Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

While I simply loved buying gas for a 1.71 yesterday, I also know how many people are now out of work because of the low prices...both from the industry and the industries that supply them. More people on unemployment and welfare and more kids having to do without, but hey, at least they don't have to spend as much on gas, right?
Here was a very common meme going around a few years ago:
Average price of gas was $1.89 on Jan 26 2009.

When have we seen gas prices like that under this administration?

Hate to tell ya, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the national average for the price of gas in October is at its lowest during the year of 2015 at $2.35. Are you going to tell us how the economy is just booming under President Obama next? lol
While I simply loved buying gas for a 1.71 yesterday, I also know how many people are now out of work because of the low prices...both from the industry and the industries that supply them. More people on unemployment and welfare and more kids having to do without, but hey, at least they don't have to spend as much on gas, right?
link? kthanks
Well, since Presidents are responsible for gas prices - you Liberals must really love Richard Nixon. 36-cents-per-gallon under his regime! And the nice thing about Nixon - he didn't start as nearly as many illegal wars as Obama has.
Who'da thunk Liberals would adore Nixon.
Thanks for the insight!

Nixon is dead...invading Cambodia was illegal

He has nothing to do with the price of Obamagas

I'm trying to grasp the stupidity of your posts and I am unable. They are beyond stupid it seems.

Managed to work stupid in twice....what are you? Third grade?
Need to upgrade your vocabulary pal

Nope. Actually, I was finished with all my formal education roughly 20 years ago, just prior-to retiring from the Navy. I even surprised myself and got an MA degree - and I couldn't have done it without an outstanding civilian (African American) woman overseas in Japan who worked in educational services. She pushed the hell out of us, God bless her. You're right. I'm probably not the smartest guy out there. Pretty good with my hands. I rebuilt an aircraft engine 20 years ago, and can you believe it - the damned thing is still flying! I can fix a lot of things, but unfortunately, I can't fix stupid son. You're going to have to find someone else/someplace else to get that.
Here was a very common meme going around a few years ago:
Average price of gas was $1.89 on Jan 26 2009.

When have we seen gas prices like that under this administration?

Hate to tell ya, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the national average for the price of gas in October is at its lowest during the year of 2015 at $2.35. Are you going to tell us how the economy is just booming under President Obama next? lol

Stock Market up from 6600 to 17800......BOOM
Unemployment drops from 10% to 5%........BOOM
10 million new jobs.......BOOM
$30 trillion in additional household wealth.......BOOM
Best economy on the planet.....BOOM
Here was a very common meme going around a few years ago:
Average price of gas was $1.89 on Jan 26 2009.

When have we seen gas prices like that under this administration?

Hate to tell ya, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the national average for the price of gas in October is at its lowest during the year of 2015 at $2.35. Are you going to tell us how the economy is just booming under President Obama next? lol

Stock Market up from 6600 to 17800......BOOM
Unemployment drops from 10% to 5%........BOOM
10 million new jobs.......BOOM
$30 trillion in additional household wealth.......BOOM
Best economy on the planet.....BOOM
That pretty much sums it up. Thank you Barack.
While I simply loved buying gas for a 1.71 yesterday, I also know how many people are now out of work because of the low prices...both from the industry and the industries that supply them. More people on unemployment and welfare and more kids having to do without, but hey, at least they don't have to spend as much on gas, right?
You sound like a conservative. Here, in reality...

Lowest number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits in 14 years

... and that was a year ago when the unemployment rate was 5.7%.

There were 18 milion people out of work who wanted a job when Bush left office. Today, with a civilian noninstitutional population growth of 17 million, there are 14 million out of work but wanting a job.
While I simply loved buying gas for a 1.71 yesterday, I also know how many people are now out of work because of the low prices...both from the industry and the industries that supply them. More people on unemployment and welfare and more kids having to do without, but hey, at least they don't have to spend as much on gas, right?
You sound like a conservative. Here, in reality...

Lowest number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits in 14 years

... and that was a year ago when the unemployment rate was 5.7%.

There were 18 milion people out of work who wanted a job when Bush left office. Today, with a civilian noninstitutional population growth of 17 million, there are 14 million out of work but wanting a job.

You people who are either blinded by your partisan blinders and attempt to categorize everyone else through them amuse me.

Fact: The lower price of oil has decreased the rig-count and the number of shale-oil producers in the US because at these prices, they cannot make a profit or service their debt (some of these businesses run on nothing but rolling over debt). This has resulted in layoffs and job loss in the industry. It's not rocket science.

Fact: When an industry like oil/gas takes a hit, all those who provide goods and services to those industries also take a hit. Duh, again, not rocket scienct.

Fact: Those who loose their employment resulting from these price levels can either try to wait it out using savings and/or unemployment benefits, or try finding employment in other industries. Some will also start taking food-stamps and other assistance like WIC

Fact: The vast majority of the jobs "created" in this "recovery" have been part-time or menial service industry jobs. (You want fries with that, dude?) The jobs being lost were "boom" jobs that were relatively well-paying.

