Obamacare train pulls safely into the station

There is a mandate. Just like there is a mandate to have car insurance. People do not "opt out" of receiving coverage once they get sick. The mandate means that nobody gets to take a free ride. Citizens had the liberty to vote for Romney; he made it clear that he would do away with any mandate. However, the people voted for the guy who said he would get the ACA passed. That is how democracy works. Obama was elected. Congress passed the law. Obama signed it. For the time being it is the law.
There is only two ways to have universal coverage, a government insurance program which covers everyone or private insurance that is mandated. Conservatives should see the mandate as the lesser of two evils. As in the past, most people will continue to get their health insurance and their healthcare from non-government sources.

Conservatives never wanted universal health care.
Very true, however the alternative of single payer would be much worst in their minds. The mandate was first proposed by Republicans in 1989 fearing the nation was moving toward a single payer system. Had Republicans believed single payer had a chance in 2009, they would have proposed the mandate.
How many per day?

For every day that the ACA does not result in the ruin of the economy and the destruction of our health care delivery system....how many Americans will realize that the GOP has serving them a pile of shit?

And in November when the shit hits the fan and all you have left is Obama, what then?

You're much like the preacher who predicts the end of the world, then when the sun rises he is not one bit shaken in his faith, and claims the world will end in November.

What will doomsayers like you do, if by November the sun rises, more and more citizens flood a now working data base and sign up in droves during the next open enrollment period? Don't answer, you'll demand the President's birth certificate, of course.

I'll make a shit load of money just like I did this time around.

I'm just telling you that the public is NOT in support of this law.
There is only two ways to have universal coverage, a government insurance program which covers everyone or private insurance that is mandated. Conservatives should see the mandate as the lesser of two evils. As in the past, most people will continue to get their health insurance and their healthcare from non-government sources.

Conservatives never wanted universal health care.
Very true, however the alternative of single payer would be much worst in their minds.

Depends on the 'conservatives'. Some them recognize that the 'middle ground' is worse.
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There is only two ways to have universal coverage, a government insurance program which covers everyone or private insurance that is mandated. Conservatives should see the mandate as the lesser of two evils. As in the past, most people will continue to get their health insurance and their healthcare from non-government sources.

Conservatives never wanted universal health care.
Very true, however the alternative of single payer would be much worst in their minds. The mandate was first proposed by Republicans in 1989 fearing the nation was moving toward a single payer system. Had Republicans believed single payer had a chance in 2009, they would have proposed the mandate.

Actually an expanded Medicare program is something conservatives should support, since a successful apparatus is already up and running.

Health insurance companies could return to the business of selling actual health insurance policies and get out of the health maintenance business, which they do a very poor job of; with Medicare providing all Americans access to affordable healthcare, those who wish to and can afford it may buy private insurance policies absent government regulation.

Insurance companies would again be at liberty to cancel policies for whatever reason and deny applications for what ever reason – including preexisting conditions; profit would again be their priority, not the health and well-being of their customers, where health insurance companies would again be subject to market regulations.
And in November when the shit hits the fan and all you have left is Obama, what then?

You're much like the preacher who predicts the end of the world, then when the sun rises he is not one bit shaken in his faith, and claims the world will end in November.

What will doomsayers like you do, if by November the sun rises, more and more citizens flood a now working data base and sign up in droves during the next open enrollment period? Don't answer, you'll demand the President's birth certificate, of course.

I'll make a shit load of money just like I did this time around.

I'm just telling you that the public is NOT in support of this law.

I suppose in your reality the public is opposed to Medicare and Social Security too. Get with it, the only reason the Republicans seek to end Medicare and Social Security and Obamacare is simple, when privatized each offers the nations power elite the ability to take more $$$ from the many. It has nothing to do with Freedom or fear of Socialism; those 'concerns' are a charade, it has to do with power, control and greed.

Your comment, "I'll make a shit load of money just like I did this time around" is very telling. As one who spent a career investigating, those words tell me a good deal about you.
... the only reason the Republicans seek to end Medicare and Social Security and Obamacare is simple, when privatized each offers the nations power elite the ability to take more $$$ from the many. It has nothing to do with Freedom or fear of Socialism; those 'concerns' are a charade, it has to do with power, control and greed.

Certainly any kind of "managed" privatization of these institutions would turn into another corporatist boondoggle. But some republicans, and most libertarians, want to see government out of these functions for the opposite reason.
... the only reason the Republicans seek to end Medicare and Social Security and Obamacare is simple, when privatized each offers the nations power elite the ability to take more $$$ from the many. It has nothing to do with Freedom or fear of Socialism; those 'concerns' are a charade, it has to do with power, control and greed.

