Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

I'm sorry, I don't deal with morons much. In my daily life, I am able to avoid them, altogether in most cases. Usually, it only takes a few words during a simple conversation (i.e., "I asked for a Diet Coke friend)" with one of them to determine their level of ignorance. Once that level is determined, I can either engage, or depart their pattern of lunacy. So my "parenting skills" with inbreds like this are a little rusty. Therefore, I apologize, I'm sorry I can't reply to your response - I am still trying to ascertain at what level you are able to comprehend a sentence and reply with some degree of literacy. Please allow me some time to adjust and respond accordingly. I appreciate your patience.
While I simply loved buying gas for a 1.71 yesterday, I also know how many people are now out of work because of the low prices...both from the industry and the industries that supply them. More people on unemployment and welfare and more kids having to do without, but hey, at least they don't have to spend as much on gas, right?
You sound like a conservative. Here, in reality...

Lowest number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits in 14 years

... and that was a year ago when the unemployment rate was 5.7%.

There were 18 milion people out of work who wanted a job when Bush left office. Today, with a civilian noninstitutional population growth of 17 million, there are 14 million out of work but wanting a job.

You people who are either blinded by your partisan blinders and attempt to categorize everyone else through them amuse me.

Fact: The lower price of oil has decreased the rig-count and the number of shale-oil producers in the US because at these prices, they cannot make a profit or service their debt (some of these businesses run on nothing but rolling over debt). This has resulted in layoffs and job loss in the industry. It's not rocket science.

Fact: When an industry like oil/gas takes a hit, all those who provide goods and services to those industries also take a hit. Duh, again, not rocket scienct.

Fact: Those who loose their employment resulting from these price levels can either try to wait it out using savings and/or unemployment benefits, or try finding employment in other industries. Some will also start taking food-stamps and other assistance like WIC

Fact: The vast majority of the jobs "created" in this "recovery" have been part-time or menial service industry jobs. (You want fries with that, dude?) The jobs being lost were "boom" jobs that were relatively well-paying.

What is unfactual or politically partisan about those above facts?

Idiocrats, meet em everywhere.
Say what?? Since the beginning of 2010 when the job recovery began, we've gained over 11 million jobs. Part time Jobs decreased over that same period by 300,000 jobs, so where the fuck do you come up with saying "the vast majority" of those jobs were "part time??"

But I did get a good laugh at you blindly posting nonsensical partisan talking points right after accusing others of being blinded by partisanship, so thanks for that.

And I take it by you not responding to what I posted, your plan is to just ignore how I showed you unemployment benefits were at a 14 year low a year ago after you falsely claimed there are "more people on unemployment?" :dunno:
Last edited:

I'm sorry, I don't deal with morons much. In my daily life, I am able to avoid them, altogether in most cases. Usually, it only takes a few words during a simple conversation (i.e., "I asked for a Diet Coke friend)" with one of them to determine their level of ignorance. Once that level is determined, I can either engage, or depart their pattern of lunacy. So my "parenting skills" with inbreds like this are a little rusty. Therefore, I apologize, I'm sorry I can't reply to your response - I am still trying to ascertain at what level you are able to comprehend a sentence and reply with some degree of literacy. Please allow me some time to adjust and respond accordingly. I appreciate your patience.

With each post you reveal yourself as yet another moron who takes this thread seriously
Sucker born every minute

Who is next?
Your attempts to deflect attention away from $1.87 Obamagas are noted

The deflection is yours...I've already stated how my wallet loves it, but other folks may not due to job/business loss as a result of the low price of oil....but like most partisan hacks, you choose to ignore it.

Seems like the Unemployment rate keeps dropping.....5% unemployment and $1.87 Obamagas

Thanks President Obama!

You ignored this one too. How come Americans households are making less money with this alleged low unemployment rate than they were in 2009 when the unemployment rate was much higher? Thank you President Obama....screw us some more, please!

