ObamaCare's Solyndra


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
As they saying goes: follow the money.

ObamaCare is a boondoggle of cronyism, one feature of which is $2B in loans to set up the "exchanges". Please note, esurance was financed with $40M of equity and works just fine. But the government is going to pour $billions into what are sure to be a new level of Hell involving failed IT and process initiatives.

Citing worries that "taxpayers will lose a significant amount of the money," House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform officials are significantly expanding their probe of the $2 billion Obamacare loan program to fund new health insurance co-operatives to compete with established private-sector firms in 24 states.

Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., requested a lengthy list of documents in a March 25, 2013, letter to officials with eight of the groups starting co-ops. Together, the eight have received more than $657 million in low-interest loans that must be repaid at a future date....

Obamacare's Solyndra? Oversight panel expands co-ops probe, renews document demand to HHS | WashingtonExaminer.com

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