Certainly any kind of "managed" privatization of these institutions would turn into another corporatist boondoggle. But some republicans, and most libertarians, want to see government out of these functions for the opposite reason.

Huh? What is the opposite of a "corporatist boondoggle"? Boondoggle has a number of different connotations so I can't determine which applies in context.
You're much like the preacher who predicts the end of the world, then when the sun rises he is not one bit shaken in his faith, and claims the world will end in November.

What will doomsayers like you do, if by November the sun rises, more and more citizens flood a now working data base and sign up in droves during the next open enrollment period? Don't answer, you'll demand the President's birth certificate, of course.

I'll make a shit load of money just like I did this time around.

I'm just telling you that the public is NOT in support of this law.

I suppose in your reality the public is opposed to Medicare and Social Security too. Get with it, the only reason the Republicans seek to end Medicare and Social Security and Obamacare is simple, when privatized each offers the nations power elite the ability to take more $$$ from the many. It has nothing to do with Freedom or fear of Socialism; those 'concerns' are a charade, it has to do with power, control and greed.

Your comment, "I'll make a shit load of money just like I did this time around" is very telling. As one who spent a career investigating, those words tell me a good deal about you.

What you don't like the truth?

LOL, seriously why would I care what you think of me?

5 days a week I deal with people concerning this law, you read the bullshit printed and the crap Dear Leader spouts and you lap up every word.

You're wrong and simply too prideful to accept reality.
I'll make a shit load of money just like I did this time around.

I'm just telling you that the public is NOT in support of this law.

I suppose in your reality the public is opposed to Medicare and Social Security too. Get with it, the only reason the Republicans seek to end Medicare and Social Security and Obamacare is simple, when privatized each offers the nations power elite the ability to take more $$$ from the many. It has nothing to do with Freedom or fear of Socialism; those 'concerns' are a charade, it has to do with power, control and greed.

Your comment, "I'll make a shit load of money just like I did this time around" is very telling. As one who spent a career investigating, those words tell me a good deal about you.

What you don't like the truth?

LOL, seriously why would I care what you think of me?

5 days a week I deal with people concerning this law, you read the bullshit printed and the crap Dear Leader spouts and you lap up every word.

You're wrong and simply too prideful to accept reality.

Are you a "Debbie Downer" in the presence of your clients like you are here? For every one of you......a politically motivated tool who despises anything Obama....there is a rational insurance agent who is concerned only with helping clients get the best deal possible.
I'll make a shit load of money just like I did this time around.

I'm just telling you that the public is NOT in support of this law.

I suppose in your reality the public is opposed to Medicare and Social Security too. Get with it, the only reason the Republicans seek to end Medicare and Social Security and Obamacare is simple, when privatized each offers the nations power elite the ability to take more $$$ from the many. It has nothing to do with Freedom or fear of Socialism; those 'concerns' are a charade, it has to do with power, control and greed.

Your comment, "I'll make a shit load of money just like I did this time around" is very telling. As one who spent a career investigating, those words tell me a good deal about you.

What you don't like the truth?

LOL, seriously why would I care what you think of me?

5 days a week I deal with people concerning this law, you read the bullshit printed and the crap Dear Leader spouts and you lap up every word.

You're wrong and simply too prideful to accept reality.

When I'm wrong I admit it! I'm far from perfect, but I do tend to research things and ask questions. Rarely, if ever, do I do use superlatives (all conservatives are, all Republicans are) but I know what existed before the PPACA wasn't working and was hurting local government and state governments and the vast majority of American citizens.

So why the full court press on the PPACA; if it is fatally flawed it will die all on its own. Why are the Koch Brothers so opposed to such reform, I 'mnearly certain neither of them read the full bill (I doubt you and me and everyone who posts on this forum haven't read even a larger part of the bill), but I digress, I used the Koch Bros name in vain, here's why

Colbert And Patrick Stewart Needle AFP's Fake Obamacare Victim Ads | Crooks and Liars

The PAC, Americans for Prosperity lied. Why? Because the power elite in our country profit from the status quo and Obama and the PPACA threatened the golden goose.
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I suppose in your reality the public is opposed to Medicare and Social Security too. Get with it, the only reason the Republicans seek to end Medicare and Social Security and Obamacare is simple, when privatized each offers the nations power elite the ability to take more $$$ from the many. It has nothing to do with Freedom or fear of Socialism; those 'concerns' are a charade, it has to do with power, control and greed.

