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Obamacare to cost $1.76 trillion over 10 yrs

The OP is absolute Pubcrappe- AGAIN: The CBO estimates the costs for ten years in the future- so OF COURSE it's more expensive when it includes more years after it's implemented...ALSO, the CBO doesn't include much of the SAVINGS...

Change the channel, morons, this is nothing new. "Rush IS a big, fat liar"...

There is nothing in your explanation that is of value. You provided no revised numbes.

As to your comment about Pubcrappe.....you are a retard.

I'll bet your parents got jail time for letting you live.
You want a diagram? Of COURSE 2010-2020 is cheaper than 2012-2022 in the CBO figures, and they don't DO savings that are only "possible"...MORON dittohead.
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You want a diagram? Of COURSE 2010-2010 is cheaper than 2012-2022 in the CBO figures, and they don't DO savings that are only "possible"...MORON dittohead.

Still no numbers....

I know...you were dropped on your head as a child.
Did you know?

1. There will be non-profit insurers offering health care plans in the exchanges on top of traditional private insurers (regulated STRONGLY by the health care law). The public option never really disappeared. It was just replaced with non-profit language that will turn into non-profit options just as strong as the proposed public option.

2. Medicaid will be significantly expanded to 15 million poor uninsured americans in 2014.

3. Medicare's trust fund will be extended 12 years. Seniors have free preventive care and check ups. Lots of money have been saved through waste trimming and fraud recollecting.

4. Coverage will be very affordable for small businesses.

5. For everyone up to 400% of the poverty level (millions and millions of americans are under this category), huge tax credits will be available to help them afford coverage.

6. Preventive care will be free in all insurance plans eventually as all plans lose their grandfathered status.

7. Community Health centers will be invested on and will significantly impact health care for the better.

8. The rich people start paying their fair share as promised by Obama in 2013. Payroll taxes on people earning incomes of 250,000 dollars go up. It was a key element in the payment mechanism of the bill. The Bush tax cuts for the rich will expire at the end of this year too.

Daily Kos: some shocking Obamacares facts
Lots of pie in the sky wishful thinking....None of it except the welfare portion (400% of poverty level) will come to fruition without huge tax increases.
it doesn't ,matter. Obamacare will not survive intact. And YOU and your socialist utopia friends will NOT get your taxpayer supported freebies.
I want to kick your ideas down a flight of stairs and knock them unconscious.
1. Non profit health insurers....Who gets to fund those? Hmm?..Look, genius, there will be no such thing. It's financially impossible.
2.@ Umm Medicare and Medicaid are being cut by $500 billion. How in the hell is it going to cover MORE people?
3. Medicare trust fund? Just like the Social Security Trust Fund. (LOL) there is no money there. Just IOU's and with baby Boomers about to retire en masse, there will be fewer people contributing to these programs than those drawing from them. Both programs need to be Means Tested. So if one receives a pension and health benefits which exceed a certain amount, they are excluded from receiving federal benefits.

4. There will be NO coverage offered by small business. These small companies are exempt. Those people will be chased into the government program.
5 400% of poverty level...Right now about $62k per year...Brilliant. This is where jobs get killed. If a married couple earns say $75k per year, because their income exceeds the 400% of poverty level, their government insurance bill will be 18% of their gross income. that's about $13k per year. Non one making just above the threshold can afford that. SO one spouse will have to quit work in order to go to the government for their free insurance. The end result will be fewer taxpayers contributing to the system. When there are no more people to tax, where does Obama go to pay for his socialist agenda?
5. most insurance policies have a 100% well care benefit. Why do we need government interference in this?
6. Community health centers?....Why not free clinics run by private organizations such as the ones run by Churches? Why must the taxpayer be saddled with this? This will not happen. There's no money to pay for it unless...you guessed it, taxes go up.
7...Now we get to the meat and potatoes....What this entire issue is about...Additional taxation.. Fair share. How is it not one single person on the liberal side of this issue will answer the question as to what is the fair share?
Seems to me when 30% of the taxpayers are responsible for funding 70% of government, that is MORE than a fair share.
Tell ya what....Why don't we TAX everyone. Let everyone pay their fair share. Why should the top 10% of wager earners pay 50% of the tax burden while the bottom 50% have NO federal tax burden? Once again....If a government taxes only the producers, there will be no more production.
Your side is waging class warfare based on envy.
Next time you post something try using a source that isn't a far left wing blog.
Newsflash there sunshine...There is no free lunch. At the end of the day, EVERYONE PAYS
Did you know?

