Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

I paid $1.97 for my Obamagas over the weekend

Now that the summer surge is over, look for Obama to start lowering the price below $1.75 by Christmas

But you said when Obama Gas was over $4.00 a gallon that Obama had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GAS PRICES!!!!

That's because Bush was president when the national gasoline price was over $4/gallon.

The national gasoline price was never $4/gallon or over while Obama has been president.
Bush sold out the country to big oil when he priced Bushgas at over $4 an hour
Thankfully, Obamagas sells for under $2.00 an hour
I paid $1.97 for my Obamagas over the weekend

Now that the summer surge is over, look for Obama to start lowering the price below $1.75 by Christmas

But you said when Obama Gas was over $4.00 a gallon that Obama had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GAS PRICES!!!!

That's because Bush was president when the national gasoline price was over $4/gallon.

The national gasoline price was never $4/gallon or over while Obama has been president.
Bush sold out the country to big oil when he priced Bushgas at over $4 an hour
Thankfully, Obamagas sells for under $2.00 an hour

Know who had cheap gas? Millard Fillmore. Bring back Fillmoregas. I mean the name alone tells the story.
I paid $1.97 for my Obamagas over the weekend

Now that the summer surge is over, look for Obama to start lowering the price below $1.75 by Christmas

WTF? What is wrong with you? Obama is lowering the price of fossil fuels in the middle of a global warming impending disaster and you're celebrating that? The doom of humanity? You and Obama are two sick mother fuckers causing and cheering for the destruction of mankind and the end of life on earth
Petty jealousy

Obama is once again giving us ridiculously low Obamagas. The right, being owned by big oil, is outraged

Jealousy? Comrade big guy, global warming is driven by fossil fuels. What is wrong with you, you're celebrating that? The ice caps melting? Entire cities under water? You're actually happy about that and you praise Caesar for it? What is wrong with you? Obama is pushing us off the cliff into global warming
Ice caps?

Who gives a fuck about ice caps when I can get $2.00 a gallon Obamagas?

Serious question, I'm wondering if you have any integrity at all
You want me to cry over Polar Bears when I can buy Obamagas for $1.97 a gallon?
Get your priorities straight
I paid $1.97 for my Obamagas over the weekend

Now that the summer surge is over, look for Obama to start lowering the price below $1.75 by Christmas

But you said when Obama Gas was over $4.00 a gallon that Obama had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GAS PRICES!!!!

That's because Bush was president when the national gasoline price was over $4/gallon.

The national gasoline price was never $4/gallon or over while Obama has been president.
Bush sold out the country to big oil when he priced Bushgas at over $4 an hour
Thankfully, Obamagas sells for under $2.00 an hour

Know who had cheap gas? Millard Fillmore. Bring back Fillmoregas. I mean the name alone tells the story.

They didn't have gas until 1900.

Obama wasn't even born yet. But he figured out how to get us Obamagas for $1.97
I paid $1.97 for my Obamagas over the weekend

Now that the summer surge is over, look for Obama to start lowering the price below $1.75 by Christmas

But you said when Obama Gas was over $4.00 a gallon that Obama had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GAS PRICES!!!!

That's because Bush was president when the national gasoline price was over $4/gallon.

The national gasoline price was never $4/gallon or over while Obama has been president.

Really, seems CNN believes you're a LIAR!!!!!!

Gas prices from $1.89 the day Obama took over to $4 a gallon today.
Posted February 24, 2012

News flash: Obama and the Democrats have controlled oil policy for the last three years with the resulting 111% increase in gas prices in three years from $1.89 the day Obama took over to $4 a gallon today.

America needs a comprehensive energy policy. Oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear production needs to be encouraged along with other forms of green energy production

President Obama wallows in his own incompetence. He blames anyone and anything for his inability to get results. He never takes responsibility for a long list of failures.

Gas prices from $1.89 the day Obama took over to $4 a gallon today.

:lol: A fake bullshit I Report post on CNN website. :lol: You are a R-E-T-A-R-D-!!!