Household wealth is up $30 Trillion since Obama took office

Looks like we need some redistribution of wealth .....I don't see many Republicans running on the issue

Who's household? Anyone here who is seeing big gains in their wealth since 2009, raise your hands.
While I simply loved buying gas for a 1.71 yesterday, I also know how many people are now out of work because of the low prices...both from the industry and the industries that supply them. More people on unemployment and welfare and more kids having to do without, but hey, at least they don't have to spend as much on gas, right?
You sound like a conservative. Here, in reality...

Lowest number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits in 14 years

... and that was a year ago when the unemployment rate was 5.7%.

There were 18 milion people out of work who wanted a job when Bush left office. Today, with a civilian noninstitutional population growth of 17 million, there are 14 million out of work but wanting a job.

You people who are either blinded by your partisan blinders and attempt to categorize everyone else through them amuse me.

Fact: The lower price of oil has decreased the rig-count and the number of shale-oil producers in the US because at these prices, they cannot make a profit or service their debt (some of these businesses run on nothing but rolling over debt). This has resulted in layoffs and job loss in the industry. It's not rocket science.

Fact: When an industry like oil/gas takes a hit, all those who provide goods and services to those industries also take a hit. Duh, again, not rocket scienct.

Fact: Those who loose their employment resulting from these price levels can either try to wait it out using savings and/or unemployment benefits, or try finding employment in other industries. Some will also start taking food-stamps and other assistance like WIC

Fact: The vast majority of the jobs "created" in this "recovery" have been part-time or menial service industry jobs. (You want fries with that, dude?) The jobs being lost were "boom" jobs that were relatively well-paying.

What is unfactual or politically partisan about those above facts?

Idiocrats, meet em everywhere.
Say what?? Since the beginning of 2010 when the job recovery began, we've gained over 11 million jobs. Part time Jobs decreased over that same period by 300,000 jobs, so where the fuck do you come up with saying "the vast majority" of those jobs were "part time??"

But I did get a good laugh at you blindly posting nonsensical partisan talking points right after accusing others of being blinded by partisanship, so thanks for that.

And I take it by you not responding to what I posted, your plan is to just ignore how I showed you unemployment benefits were at a 14 year low a year ago after you falsely claimed there are "more people on unemployment?" :dunno:

Those numbers are total bulltwinkle, and if you don't know it, you're just as dumb as the other ignorant morons who think with their partisan panties rather than with their brains.


whoopsie...try again, tool.

I'm sorry, I don't deal with morons much. In my daily life, I am able to avoid them, altogether in most cases. Usually, it only takes a few words during a simple conversation (i.e., "I asked for a Diet Coke friend)" with one of them to determine their level of ignorance. Once that level is determined, I can either engage, or depart their pattern of lunacy. So my "parenting skills" with inbreds like this are a little rusty. Therefore, I apologize, I'm sorry I can't reply to your response - I am still trying to ascertain at what level you are able to comprehend a sentence and reply with some degree of literacy. Please allow me some time to adjust and respond accordingly. I appreciate your patience.

With each post you reveal yourself as yet another moron who takes this thread seriously
Sucker born every minute

Who is next?

"Seriously" for this thread was never a consideration. I mean, really now. To assert Obama is responsible for lower gas prices would be as ridiculous as asserting Hitler is responsible for world peace. The two are simply not interchangeable, nor conceivable, nor amusing (at least to anyone above mild-retardation). Perhaps you can give it another whirl on your next attempt at being witty? Just food for thought. If you're capable of an independent thought, vs. cutting and pasting cartoons, etc. Thanks!

I'm sorry, I don't deal with morons much. In my daily life, I am able to avoid them, altogether in most cases. Usually, it only takes a few words during a simple conversation (i.e., "I asked for a Diet Coke friend)" with one of them to determine their level of ignorance. Once that level is determined, I can either engage, or depart their pattern of lunacy. So my "parenting skills" with inbreds like this are a little rusty. Therefore, I apologize, I'm sorry I can't reply to your response - I am still trying to ascertain at what level you are able to comprehend a sentence and reply with some degree of literacy. Please allow me some time to adjust and respond accordingly. I appreciate your patience.