1. There will be non-profit insurers offering health care plans in the exchanges on top of traditional private insurers (regulated STRONGLY by the health care law). The public option never really disappeared. It was just replaced with non-profit language that will turn into non-profit options just as strong as the proposed public option.

2. Medicaid will be significantly expanded to 15 million poor uninsured americans in 2014.

3. Medicare's trust fund will be extended 12 years. Seniors have free preventive care and check ups. Lots of money have been saved through waste trimming and fraud recollecting.

4. Coverage will be very affordable for small businesses.

5. For everyone up to 400% of the poverty level (millions and millions of americans are under this category), huge tax credits will be available to help them afford coverage.

6. Preventive care will be free in all insurance plans eventually as all plans lose their grandfathered status.

7. Community Health centers will be invested on and will significantly impact health care for the better.

8. The rich people start paying their fair share as promised by Obama in 2013. Payroll taxes on people earning incomes of 250,000 dollars go up. It was a key element in the payment mechanism of the bill. The Bush tax cuts for the rich will expire at the end of this year too.

Daily Kos: some shocking Obamacares facts

Only left wing extremists place stock in sites such as dailykos.
One thing for sure- Rush/Pub dupes have NO clue. For example:

"2.@ Umm Medicare and Medicaid are being cut by $500 billion. How in the hell is it going to cover MORE people?"

That's cutting Medicare Plus, a useless BS Pubscam no one will miss....

And you're discussing low cost clinics that will save tons... etc etc etc...
The Cost of Obamacare Has Gone Down, Not Up

Republicans rushed to the microphones to announce that new projections show that Obamacare will break the bank. In fact, says Fox News, a CBO reports says that it will cost "twice as much as the original $900 billion price tag."

You will be unsurprised to learn that this is not true. The previous CBO report estimated the costs of expanded insurance coverage between 2012-21. The new report covers 2012-22. In other words, the new report includes an extra year compared to the previous one. That's the main reason that costs are higher.

As Table 1 shows, if you compare the original 2012-21 time period, CBO's new estimate of the cost of Obamacare is $48 billion less than it was last year.

Moral of this story: Never believe anything that Republicans say about Obamacare until you check out the source yourself. But you already knew that.

The Cost of Obamacare Has Gone Down, Not Up | Mother Jones

Mother Jones is contradicting the CBO.

No. the new report includes an extra year compared to the previous one. That's the main reason that costs are higher. This is one small example of how Republicans lie or don't tell the whole story.

If they were telling the truth, they wouldn't get caught lying so much.

No, the main reason the costs are higher is the CBO is projecting a higher cost for Medicaid as Obamacare kicks in. Read the report so you can respond intelligently.

It is far from the first time Mother Jones has been caught lying, it won't be the last.
The Cost of Obamacare Has Gone Down, Not Up

Republicans rushed to the microphones to announce that new projections show that Obamacare will break the bank. In fact, says Fox News, a CBO reports says that it will cost "twice as much as the original $900 billion price tag."

You will be unsurprised to learn that this is not true. The previous CBO report estimated the costs of expanded insurance coverage between 2012-21. The new report covers 2012-22. In other words, the new report includes an extra year compared to the previous one. That's the main reason that costs are higher.

As Table 1 shows, if you compare the original 2012-21 time period, CBO's new estimate of the cost of Obamacare is $48 billion less than it was last year.

Moral of this story: Never believe anything that Republicans say about Obamacare until you check out the source yourself. But you already knew that.

The Cost of Obamacare Has Gone Down, Not Up | Mother Jones

Mother Jones is contradicting the CBO.

If you lie to me once, don't expect me to listen to your second explanation.

Reminds me of the reason why we were in Iraq. After it was exposed that WMD's was not the real reason we were there, I stopped buying all the other reasons that followed that lie assuming they too were lies.

First they said we were there for WMD's, then it was for Freedom, then it was to fight them over there so we woudn't have to fight them at home, etc. Remember those lies one after another?

Drill baby drill and Refineries and Obama are not the reason for high gas prices. Move on.

You quote the same post twice, don't expect me to think you are sane.

The WMDs were there, they were shipped to Syria, if we are to believe Obama. Take it up with him if you have a problem with that.