What is unfactual or politically partisan about those above facts?

Idiocrats, meet em everywhere.
Stock Market up from 6600 to 17800......BOOM
Unemployment drops from 10% to 5%........BOOM
10 million new jobs.......BOOM
$30 trillion in additional household wealth.......BOOM
Best economy on the planet.....BOOM

Then your alarm clock goes off and you have to wake up, shit, shower & shave and go back out into the real world.
While I simply loved buying gas for a 1.71 yesterday, I also know how many people are now out of work because of the low prices...both from the industry and the industries that supply them. More people on unemployment and welfare and more kids having to do without, but hey, at least they don't have to spend as much on gas, right?
You sound like a conservative. Here, in reality...

Lowest number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits in 14 years

... and that was a year ago when the unemployment rate was 5.7%.

There were 18 milion people out of work who wanted a job when Bush left office. Today, with a civilian noninstitutional population growth of 17 million, there are 14 million out of work but wanting a job.

You people who are either blinded by your partisan blinders and attempt to categorize everyone else through them amuse me.

Fact: The lower price of oil has decreased the rig-count and the number of shale-oil producers in the US because at these prices, they cannot make a profit or service their debt (some of these businesses run on nothing but rolling over debt). This has resulted in layoffs and job loss in the industry. It's not rocket science.

Fact: When an industry like oil/gas takes a hit, all those who provide goods and services to those industries also take a hit. Duh, again, not rocket scienct.

Fact: Those who loose their employment resulting from these price levels can either try to wait it out using savings and/or unemployment benefits. Some will also start taking food-stamps and other assistance like WIC

What is unfactual or politically partisan about those above facts?

Idiocrats, meet em everywhere.

More economics for retards

The oil industry has always been boom or bust. In boom years, great paying jobs open up and there is money to be made. In bust years, the jobs dry up.

We are under no obligation to pay high gas prices just so oil workers make money. But we all know who really makes the money during boom years and it ain't the workers

You want us to pay more for our Obamagas so that oil billionaires will make more money
Stock Market up from 6600 to 17800......BOOM
Unemployment drops from 10% to 5%........BOOM
10 million new jobs.......BOOM
$30 trillion in additional household wealth.......BOOM
Best economy on the planet.....BOOM

Then your alarm clock goes off and you have to wake up, shit, shower & shave and go back out into the real world.

Point out a single inaccuracy
Stock Market up from 6600 to 17800......BOOM
Unemployment drops from 10% to 5%........BOOM
10 million new jobs.......BOOM
$30 trillion in additional household wealth.......BOOM
Best economy on the planet.....BOOM

Then your alarm clock goes off and you have to wake up, shit, shower & shave and go back out into the real world.

Point out a single inaccuracy

Not inaccurate...but not relevant to main street or reality...unless you are one of the fat cats? Are you a fat cat?


are you a white fat cat?


but hey, debt is wealth, right?

Oh, and this one is good...

lots of great jobs created too...if you like working part time

Stock Market up from 6600 to 17800......BOOM
Unemployment drops from 10% to 5%........BOOM
10 million new jobs.......BOOM
$30 trillion in additional household wealth.......BOOM
Best economy on the planet.....BOOM

Then your alarm clock goes off and you have to wake up, shit, shower & shave and go back out into the real world.

Point out a single inaccuracy

Not inaccurate...but not relevant to main street or reality...unless you are one of the fat cats? Are you a fat cat?


are you a white fat cat?


but hey, debt is wealth, right?

Oh, and this one is good...

lots of great jobs created too...if you like working part time


Are you complaining about distribution of wealth?
Stock Market up from 6600 to 17800......BOOM
Unemployment drops from 10% to 5%........BOOM
10 million new jobs.......BOOM
$30 trillion in additional household wealth.......BOOM
Best economy on the planet.....BOOM

Then your alarm clock goes off and you have to wake up, shit, shower & shave and go back out into the real world.

Point out a single inaccuracy

Not inaccurate...but not relevant to main street or reality...unless you are one of the fat cats? Are you a fat cat?


are you a white fat cat?


but hey, debt is wealth, right?

Oh, and this one is good...

lots of great jobs created too...if you like working part time


Are you complaining about distribution of wealth?

I'm complaining about theft of wealth, the destruction of the American middle class and the cover-up of such by hacks like you who peddle propaganda, bread and circuses.

I probably don't fit into one of the neat political boxes that partisan hacks like you obsess about putting everyone into.
Stock Market up from 6600 to 17800......BOOM
Unemployment drops from 10% to 5%........BOOM
10 million new jobs.......BOOM
$30 trillion in additional household wealth.......BOOM
Best economy on the planet.....BOOM

Then your alarm clock goes off and you have to wake up, shit, shower & shave and go back out into the real world.

Point out a single inaccuracy

Not inaccurate...but not relevant to main street or reality...unless you are one of the fat cats? Are you a fat cat?


are you a white fat cat?


but hey, debt is wealth, right?