With each post you reveal yourself as yet another moron who takes this thread seriously
Sucker born every minute

Who is next?

"Seriously" for this thread was never a consideration. I mean, really now. To assert Obama is responsible for lower gas prices would be as ridiculous as asserting Hitler is responsible for world peace. The two are simply not interchangeable, nor conceivable, nor amusing (at least to anyone above mild-retardation). Perhaps you can give it another whirl on your next attempt at being witty? Just food for thought. If you're capable of an independent thought, vs. cutting and pasting cartoons, etc. Thanks!

Of course Obama is responsible for the price of Obamagas...that is what Presidents do

Clinton gave us 99 cent gas
Bush gave us $4 a gallon gas

Obama gives us $1.83 Obamagas

I'm sorry, I don't deal with morons much. In my daily life, I am able to avoid them, altogether in most cases. Usually, it only takes a few words during a simple conversation (i.e., "I asked for a Diet Coke friend)" with one of them to determine their level of ignorance. Once that level is determined, I can either engage, or depart their pattern of lunacy. So my "parenting skills" with inbreds like this are a little rusty. Therefore, I apologize, I'm sorry I can't reply to your response - I am still trying to ascertain at what level you are able to comprehend a sentence and reply with some degree of literacy. Please allow me some time to adjust and respond accordingly. I appreciate your patience.

With each post you reveal yourself as yet another moron who takes this thread seriously
Sucker born every minute

Who is next?

"Seriously" for this thread was never a consideration. I mean, really now. To assert Obama is responsible for lower gas prices would be as ridiculous as asserting Hitler is responsible for world peace. The two are simply not interchangeable, nor conceivable, nor amusing (at least to anyone above mild-retardation). Perhaps you can give it another whirl on your next attempt at being witty? Just food for thought. If you're capable of an independent thought, vs. cutting and pasting cartoons, etc. Thanks!

Of course Obama is responsible for the price of Obamagas...that is what Presidents do

Clinton gave us 99 cent gas
Bush gave us $4 a gallon gas

Obama gives us $1.83 Obamagas

Nixon gave us 32-cent gas. You sticking with stupidity?
Debt doesn't matter

Cheap Obamagas matters

I'm sorry, I don't deal with morons much. In my daily life, I am able to avoid them, altogether in most cases. Usually, it only takes a few words during a simple conversation (i.e., "I asked for a Diet Coke friend)" with one of them to determine their level of ignorance. Once that level is determined, I can either engage, or depart their pattern of lunacy. So my "parenting skills" with inbreds like this are a little rusty. Therefore, I apologize, I'm sorry I can't reply to your response - I am still trying to ascertain at what level you are able to comprehend a sentence and reply with some degree of literacy. Please allow me some time to adjust and respond accordingly. I appreciate your patience.

With each post you reveal yourself as yet another moron who takes this thread seriously
Sucker born every minute

Who is next?

"Seriously" for this thread was never a consideration. I mean, really now. To assert Obama is responsible for lower gas prices would be as ridiculous as asserting Hitler is responsible for world peace. The two are simply not interchangeable, nor conceivable, nor amusing (at least to anyone above mild-retardation). Perhaps you can give it another whirl on your next attempt at being witty? Just food for thought. If you're capable of an independent thought, vs. cutting and pasting cartoons, etc. Thanks!

Of course Obama is responsible for the price of Obamagas...that is what Presidents do

Clinton gave us 99 cent gas
Bush gave us $4 a gallon gas

Obama gives us $1.83 Obamagas

Nixon gave us 32-cent gas. You sticking with stupidity?