Your comment, "I'll make a shit load of money just like I did this time around" is very telling. As one who spent a career investigating, those words tell me a good deal about you.

What you don't like the truth?

LOL, seriously why would I care what you think of me?

5 days a week I deal with people concerning this law, you read the bullshit printed and the crap Dear Leader spouts and you lap up every word.

You're wrong and simply too prideful to accept reality.

Are you a "Debbie Downer" in the presence of your clients like you are here? For every one of you......a politically motivated tool who despises anything Obama....there is a rational insurance agent who is concerned only with helping clients get the best deal possible.

LOL, LL you just do not like the truth.
You think the folks are ill informed and uneducated like you are on this subject.
Here is your problem, MOST people who have been in the individual marker for awhile know that what has happened is NOT better.

It just isn't and yet people like you that suck up every drop of jizz that Obama's throws out continue to have your head in the sand.

THAT is the truth.....I do not have to be negative with my clients, they are negative with me....why?

Because unlike little whiny butts like you THEY actually understand what has happened.

It is what it is LL, and you are going to find out soon enough what they think.

I am a multi million dollar producer for a reason, that reason is that I do NOT try and bullshit anybody, EVER.

Have SOME people been helped by this?


But FAR more have been hurt by it.

THAT is the truth despite your unwillingness to educate yourself to it, so spare your judgements and condemnations because you don't have any clue to what has been done to the industry.
I suppose in your reality the public is opposed to Medicare and Social Security too. Get with it, the only reason the Republicans seek to end Medicare and Social Security and Obamacare is simple, when privatized each offers the nations power elite the ability to take more $$$ from the many. It has nothing to do with Freedom or fear of Socialism; those 'concerns' are a charade, it has to do with power, control and greed.

Your comment, "I'll make a shit load of money just like I did this time around" is very telling. As one who spent a career investigating, those words tell me a good deal about you.

What you don't like the truth?

LOL, seriously why would I care what you think of me?

5 days a week I deal with people concerning this law, you read the bullshit printed and the crap Dear Leader spouts and you lap up every word.

You're wrong and simply too prideful to accept reality.

When I'm wrong I admit it! I'm far from perfect, but I do tend to research things and ask questions. Rarely, if ever, do I do use superlatives (all conservatives are, all Republicans are) but I know what existed before the PPACA wasn't working and was hurting local government and state governments and the vast majority of American citizens.

So why the full court press on the PPACA; if it is fatally flawed it will die all on its own. Why are the Koch Brothers so opposed to such reform, I 'mnearly certain neither of them read the full bill (I doubt you and me and everyone who posts on this forum haven't read even a larger part of the bill), but I digress, I used the Koch Bros name in vain, here's why

Colbert And Patrick Stewart Needle AFP's Fake Obamacare Victim Ads | Crooks and Liars

The PAC, Americans for Prosperity lied. Why? Because the power elite in our country profit from the status quo and Obama and the PPACA threatened the golden goose.

Tell me what you think are lies.
What you don't like the truth?

LOL, seriously why would I care what you think of me?

5 days a week I deal with people concerning this law, you read the bullshit printed and the crap Dear Leader spouts and you lap up every word.

You're wrong and simply too prideful to accept reality.

Are you a "Debbie Downer" in the presence of your clients like you are here? For every one of you......a politically motivated tool who despises anything Obama....there is a rational insurance agent who is concerned only with helping clients get the best deal possible.

LOL, LL you just do not like the truth.
You think the folks are ill informed and uneducated like you are on this subject.
Here is your problem, MOST people who have been in the individual marker for awhile know that what has happened is NOT better.

It just isn't and yet people like you that suck up every drop of jizz that Obama's throws out continue to have your head in the sand.

THAT is the truth.....I do not have to be negative with my clients, they are negative with me....why?

Because unlike little whiny butts like you THEY actually understand what has happened.

It is what it is LL, and you are going to find out soon enough what they think.

I am a multi million dollar producer for a reason, that reason is that I do NOT try and bullshit anybody, EVER.

Have SOME people been helped by this?


But FAR more have been hurt by it.

THAT is the truth despite your unwillingness to educate yourself to it, so spare your judgements and condemnations because you don't have any clue to what has been done to the industry.

You are talking out of your ass.
What you don't like the truth?

LOL, seriously why would I care what you think of me?

5 days a week I deal with people concerning this law, you read the bullshit printed and the crap Dear Leader spouts and you lap up every word.

You're wrong and simply too prideful to accept reality.

