Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

Why do nearly 50% of Americans believe Obama is doing a good job?

"Majority of Americans believe in fate"
"Majority of Americans Believe The Economy Is Still Hurting"
"Majority of Americans believe the Confederate battle flag should still fly"
"Majority of Americans believe America is headed in wrong direction"
"Majority of Americans Believe in Intelligent Aliens" (NOT the 'illegal kind')
"Majority of Americans Believe Hillary Un-Trustworthy"
"77 Percent of Americans Believe in Angel"
"55 percent of Americans believe that the Founding Fathers established this country as a Christian nation in the Constitution"
"52% of Americans Believe President Obama Has Violated the Constitution"
"55% of Americans Believe President Obama and Hillary Clinton Have Broken the Law"
"1 in 4 Americans believe the sun revolves around the Earth"
"Only 44 percent of Americans are confident that vaccines don’t cause autism"
"30% of Americans Don't Believe 9/11/2001 Happened"
"30% of Americans Believe They Can Get Their News From Facebook'
"55% of Americans Believe President Obama is a Socialist"
"94% of Americans Have No Idea What Mitt Romney's Real Name Is" (It's 'Willard')
"34.5% of Americans on Welfare" (1/3rd!)

....so what's your point, again? Oh yeah, 'Support for the President'...

- "NBC caught manipulating poll numbers"
NBC Caught Manipulating Poll Results Released Today....

- "PROOF: Governments manipulate online polls to sway public opinion"
PROOF: Governments manipulate online polls to sway public opinion

- Poll Manipulation Is Old News
Poll Manipulation Is Old News - Ricochet

....Only Democrats / liberals try to govern by the 'polls'
Why do nearly 50% of Americans believe Obama is doing a good job?

"Majority of Americans believe in fate"
"Majority of Americans Believe The Economy Is Still Hurting"
"Majority of Americans believe the Confederate battle flag should still fly"
"Majority of Americans believe America is headed in wrong direction"
"Majority of Americans Believe in Intelligent Aliens" (NOT the 'illegal kind')
"Majority of Americans Believe Hillary Un-Trustworthy"
"77 Percent of Americans Believe in Angel"
"55 percent of Americans believe that the Founding Fathers established this country as a Christian nation in the Constitution"
"52% of Americans Believe President Obama Has Violated the Constitution"
"55% of Americans Believe President Obama and Hillary Clinton Have Broken the Law"
"1 in 4 Americans believe the sun revolves around the Earth"
"Only 44 percent of Americans are confident that vaccines don’t cause autism"
"30% of Americans Don't Believe 9/11/2001 Happened"
"30% of Americans Believe They Can Get Their News From Facebook'
"55% of Americans Believe President Obama is a Socialist"
"94% of Americans Have No Idea What Mitt Romney's Real Name Is" (It's 'Willard')
"34.5% of Americans on Welfare" (1/3rd!)

....so what's your point, again? Oh yeah, 'Support for the President'...

- "NBC caught manipulating poll numbers"
NBC Caught Manipulating Poll Results Released Today....

- "PROOF: Governments manipulate online polls to sway public opinion"
PROOF: Governments manipulate online polls to sway public opinion

- Poll Manipulation Is Old News
Poll Manipulation Is Old News - Ricochet

....Only Democrats / liberals try to govern by the 'polls'

"52% of Americans Believe President Obama Has Violated the Constitution"
"55% of Americans Believe President Obama and Hillary Clinton Have Broken the Law"
"1 in 4 Americans believe the sun revolves around the Earth"
"Only 44 percent of Americans are confident that vaccines don’t cause autism"
"30% of Americans Don't Believe 9/11/2001 Happened"
"30% of Americans Believe They Can Get Their News From Facebook'
"55% of Americans Believe President Obama is a Socialist"
"94% of Americans Have No Idea What Mitt Romney's Real Name Is" (It's 'Willard')
"34.5% of Americans on Welfare" (1/3rd!)

....so what's your point, again? Oh yeah, 'Support for the President'...

- "NBC caught manipulating poll numbers"
NBC Caught Manipulating Poll Results Released Today....

- "PROOF: Governments manipulate online polls to sway public opinion"
PROOF: Governments manipulate online polls to sway public opinion

- Poll Manipulation Is Old News
Poll Manipulation Is Old News - Ricochet

....Only Democrats / liberals try to govern by the 'polls'

It wasn't a liberal who brought up Obama's poll numbers. :lol:

By the way, Congress gets a 14% approval rating and yet a 98 percent re-election rate in the House and an 80 percent re-election rate in the Senate. That doesn't mean the approval rating is a lie.