Nixon is dead and I paid 28 cents
I'm sorry, I don't deal with morons much. In my daily life, I am able to avoid them, altogether in most cases. Usually, it only takes a few words during a simple conversation (i.e., "I asked for a Diet Coke friend)" with one of them to determine their level of ignorance. Once that level is determined, I can either engage, or depart their pattern of lunacy. So my "parenting skills" with inbreds like this are a little rusty. Therefore, I apologize, I'm sorry I can't reply to your response - I am still trying to ascertain at what level you are able to comprehend a sentence and reply with some degree of literacy. Please allow me some time to adjust and respond accordingly. I appreciate your patience.

With each post you reveal yourself as yet another moron who takes this thread seriously
Sucker born every minute

Who is next?

"Seriously" for this thread was never a consideration. I mean, really now. To assert Obama is responsible for lower gas prices would be as ridiculous as asserting Hitler is responsible for world peace. The two are simply not interchangeable, nor conceivable, nor amusing (at least to anyone above mild-retardation). Perhaps you can give it another whirl on your next attempt at being witty? Just food for thought. If you're capable of an independent thought, vs. cutting and pasting cartoons, etc. Thanks!

Of course Obama is responsible for the price of Obamagas...that is what Presidents do

Clinton gave us 99 cent gas
Bush gave us $4 a gallon gas

Obama gives us $1.83 Obamagas

Nixon gave us 32-cent gas. You sticking with stupidity?

Nixon is dead and I paid 28 cents

Thanks. On a different note, as a new guy here, I am going to investigate my options as a registered user and look into an ignore feature in my preferences to block out idiots. If you don't hear from me again, you'll know I was successful in finding that option. Merry Christmas.
The deflection is yours...I've already stated how my wallet loves it, but other folks may not due to job/business loss as a result of the low price of oil....but like most partisan hacks, you choose to ignore it.

Seems like the Unemployment rate keeps dropping.....5% unemployment and $1.87 Obamagas

Thanks President Obama!

You ignored this one too. How come Americans households are making less money with this alleged low unemployment rate than they were in 2009 when the unemployment rate was much higher? Thank you President Obama....screw us some more, please!

Household wealth is up $30 Trillion since Obama took office

Looks like we need some redistribution of wealth .....I don't see many Republicans running on the issue

Who's household? Anyone here who is seeing big gains in their wealth since 2009, raise your hands.

Only Conservatives lost money under Obama...they did it out of spite
With each post you reveal yourself as yet another moron who takes this thread seriously
Sucker born every minute

Who is next?

"Seriously" for this thread was never a consideration. I mean, really now. To assert Obama is responsible for lower gas prices would be as ridiculous as asserting Hitler is responsible for world peace. The two are simply not interchangeable, nor conceivable, nor amusing (at least to anyone above mild-retardation). Perhaps you can give it another whirl on your next attempt at being witty? Just food for thought. If you're capable of an independent thought, vs. cutting and pasting cartoons, etc. Thanks!

Of course Obama is responsible for the price of Obamagas...that is what Presidents do

Clinton gave us 99 cent gas
Bush gave us $4 a gallon gas

Obama gives us $1.83 Obamagas

Nixon gave us 32-cent gas. You sticking with stupidity?

Nixon is dead and I paid 28 cents

Thanks. On a different note, as a new guy here, I am going to investigate my options as a registered user and look into an ignore feature in my preferences to block out idiots. If you don't hear from me again, you'll know I was successful in finding that option. Merry Christmas.

Upper righthand side of the screen you will see your name. Click on it and you will get a drop down with "People You Ignore"

Hasta la vista pussy
While I simply loved buying gas for a 1.71 yesterday, I also know how many people are now out of work because of the low prices...both from the industry and the industries that supply them. More people on unemployment and welfare and more kids having to do without, but hey, at least they don't have to spend as much on gas, right?
You sound like a conservative. Here, in reality...

Lowest number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits in 14 years

... and that was a year ago when the unemployment rate was 5.7%.

There were 18 milion people out of work who wanted a job when Bush left office. Today, with a civilian noninstitutional population growth of 17 million, there are 14 million out of work but wanting a job.