When I'm wrong I admit it! I'm far from perfect, but I do tend to research things and ask questions. Rarely, if ever, do I do use superlatives (all conservatives are, all Republicans are) but I know what existed before the PPACA wasn't working and was hurting local government and state governments and the vast majority of American citizens.

So why the full court press on the PPACA; if it is fatally flawed it will die all on its own. Why are the Koch Brothers so opposed to such reform, I 'mnearly certain neither of them read the full bill (I doubt you and me and everyone who posts on this forum haven't read even a larger part of the bill), but I digress, I used the Koch Bros name in vain, here's why

Colbert And Patrick Stewart Needle AFP's Fake Obamacare Victim Ads | Crooks and Liars

The PAC, Americans for Prosperity lied. Why? Because the power elite in our country profit from the status quo and Obama and the PPACA threatened the golden goose.

Tell me what you think are lies.

I don't think they're lies, they are exposed as lies and not only the ones in the video above. Hannity had several on his show who lied about the costs and their experiences with the PPACA and John Stewert exposed Hannity quite well for the liar he is here:

Sean Hannity?s Lies Exposed By Jon Stewart | News Corpse

One video is worth 45,000 pretend protesters.
What you don't like the truth?

LOL, seriously why would I care what you think of me?

5 days a week I deal with people concerning this law, you read the bullshit printed and the crap Dear Leader spouts and you lap up every word.

You're wrong and simply too prideful to accept reality.

Are you a "Debbie Downer" in the presence of your clients like you are here? For every one of you......a politically motivated tool who despises anything Obama....there is a rational insurance agent who is concerned only with helping clients get the best deal possible.

LOL, LL you just do not like the truth.
You think the folks are ill informed and uneducated like you are on this subject.
Here is your problem, MOST people who have been in the individual marker for awhile know that what has happened is NOT better.

It just isn't and yet people like you that suck up every drop of jizz that Obama's throws out continue to have your head in the sand.

THAT is the truth.....I do not have to be negative with my clients, they are negative with me....why?

Because unlike little whiny butts like you THEY actually understand what has happened.

It is what it is LL, and you are going to find out soon enough what they think.

I am a multi million dollar producer for a reason, that reason is that I do NOT try and bullshit anybody, EVER.

Have SOME people been helped by this?


But FAR more have been hurt by it.

THAT is the truth despite your unwillingness to educate yourself to it, so spare your judgements and condemnations because you don't have any clue to what has been done to the industry.

I am in the individual market and I agree with everything you've written. My premium went from $485 to $1015 - and the deductible increased. Winning? :lol:

Obama ass-sniffers will get their wake up calls soon.....lots more pain on the horizon.
When I'm wrong I admit it! I'm far from perfect, but I do tend to research things and ask questions. Rarely, if ever, do I do use superlatives (all conservatives are, all Republicans are) but I know what existed before the PPACA wasn't working and was hurting local government and state governments and the vast majority of American citizens.

So why the full court press on the PPACA; if it is fatally flawed it will die all on its own. Why are the Koch Brothers so opposed to such reform, I 'mnearly certain neither of them read the full bill (I doubt you and me and everyone who posts on this forum haven't read even a larger part of the bill), but I digress, I used the Koch Bros name in vain, here's why

Colbert And Patrick Stewart Needle AFP's Fake Obamacare Victim Ads | Crooks and Liars

The PAC, Americans for Prosperity lied. Why? Because the power elite in our country profit from the status quo and Obama and the PPACA threatened the golden goose.

Tell me what you think are lies.

I don't think they're lies, they are exposed as lies and not only the ones in the video above. Hannity had several on his show who lied about the costs and their experiences with the PPACA and John Stewert exposed Hannity quite well for the liar he is here:

Sean Hannity?s Lies Exposed By Jon Stewart | News Corpse

One video is worth 45,000 pretend protesters.

I watch Fox, big surprise?

I can tell you that I turn to my wife every time they spout bullshit about the law.

Hannity, O'reilley, Kelly....ALL have had bullshit guests and outright liars on their shows.

You mentioned lies, I am asking what lies YOU have seen being espoused?
Here is something I just discovered last week....and THIS is where the reform should have started.

A knee replacement in Omaha costs 25000 dollars...a knee replacement in California costs 125000......that's just wrong all the way around.
Here is something I just discovered last week....and THIS is where the reform should have started.

A knee replacement in Omaha costs 25000 dollars...a knee replacement in California costs 125000......that's just wrong all the way around.

Yeah. That is the result of "free market" forces when it comes to health care. One of the things we need our elected representatives to regulate.

Did you miss this? I wonder how? It was well publicized.


Or how about this?


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