. Seems they still can't.
That has nothing to do with the hospitals not being on obamacare plans.

So why is it being used as an excuse?

Those patients may not be able get the most advanced treatment, including clinical trials of new medications.

Look...these places are "for profit". They don't care about the cancer patient, they care about the bottom line.

If they wanted to participate in Obamacare, they can follow the rules. If they don't, screw 'em!

Before Obamacare they could. The OP's point remains.
Those patients may not be able get the most advanced treatment, including clinical trials of new medications.

Once again...When I see flat out lies like this I will refuse to take credence with other claims. When the right stops lying, I'll start listening.

So you only listen to left wing lies, got it.
Funny, when they sold us this obamacare pile of shit, they said it cured all ills, now they telling us "yeah but..."
Funny, when they sold us this obamacare pile of shit, they said it cured all ills, now they telling us "yeah but..."

Even when it was being passed people were calling for a public option and expanded Medicaid/Medicare.
Some insured for the first time are not going to be able to access some of the great hospitals?

They weren't able to access any before.

And stupid #2 shows up.

How about you? You have a link that shows all cancer patients on obamacare had no insurance prior to getting on it? Because all current and future cancer patients on obamacare are denied access.

You said "newly insured", dickwad. :lol:
Some insured for the first time are not going to be able to access some of the great hospitals?

They weren't able to access any before.

And stupid #2 shows up.

How about you? You have a link that shows all cancer patients on obamacare had no insurance prior to getting on it? Because all current and future cancer patients on obamacare are denied access.

You said "newly insured", dickwad. :lol:

Make up some more shit dumbass. Point to where I said that.
Only someone who has zero understanding of health insurance could post something this ignorant. Virtually every group insurance policy in the USA is under the HMO model, which only pays for contracted hospitals, except in the case of an emergency. I only have access to one hospital out of 5 in my town, because they agreed to sign a contract and become a contracted provider. You are free to go to any other hospital that you want, provided that you pay for it out of your own pocket. it has been this was in the health insurance industry since about 1980.
Only someone who has zero understanding of health insurance could post something this ignorant. Virtually every group insurance policy in the USA is under the HMO model, which only pays for contracted hospitals, except in the case of an emergency. I only have access to one hospital out of 5 in my town, because they agreed to sign a contract and become a contracted provider. You are free to go to any other hospital that you want, provided that you pay for it out of your own pocket. it has been this was in the health insurance industry since about 1980.

Are you talking to me?

FYI: I worked in health care for 25 years. Some of it was in the business/insurance aspect. You are generally not limited to those contracted hospitals. You generally can go to any hospital you want, but the rate of pay is less. You would have to pick up a larger copay.

Here, we are talking about cancer patients who need very expensive specialty care. The one we had on here blathering on about how great local small town facilities are is likely dead by now. I worked a cancer/hemotology floor for a year. Most people have it all backward. They go to the local providers first, preferring to wait to get the big guns only if the local treatment doesn't work. If you get cancer, you should go to the big guns, AKA large specialty centers first, most of which are pretty far removed from rural America. They are also very expensive. So if your plan pays 50% for the out of network provider instead of 80% that can be enough of a difference to bankrupt you. BTW: Did you know that most people who bankrupt because of medical expenses have insurance?

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