You people who are either blinded by your partisan blinders and attempt to categorize everyone else through them amuse me.

Fact: The lower price of oil has decreased the rig-count and the number of shale-oil producers in the US because at these prices, they cannot make a profit or service their debt (some of these businesses run on nothing but rolling over debt). This has resulted in layoffs and job loss in the industry. It's not rocket science.

Fact: When an industry like oil/gas takes a hit, all those who provide goods and services to those industries also take a hit. Duh, again, not rocket scienct.

Fact: Those who loose their employment resulting from these price levels can either try to wait it out using savings and/or unemployment benefits, or try finding employment in other industries. Some will also start taking food-stamps and other assistance like WIC

Fact: The vast majority of the jobs "created" in this "recovery" have been part-time or menial service industry jobs. (You want fries with that, dude?) The jobs being lost were "boom" jobs that were relatively well-paying.

What is unfactual or politically partisan about those above facts?

Idiocrats, meet em everywhere.
Say what?? Since the beginning of 2010 when the job recovery began, we've gained over 11 million jobs. Part time Jobs decreased over that same period by 300,000 jobs, so where the fuck do you come up with saying "the vast majority" of those jobs were "part time??"

But I did get a good laugh at you blindly posting nonsensical partisan talking points right after accusing others of being blinded by partisanship, so thanks for that.

And I take it by you not responding to what I posted, your plan is to just ignore how I showed you unemployment benefits were at a 14 year low a year ago after you falsely claimed there are "more people on unemployment?" :dunno:

Those numbers are total bulltwinkle, and if you don't know it, you're just as dumb as the other ignorant morons who think with their partisan panties rather than with their brains.


whoopsie...try again, tool.
Moron... I gave you the links to my numbers... the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Debt doesn't matter

Cheap Obamagas matters

I'm sorry, I don't deal with morons much. In my daily life, I am able to avoid them, altogether in most cases. Usually, it only takes a few words during a simple conversation (i.e., "I asked for a Diet Coke friend)" with one of them to determine their level of ignorance. Once that level is determined, I can either engage, or depart their pattern of lunacy. So my "parenting skills" with inbreds like this are a little rusty. Therefore, I apologize, I'm sorry I can't reply to your response - I am still trying to ascertain at what level you are able to comprehend a sentence and reply with some degree of literacy. Please allow me some time to adjust and respond accordingly. I appreciate your patience.

With each post you reveal yourself as yet another moron who takes this thread seriously
Sucker born every minute

Who is next?

"Seriously" for this thread was never a consideration. I mean, really now. To assert Obama is responsible for lower gas prices would be as ridiculous as asserting Hitler is responsible for world peace. The two are simply not interchangeable, nor conceivable, nor amusing (at least to anyone above mild-retardation). Perhaps you can give it another whirl on your next attempt at being witty? Just food for thought. If you're capable of an independent thought, vs. cutting and pasting cartoons, etc. Thanks!

Of course Obama is responsible for the price of Obamagas...that is what Presidents do

Clinton gave us 99 cent gas
Bush gave us $4 a gallon gas

Obama gives us $1.83 Obamagas

Nixon gave us 32-cent gas. You sticking with stupidity?
You got robbed .... it was only 18¢ when FDR was president.
Seems like the Unemployment rate keeps dropping.....5% unemployment and $1.87 Obamagas

Thanks President Obama!

You ignored this one too. How come Americans households are making less money with this alleged low unemployment rate than they were in 2009 when the unemployment rate was much higher? Thank you President Obama....screw us some more, please!

Household wealth is up $30 Trillion since Obama took office

Looks like we need some redistribution of wealth .....I don't see many Republicans running on the issue

Who's household? Anyone here who is seeing big gains in their wealth since 2009, raise your hands.

Only Conservatives lost money under Obama...they did it out of spite
Just so they could bitch and moan about him.

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