Are you saying that, if we had drilled 10 years ago and now had the means to actually affect the world market in oil by ramping up, or cutting, production gas prices would be exactly the same?
Mother Jones is contradicting the CBO.

No. the new report includes an extra year compared to the previous one. That's the main reason that costs are higher. This is one small example of how Republicans lie or don't tell the whole story.

If they were telling the truth, they wouldn't get caught lying so much.

No, the main reason the costs are higher is the CBO is projecting a higher cost for Medicaid as Obamacare kicks in. Read the report so you can respond intelligently.

It is far from the first time Mother Jones has been caught lying, it won't be the last.

You'll not receive a rational response from Boo Boo or any other socialist lib on here.
Anyone who believes the federal government can accomplish anything within budget should be seeing a shrink.
It's never happened before and never will in the future. Especially with Obama care.
Why not reference the actual CBO estimate. The Washington Examiner is not exactly an unbiased source.
I'm still wondering why Republicans thought it was a pretty-good-idea.....

The liberals' plan is to crash our national economy and the US Treasury with Obamacare and other evil methods, then tell everyone they can fix it by implementing socialism.

"Never let a crisis go to waste."
Why not reference the actual CBO estimate. The Washington Examiner is not exactly an unbiased source.

I know, right? Reactionaries jump on any and every GOP slanted bandwagon. Seriously, they couldn't care less if they're taking it up the ass as long as they stop Liberals from making life more pleasant for all...
The liberals' plan is to crash our national economy and the US Treasury with Obamacare and other evil methods, then tell everyone they can fix it by implementing socialism.

"Never let a crisis go to waste."

Says your average Fox soaked brain. Probably thinks Medicare is a private entity as well as the Fire Dept, Police, public schools, roads, bridges...stupid fool, that she/he is.
Bush's pill bill is expected to cost about 727 billion over the next 9 years.
Not far from half of what Obamacare is expected to cost.
Bush's pill bill is expected to cost about 727 billion over the next 9 years.
Not far from half of what Obamacare is expected to cost.

Well, don't expect a FOX dumb downed republican to acknowledge that. Stupid fks are probably holding a sign on some street corner stating, "keep the Gov. out of my Medicare. "
Why not reference the actual CBO estimate. The Washington Examiner is not exactly an unbiased source.

I know, right? Reactionaries jump on any and every GOP slanted bandwagon. Seriously, they couldn't care less if they're taking it up the ass as long as they stop Liberals from making life more pleasant for all...

Pleasant? For whom?
My health insurance cost will rise by 250% under Obamacare.
the only people who will benefit are those making under 400% of the poverty line. Everyone else pays HUGE.
The producers will pay while we all get rationed care.
And if anyone thinks this government program will come without a whole bunch of strings attached they are hoping for utopia and unicorns to appear.
Those who support Obamacare are socialists and other parasitic globs of organic matter.
The liberals' plan is to crash our national economy and the US Treasury with Obamacare and other evil methods, then tell everyone they can fix it by implementing socialism.

"Never let a crisis go to waste."

Says your average Fox soaked brain. Probably thinks Medicare is a private entity as well as the Fire Dept, Police, public schools, roads, bridges...stupid fool, that she/he is.

Oh please. Once you start with using public services as an offset to Obamacare, you lose the argument.
Public safety is an essential form of government. Interfering with medical are and health insurance is not.
BTW, under Obamacare, Medicare funding is cut in HALF. A fact you libs refuse to acknowledge
The liberals' plan is to crash our national economy and the US Treasury with Obamacare and other evil methods, then tell everyone they can fix it by implementing socialism.

"Never let a crisis go to waste."

Says your average Fox soaked brain. Probably thinks Medicare is a private entity as well as the Fire Dept, Police, public schools, roads, bridges...stupid fool, that she/he is.

Oh please. Once you start with using public services as an offset to Obamacare, you lose the argument.
Public safety is an essential form of government. Interfering with medical are and health insurance is not.
BTW, under Obamacare, Medicare funding is cut in HALF. A fact you libs refuse to acknowledge

I mean no harm, but you match the definition of a fox soaked brain. You spout nonsense thinking you are an informed poster not ever realizing what you appear to be to one who is. I've been around long enough to know that responding to each of your misinformation comments...is useless. Research research research republican...so you do not come to these boards looking so stupid.
"Oh please. Once you start with using public services as an offset to Obamacare, you lose the argument."
Don't be stupid, you know that was in response to the socialism comment.

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