Obamacare: Many top cancer hospitals off-limits for newly insured

But but but the entire world has socialized single payer medical care. Since the entire world is so much better than here in every way, we should go to that version too.

Cause.......cause even though so many people from all of those other countries are trying to get here rather than the other way around, that does not mean a thing.

Cause cause cause....America never belonged to white people.

Cause cause, we do not belong here.

And there a lot of poor people too.


What liberals discuss in their drum circles when they are not weeping over trees.......

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But but but the entire world has socialized single payer medical care. Since the entire world is so much better than here in every way, we should go to that version too.

Cause.......cause even though so many people from all of those other countries are trying to get here rather than the other way around, that does not mean a thing.

Cause cause cause....America never belonged to white people.

Cause cause, we do not belong here.

And there a lot of poor people too.


What liberals discuss in their drum circles when they are not weeping over trees.......


They are pretty out of touch with reality. Somebody says it so they believe it.
Only someone who has zero understanding of health insurance could post something this ignorant. Virtually every group insurance policy in the USA is under the HMO model, which only pays for contracted hospitals, except in the case of an emergency. I only have access to one hospital out of 5 in my town, because they agreed to sign a contract and become a contracted provider. You are free to go to any other hospital that you want, provided that you pay for it out of your own pocket. it has been this was in the health insurance industry since about 1980.

Are you talking to me?

FYI: I worked in health care for 25 years. Some of it was in the business/insurance aspect. You are generally not limited to those contracted hospitals. You generally can go to any hospital you want, but the rate of pay is less. You would have to pick up a larger copay.

Here, we are talking about cancer patients who need very expensive specialty care. The one we had on here blathering on about how great local small town facilities are is likely dead by now. I worked a cancer/hemotology floor for a year. Most people have it all backward. They go to the local providers first, preferring to wait to get the big guns only if the local treatment doesn't work. If you get cancer, you should go to the big guns, AKA large specialty centers first, most of which are pretty far removed from rural America. They are also very expensive. So if your plan pays 50% for the out of network provider instead of 80% that can be enough of a difference to bankrupt you. BTW: Did you know that most people who bankrupt because of medical expenses have insurance?

No, the moron was talking to me. The hypocrite is some how defending the single payer trojan horse known as Obamacare.

He is not wise enough to know that he is suppose to be blaming insurance companies. Eventually he will hop on that train. As of now, he still thinks Obamacare will work.

Cause he is still believing what Obama promised about it, even though every aspect of his promises have been bald faced lies (is it bold faced or bald faced?).
No, I am not talking to you because you have been on "ignore" for over a year. I only saw your post because it was quoted.

But now that you mention it, my 50 years in the health insurance business , culminating as a senior VP in a major HMO when I retired trumps your 25 years. What you are describing is non-preferred provider insurance benefits, which are also covered under all contracts in the health insurance exchange. No hospital in the USA turns away patients who have a certain kind of insurance. They just may not necessarily accept the insurance benefits as the total due from the patient.
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Before President Barack Obama's health care law, a cancer diagnosis could make you uninsurable. Now, insurers can't turn away people with health problems or charge them more.

People with p/e's should be able to get insurance and I'm glad they now can.

People with p/e's should pay more as they are a higher risk to insure. It's bullshit that everyone who doesn't have a p/e now has to pony up more just so those with p/e's get the 'pay the same'. Really? How about we let 16 year old drivers pay the same insurance rates as someone with 25 years experience and a good driving record.


Higher risk should pay more. Exorbitantly more so they can't afford it? No. But MORE? Absolutely.

Oh really? No shit asshole. That is what you people argued against when you pointed your shit stained fingers at those evil insurance companies.

Now, that Obamacare is proving to doing the same thing.....well it makes perfect sense all of a sudden.

Meanwhile only 4 of the 19 comprehensive cancer centers are open to Obamacare patients, and there are no more insured people, even though it is a law to purchase bullshit.

No, it is a rousing success. I can see the left wing media is already reporting it is a big success. Can you believe folks how easy it is to lie to the obnoxious know it all hypocrites?

You people? Are you under some asinine impression that I'm in favor of this pile of shit obamacare? Well, that would make you the asshole.

I don't give a shit what the Rs or the Ds or whoever said what ... people who are a higher risk should pay more and I've always stated such. Period.

Sorry you can't comprehend that and make asshole assumptions instead.
Only someone who has zero understanding of health insurance could post something this ignorant. Virtually every group insurance policy in the USA is under the HMO model, which only pays for contracted hospitals, except in the case of an emergency. I only have access to one hospital out of 5 in my town, because they agreed to sign a contract and become a contracted provider. You are free to go to any other hospital that you want, provided that you pay for it out of your own pocket. it has been this was in the health insurance industry since about 1980.

"Virtually every group insurance policy?"


Nationwide HMO penetration is about 23%. It's only more than half in Puerto Rico and Hawaii.

State HMO Penetration Rate | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
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No, I am not talking to you because you have been on "ignore" for over a year. I only saw your post because it was quoted.

But now that you mention it, my 50 years in the health insurance business , culminating as a senior VP in a major HMO when I retired trumps your 25 years. What you are describing is non-preferred provider insurance benefits, which are also covered under all contracts in the health insurance exchange. No hospital in the USA turns away patients who have a certain kind of insurance. They just may not necessarily accept the insurance benefits as the total due from the patient.

How could you be such an expert and not know that HMO's have a small share of the market?

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