Obamacare protester gives the finger to MOveOn.org

MORE Assaults. This happened the same night in Miami:

How the right is deciding to handle the debate:

Passerby's punch mars peaceful healthcare rally

A healthcare rally came to blows when a man got out of his car and punched a 65-year-old advocate of a healthcare overhaul.

A low-key rally for healthcare reform in Miami took an unexpected turn Wednesday when a 65-year-old man was punched in the face after a heated exchange with a passerby.

Luis Perrero was among about 40 supporters of a healthcare overhaul waving signs outside a Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce meeting headlined by U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., when a man in a green pickup truck stopped and began arguing with the crowd.
The roadside exchange, which began with questions about the costs of a government-run healthcare plan, quickly turned into a volley of Spanish and English curse words and insults, witnesses said.

When Perrero uttered an offensive Spanish expletive, Raul Anasagasti, who was driving the pickup, punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. Police arrested and charged Anasagasti.

Miami man takes punch, LA man loses finger fighting over healthcare reform

It's only a matter of time before there is a murder...

Its what I tried to warn these people here about at the begining of the summer. They are inciting voilence and before long one of their nutty followers is going to go all Murrah Building on us. They blew a gasket. Now the violence they are whipping up is starting to simmer. The "I love war" people seem to have a violent bent.
MORE Assaults. This happened the same night in Miami:

How the right is deciding to handle the debate:

Passerby's punch mars peaceful healthcare rally

A healthcare rally came to blows when a man got out of his car and punched a 65-year-old advocate of a healthcare overhaul.

A low-key rally for healthcare reform in Miami took an unexpected turn Wednesday when a 65-year-old man was punched in the face after a heated exchange with a passerby.

Luis Perrero was among about 40 supporters of a healthcare overhaul waving signs outside a Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce meeting headlined by U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., when a man in a green pickup truck stopped and began arguing with the crowd.
The roadside exchange, which began with questions about the costs of a government-run healthcare plan, quickly turned into a volley of Spanish and English curse words and insults, witnesses said.

When Perrero uttered an offensive Spanish expletive, Raul Anasagasti, who was driving the pickup, punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. Police arrested and charged Anasagasti.

Miami man takes punch, LA man loses finger fighting over healthcare reform

It's only a matter of time before there is a murder...

Its what I tried to warn these people here about at the begining of the summer. They are inciting voilence and before long one of their nutty followers is going to go all Murrah Building on us. They blew a gasket. Now the violence they are whipping up is starting to simmer. The "I love war" people seem to have a violent bent.
Quoted for Truth.
:eek::eek:The blood Bro, it's in the Blood. Now They are Sacrificing Seniors, We must Intervene. This could evolve into a Cult Ritual. It's already effecting some on this board. In the name of Decency We must put an end to this barbarianism, Before it is too late, and all old people are gone.:eek::eek: I know that is what Obama really wants. Don't let the Obama Robots Eat Grandma and Grandpa, and then spit them out. Lets bring up this issue when Obama visits the lower grade schools. :eek::eek::eek::eek:
Caution: Right wingers! Do not stick your fingers in the mouths of obama health plan supporters

especially while you are pummeling the shit out of them.
MORE Assaults. This happened the same night in Miami:

How the right is deciding to handle the debate:

Passerby's punch mars peaceful healthcare rally

A healthcare rally came to blows when a man got out of his car and punched a 65-year-old advocate of a healthcare overhaul.

A low-key rally for healthcare reform in Miami took an unexpected turn Wednesday when a 65-year-old man was punched in the face after a heated exchange with a passerby.

Luis Perrero was among about 40 supporters of a healthcare overhaul waving signs outside a Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce meeting headlined by U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., when a man in a green pickup truck stopped and began arguing with the crowd.
The roadside exchange, which began with questions about the costs of a government-run healthcare plan, quickly turned into a volley of Spanish and English curse words and insults, witnesses said.

When Perrero uttered an offensive Spanish expletive, Raul Anasagasti, who was driving the pickup, punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. Police arrested and charged Anasagasti.

Miami man takes punch, LA man loses finger fighting over healthcare reform

It's only a matter of time before there is a murder...

Its what I tried to warn these people here about at the begining of the summer. They are inciting voilence and before long one of their nutty followers is going to go all Murrah Building on us. They blew a gasket. Now the violence they are whipping up is starting to simmer. The "I love war" people seem to have a violent bent.
Quoted for Truth.

You mean the people who have bumperstickers that say "Give War A Chance"? Those people?

Folks the fingerless guy was acting agressively and even chased a woman acrossed the street right before he hit the guy.

He was acting like he owned one side of the street and did not want the pro health care people talking to the anti healthcare people.

He doesnt get to tell people who they can talk to.