You could use a little more common sense.
You are a dumb motherfucker. My thread never mentioned Obama & it was grounded in reality as compared to this donkey fart bullshit you're peddling as an Obama accomplishment. You're an embarrassment to fellow democrats
Don't forget, Gramps: Obama killed bin Laden too.
Nailed his fucking ass!
He did indeed. Too bad he couldn't do the hard things like fixing our economy & bringing people together.
Let's see...Bush left us with nearly 12% unemployment, and Obama got it down to 5%.

Bush left us with a DOW at 6,000, and Obama got it up to over 16,000.

So what were you saying?
The economy sucks. Not sure how you couldn't figure that out.
I'm sorry that you can't figure out a way to make a living, or if technology has left you behind, or if you're just not smart enough to compete.

I'm doing just fine, thanks!
I forgot to mention you mindless left-wing idiots are bragging how Obama created jobs in the private sector magically without the knowledge of the "job creators" you idiots are still insisting haven't created any jobs

idiots and hypocrites

Don't make me start an "Obamajobs" thread
What jobs did Obama create? I can't recall what kind of jobs he created.
You want us to list all 13 million?
It wasn't a liberal who brought up Obama's poll numbers. :lol:

By the way, Congress gets a 14% approval rating and yet a 98 percent re-election rate in the House and an 80 percent re-election rate in the Senate. That doesn't mean the approval rating is a lie.

You could use a little more common sense.

1. Doesn't matter WHO brings up poll numbers.....trying to lead by them is stupid, and like reeds in the wind Liberals usually bend in the direction of the wind to use poll numbers to justify whatever they do.

2. 14% approval rate yet 98% re-election rate proves my point about how poll numbers can be fudged, unless you go with the other theory here which is that 'you can't fix stupid'. That would explain why 86% of Americans think Congress is doing a lousy job...but not THEIR Congressman/woman. LOL!

3. I have plenty of common sense. I just have little tolerance for polls and people who 'swear' by them. I learned in college how easily polls are manipulated with just a word here or a word there. And sometimes you just don't listen to polls even if they are 100% accurate. For example, if 99% of Americans believed it was ok to kill a baby at 8 months and three weeks (abortion at any point during a pregnancy / late term abortions), to cut up the baby, and sell the pieces I still wouldn't care and would still oppose the act.
If you switch your house over to Obamagas in the winter it will heat in half the time at half the cost. Not to mention the little rainbows that shoot out of the vents every time the heater comes on.
I forgot to mention you mindless left-wing idiots are bragging how Obama created jobs in the private sector magically without the knowledge of the "job creators" you idiots are still insisting haven't created any jobs

idiots and hypocrites

Don't make me start an "Obamajobs" thread
What jobs did Obama create? I can't recall what kind of jobs he created.
You want us to list all 13 million?
He failed to find one for Carly Fiorina. So there!

She's been unemployed for 10 years. She's one of those discouraged workers Obama has fucked over.
I forgot to mention you mindless left-wing idiots are bragging how Obama created jobs in the private sector magically without the knowledge of the "job creators" you idiots are still insisting haven't created any jobs

idiots and hypocrites

Don't make me start an "Obamajobs" thread
What jobs did Obama create? I can't recall what kind of jobs he created.
You want us to list all 13 million?

yes loon; list all 13 million MORE people on food stamps then there were when Bush left office.

then explain how it is you morons whine the "job creators" arent creating jobs at the same time you're giving obama credit for job creation.

i cant wait......................!! lol
SNAP Costs Falling, Expected to Fall Further ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Here is some more material for you to consider: http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/04-19-SNAP.pdf

The number of people receiving SNAP benefits increased
by almost 50 percent between fiscal years 2001 and 2005
and even more rapidly (by 70 percent) between fiscal
years 2007 and 2011.
During that latter period, spending
on SNAP benefits grew by about 135 percent. The
increase in the number of people eligible for and receiving
benefits between 2007 and 2011 has been driven
primarily by the weak economy. That increase was
responsible for about 65 percent of the growth in
spending on benefits between 2007 and 2011. About
20 percent of the growth in spending can be attributed
to temporarily higher benefit amounts enacted in the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
(ARRA). The remainder stemmed from other factors,
such as higher food prices and lower income among beneficiaries,
both of which boost benefits.

So there was a 50 percent increase in Bush's first term. Followed by a 70 percent increase for the period including his second term and the first two years of Obama's first term.

Between 1990 and 2011, the number of SNAP participants
increased during periods of relatively high
unemployment (see Figure 1). Even as the unemployment
rate began to decline from its 1992, 2003, and
2010 peaks, decreases in participation typically lagged
improvement in the economy by several years
. For
example, the number of SNAP participants rose steadily
from about 20 million in the fall of 1989 to more than
27 million in April 1994—nearly two years after the
unemployment rate began to fall and a full three years
after the official end of the recession in March 1991
. The
number of people receiving SNAP benefits began to
climb again in 2001 and continued to grow until 2006,
more than two years after the unemployment rate began
to decline and well after that recession ended (in November
The number of participants temporarily
leveled off in 2006 and 2007 until the unemployment
rate began to rise sharply in 2008. Participation then
started to grow quickly and has continued to increase
since then.