Oh, and this one is good...

lots of great jobs created too...if you like working part time


Are you complaining about distribution of wealth?

I'm complaining about theft of wealth, the destruction of the American middle class and the cover-up of such by hacks like you who peddle propaganda, bread and circuses.

I probably don't fit into one of the neat political boxes that partisan hacks like you obsess about putting everyone into.

What does that have to do with $1.87 Obamagas?
Then your alarm clock goes off and you have to wake up, shit, shower & shave and go back out into the real world.

Point out a single inaccuracy

Not inaccurate...but not relevant to main street or reality...unless you are one of the fat cats? Are you a fat cat?


are you a white fat cat?


but hey, debt is wealth, right?

Oh, and this one is good...

lots of great jobs created too...if you like working part time


Are you complaining about distribution of wealth?

I'm complaining about theft of wealth, the destruction of the American middle class and the cover-up of such by hacks like you who peddle propaganda, bread and circuses.

I probably don't fit into one of the neat political boxes that partisan hacks like you obsess about putting everyone into.

What does that have to do with $1.87 Obamagas?

Just answering your question...I already addressed the price of gas earlier...you're the one posting all the rosy rigged numbers that don't equate to the reality of life in America. Wait, don't tell me, you aren't in America, you're inside the Oz-like land of the Beltway, right?
Point out a single inaccuracy

Not inaccurate...but not relevant to main street or reality...unless you are one of the fat cats? Are you a fat cat?


are you a white fat cat?


but hey, debt is wealth, right?

Oh, and this one is good...

lots of great jobs created too...if you like working part time


Are you complaining about distribution of wealth?

I'm complaining about theft of wealth, the destruction of the American middle class and the cover-up of such by hacks like you who peddle propaganda, bread and circuses.

I probably don't fit into one of the neat political boxes that partisan hacks like you obsess about putting everyone into.

What does that have to do with $1.87 Obamagas?

Just answering your question...I already addressed the price of gas earlier...you're the one posting all the rosy rigged numbers that don't equate to the reality of life in America. Wait, don't tell me, you aren't in America, you're inside the Oz-like land of the Beltway, right?

Your attempts to deflect attention away from $1.87 Obamagas are noted
Not inaccurate...but not relevant to main street or reality...unless you are one of the fat cats? Are you a fat cat?


are you a white fat cat?


but hey, debt is wealth, right?

Oh, and this one is good...

lots of great jobs created too...if you like working part time


Are you complaining about distribution of wealth?

I'm complaining about theft of wealth, the destruction of the American middle class and the cover-up of such by hacks like you who peddle propaganda, bread and circuses.

I probably don't fit into one of the neat political boxes that partisan hacks like you obsess about putting everyone into.

What does that have to do with $1.87 Obamagas?

Just answering your question...I already addressed the price of gas earlier...you're the one posting all the rosy rigged numbers that don't equate to the reality of life in America. Wait, don't tell me, you aren't in America, you're inside the Oz-like land of the Beltway, right?

Your attempts to deflect attention away from $1.87 Obamagas are noted

The deflection is yours...I've already stated how my wallet loves it, but other folks may not due to job/business loss as a result of the low price of oil....but like most partisan hacks, you choose to ignore it.
While I simply loved buying gas for a 1.71 yesterday, I also know how many people are now out of work because of the low prices...both from the industry and the industries that supply them. More people on unemployment and welfare and more kids having to do without, but hey, at least they don't have to spend as much on gas, right?
You sound like a conservative. Here, in reality...

Lowest number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits in 14 years

... and that was a year ago when the unemployment rate was 5.7%.

There were 18 milion people out of work who wanted a job when Bush left office. Today, with a civilian noninstitutional population growth of 17 million, there are 14 million out of work but wanting a job.

You people who are either blinded by your partisan blinders and attempt to categorize everyone else through them amuse me.

Fact: The lower price of oil has decreased the rig-count and the number of shale-oil producers in the US because at these prices, they cannot make a profit or service their debt (some of these businesses run on nothing but rolling over debt). This has resulted in layoffs and job loss in the industry. It's not rocket science.

Fact: When an industry like oil/gas takes a hit, all those who provide goods and services to those industries also take a hit. Duh, again, not rocket scienct.

Fact: Those who loose their employment resulting from these price levels can either try to wait it out using savings and/or unemployment benefits. Some will also start taking food-stamps and other assistance like WIC

What is unfactual or politically partisan about those above facts?

Idiocrats, meet em everywhere.

More economics for retards

The oil industry has always been boom or bust. In boom years, great paying jobs open up and there is money to be made. In bust years, the jobs dry up.

We are under no obligation to pay high gas prices just so oil workers make money. But we all know who really makes the money during boom years and it ain't the workers

You want us to pay more for our Obamagas so that oil billionaires will make more money
I know loads of people who are set up for life because of big oil, they made/making enough in a few years to retire on. They were smart enough to invest in other things while working for big oil, even making more.

Anyway here is why gas prices are down...


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