It is real important that All these Folks Realize Non-Violent Protest. Things are going to go from bad to worse real quick if this stuff doesn't change. I'm referring to all sides.
:eek::eek:The blood Bro, it's in the Blood. Now They are Sacrificing Seniors, We must Intervene. This could evolve into a Cult Ritual. It's already effecting some on this board. In the name of Decency We must put an end to this barbarianism, Before it is too late, and all old people are gone.:eek::eek: I know that is what Obama really wants. Don't let the Obama Robots Eat Grandma and Grandpa, and then spit them out. Lets bring up this issue when Obama visits the lower grade schools. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Hmmmm...I have "A Modest Proposal".....
:eek::eek:The blood Bro, it's in the Blood. Now They are Sacrificing Seniors, We must Intervene. This could evolve into a Cult Ritual. It's already effecting some on this board. In the name of Decency We must put an end to this barbarianism, Before it is too late, and all old people are gone.:eek::eek: I know that is what Obama really wants. Don't let the Obama Robots Eat Grandma and Grandpa, and then spit them out. Lets bring up this issue when Obama visits the lower grade schools. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Hmmmm...I have "A Modest Proposal".....

I'll lay ya ten to one, he has no idea what you're referring to...

Folks the fingerless guy was acting agressively and even chased a woman acrossed the street right before he hit the guy.

He was acting like he owned one side of the street and did not want the pro health care people talking to the anti healthcare people.

He doesnt get to tell people who they can talk to.

It is real important that All these Folks Realize Non-Violent Protest. Things are going to go from bad to worse real quick if this stuff doesn't change. I'm referring to all sides.

They have gone to violence you fool, this man hit someone for talking about healthcare.
:eek::eek:The blood Bro, it's in the Blood. Now They are Sacrificing Seniors, We must Intervene. This could evolve into a Cult Ritual. It's already effecting some on this board. In the name of Decency We must put an end to this barbarianism, Before it is too late, and all old people are gone.:eek::eek: I know that is what Obama really wants. Don't let the Obama Robots Eat Grandma and Grandpa, and then spit them out. Lets bring up this issue when Obama visits the lower grade schools. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Hmmmm...I have "A Modest Proposal".....

I'll lay ya ten to one, he has no idea what you're referring to...

Understand, if you can, that had it been the other way around, which I think it was originally reported, my position would be the same. My issue is when bystanders get hurt, control is lost real fast. People die.
The lesson to be learned here is that if you are going to smack one of these assclowns, ensure you close your fist tight.
How the fuck his finger got into his mouth from a punch is beyond me.
The lesson to be learned here is that if you are going to smack one of these assclowns, ensure you close your fist tight.
How the fuck his finger got into his mouth from a punch is beyond me.
Maybe Regnery Press needs to put out a new book: "Cold Cocking for Dummies."
Folks the fingerless guy was acting agressively and even chased a woman acrossed the street right before he hit the guy.

He was acting like he owned one side of the street and did not want the pro health care people talking to the anti healthcare people.

He doesnt get to tell people who they can talk to.

It is real important that All these Folks Realize Non-Violent Protest. Things are going to go from bad to worse real quick if this stuff doesn't change. I'm referring to all sides.

They have gone to violence you fool, this man hit someone for talking about healthcare.

Here’s a transcript of a call to Mark Steyn, stand-in host for the Rush Limbaugh show Thursday September 3

Mark Steyn: Scott apparently you were at this rally

Witness - Scott Bush: Yeah, yes, I was right there when it happened

MS: And how did this scuffle develop?

SB: Well we were on our side which was right next to the Oaks Mall, there on the adjacent corner. We were standing on the curb...on the sidewalk and this gentleman from the other side, from the Obama side came across the street, over the island which is...anyway...and approached us, and while standing in the street ....passed through traffic, yelled at us and said “are you for a public option....are you against the public option?” We said “no”

MS: Those are fighting words

SB: Right... he started it, exactly...and then we all said no...and he walked directly to the elderly man who...you know...without taking anything away from him...you know...he wasn’t, he was...you know...he was not very...He kind of targeted him.
He went to that elderly man. He went up to him and said “why are you not for the public option? The elderly man said that “I don’t want the government involved in anything that effects me” and uh...then the Obama gentleman said.....he got even closer kind of like a baseball coach gets to an Ump...you know. right after .....this he said “You’re an idiot” so he aggressed him. He got real close, you know right up, you know well within three feet...he was standing...I want to make this clear, he was standing in the street while we were on the sidewalk...he aggressed him, got...

MS: He threw the first punch did he..?

SB: Well it was....he was pointing at him, and he got right in his face...it was very threatening because he'd crossed the street in an unpredictable way

MS: Not the best way to do it in Los Angeles in my experience...but he got in his face, and how did the old guy respond?

SB: Well the old guy, this gentleman, the elderly gentleman, was trying to uh...kind of defend himself... and it wasn’t ...I would call it a defensive strike, because this gentleman, it wasn’t...because this gentleman, there was no...it was very unpredictable the way he approached him. So the Obama gentleman grabbed him, and pulled him into the street, and then the scuffle started, and just about as quick as it started it basically ended and the old man grabbed his hand, and blood started coming, and I walked up to him, and he's like...”He bit my finger off!” We got him up on the sidewalk...

MS: Who, who lost the finger?

SB: The elderly gentleman.

MS: So it was the...L.A. Times misreported it in characteristic fashion by saying that in fact it was the pro-Obama guy who'd lost his finger and it turned out it was the, in fact it was the pro-Obama guy who bit off the anti-Obama guy’s finger.

SB: Yeah...

MS: The anti-Obama guy lost the finger.
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