So we find that is entirely normal for SNAP participation to increase for many years beyond the last recession.

The primary reason
for the increase in the number of participants was the
deep recession from December 2007 to June 2009 and
the subsequent slow recovery; there were no significant
legislative expansions of eligibility for the program during
that time.
SNAP Costs Falling, Expected to Fall Further ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Here is some more material for you to consider: http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/04-19-SNAP.pdf

The number of people receiving SNAP benefits increased
by almost 50 percent between fiscal years 2001 and 2005
and even more rapidly (by 70 percent) between fiscal
years 2007 and 2011.
During that latter period, spending
on SNAP benefits grew by about 135 percent. The
increase in the number of people eligible for and receiving
benefits between 2007 and 2011 has been driven
primarily by the weak economy. That increase was
responsible for about 65 percent of the growth in
spending on benefits between 2007 and 2011. About
20 percent of the growth in spending can be attributed
to temporarily higher benefit amounts enacted in the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
(ARRA). The remainder stemmed from other factors,
such as higher food prices and lower income among beneficiaries,
both of which boost benefits.

So there was a 50 percent increase in Bush's first term. Followed by a 70 percent increase for the period including his second term and the first two years of Obama's first term.

Between 1990 and 2011, the number of SNAP participants
increased during periods of relatively high
unemployment (see Figure 1). Even as the unemployment
rate began to decline from its 1992, 2003, and
2010 peaks, decreases in participation typically lagged
improvement in the economy by several years
. For
example, the number of SNAP participants rose steadily
from about 20 million in the fall of 1989 to more than
27 million in April 1994—nearly two years after the
unemployment rate began to fall and a full three years
after the official end of the recession in March 1991
. The
number of people receiving SNAP benefits began to
climb again in 2001 and continued to grow until 2006,
more than two years after the unemployment rate began
to decline and well after that recession ended (in November
The number of participants temporarily
leveled off in 2006 and 2007 until the unemployment
rate began to rise sharply in 2008. Participation then
started to grow quickly and has continued to increase
since then.

So we find that is entirely normal for SNAP participation to increase for many years beyond the last recession.

The primary reason
for the increase in the number of participants was the
deep recession from December 2007 to June 2009 and
the subsequent slow recovery; there were no significant
legislative expansions of eligibility for the program during
that time.

thank God you have other people to do your thinking for you.

what is your definition of lagging indicator's nutjob??
SNAP Costs Falling, Expected to Fall Further ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Here is some more material for you to consider: http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/04-19-SNAP.pdf

The number of people receiving SNAP benefits increased
by almost 50 percent between fiscal years 2001 and 2005
and even more rapidly (by 70 percent) between fiscal
years 2007 and 2011.
During that latter period, spending
on SNAP benefits grew by about 135 percent. The
increase in the number of people eligible for and receiving
benefits between 2007 and 2011 has been driven
primarily by the weak economy. That increase was
responsible for about 65 percent of the growth in
spending on benefits between 2007 and 2011. About
20 percent of the growth in spending can be attributed
to temporarily higher benefit amounts enacted in the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
(ARRA). The remainder stemmed from other factors,
such as higher food prices and lower income among beneficiaries,
both of which boost benefits.

So there was a 50 percent increase in Bush's first term. Followed by a 70 percent increase for the period including his second term and the first two years of Obama's first term.

Between 1990 and 2011, the number of SNAP participants
increased during periods of relatively high
unemployment (see Figure 1). Even as the unemployment
rate began to decline from its 1992, 2003, and
2010 peaks, decreases in participation typically lagged
improvement in the economy by several years
. For
example, the number of SNAP participants rose steadily
from about 20 million in the fall of 1989 to more than
27 million in April 1994—nearly two years after the
unemployment rate began to fall and a full three years
after the official end of the recession in March 1991
. The
number of people receiving SNAP benefits began to
climb again in 2001 and continued to grow until 2006,
more than two years after the unemployment rate began
to decline and well after that recession ended (in November
The number of participants temporarily
leveled off in 2006 and 2007 until the unemployment
rate began to rise sharply in 2008. Participation then
started to grow quickly and has continued to increase
since then.

So we find that is entirely normal for SNAP participation to increase for many years beyond the last recession.

The primary reason
for the increase in the number of participants was the
deep recession from December 2007 to June 2009 and
the subsequent slow recovery; there were no significant
legislative expansions of eligibility for the program during
that time.

thank God you have other people to do your thinking for you.

what is your definition of lagging indicator's nutjob??
Unemployment is the laggiest of all indicators.

ETA: Well, in these days of unprecedented Fed manipulation, interest rates may be the laggiest.

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