Can you imagine what Trumpgas would cost?

It would only be available to millionaires
I paid $1.97 for my Obamagas over the weekend

Now that the summer surge is over, look for Obama to start lowering the price below $1.75 by Christmas

But you said when Obama Gas was over $4.00 a gallon that Obama had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GAS PRICES!!!!

That's because Bush was president when the national gasoline price was over $4/gallon.

The national gasoline price was never $4/gallon or over while Obama has been president.

Really, seems CNN believes you're a LIAR!!!!!!

Gas prices from $1.89 the day Obama took over to $4 a gallon today.
Posted February 24, 2012

News flash: Obama and the Democrats have controlled oil policy for the last three years with the resulting 111% increase in gas prices in three years from $1.89 the day Obama took over to $4 a gallon today.

America needs a comprehensive energy policy. Oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear production needs to be encouraged along with other forms of green energy production

President Obama wallows in his own incompetence. He blames anyone and anything for his inability to get results. He never takes responsibility for a long list of failures.

Gas prices from $1.89 the day Obama took over to $4 a gallon today.

:lol: A fake bullshit I Report post on CNN website. :lol: You are a R-E-T-A-R-D-!!!

But... but... it's signed by Sahit Muja of "Albanian Minerals"!

Pissyante got punked. What a maroon.
Bush Inflation Oil Price Disaster!!!

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Can you imagine what Trumpgas would cost?

It would only be available to millionaires

You'd fill up, then as soon as you left the gas station you'd get sued.

Either that or the pump would say, "Sorry, bankrupt".

We would be paying $20 a gallon or more for Trumpgas......Trump would call anyone who won't pay a loser
It's not going to go below $2 in CA, fo shizzle.

And oil is over $48 today.

The one plausible scenario that would get us to $2 is a global recession-depression which craters demand.
WTI retreated to $47.52 (-3.39%) today. The spike from the lowest since Jan '15 was due to thew market following the surge in the stock futures which recovered by nearly 800 pts( DJIA). Market analysts have oil falling to and staying in the $30's and may even test $30....
BTW RBOB gasoline fell today to $1.47 gal.....
One thing I have noticed is that the retail prices have been very slow to follow the wholesale fuel prices. Diesel fell much more rapidly that gasoline. Last week I paid $1,93 for Diesel .
That same station has it now for $2.29.
Gasoline however is still in a slow decline. Actually factoring in the standard benchmark of wholesale plus 60 to 90 cents for taxes, delivery charges and retailer profit, gasoline in this area is about 20 to 30 cents above where is should be. Most retailers are around $2.30 per gallon.
Now, as far as the Chosen One is concerned. JHe must be seething that his "I would be comfortable with four dollar gasoline" wish has not come to fruition..
Obama only cares about his legacy and his ego. He views himself as an elected king. And if he had his way, gas would be twice or even three times the price. That is because he believes his own bullshit. he believes only HE knows what's best and wiht that, HE is going to save the planet. And how did he want to accomplish this? By enacting policy that would make fuel so expensive we'd have to stop buying it.
This is typical progressivism. Where the the idea is more important than the negative effects it may have.
See, Obumbler would scuttle the US economy to get his way. He thinks high fuel prices will "force" conservation. Meanwhile the high price for fuel makes everything else more expensive. People see their buying power shrivel and they slam shut their wallets.
Would Obama care? No. A down economy is GOOD for his kind. Progressives cannot stand a financially independent populace. They want dependency on government. So the more people out of work, the more people living off the taxpayer tit. And those people will vote for whomever gives them the goodies. The free shit.
The reason gasoline has gone down is that Saudi Arabia has increased production to flood the world market with oil.

Their goal is to put American oil producers out of business.

Saudi Arabia: Don't blame us for oil's big plunge
That article is five months old...
Saudi Arabia is going to maintain market share. The reason is simple. If one nation decides to cut production, the buyers will simply get it elsewhere. OPEC no longer has the clout it once had where the Cartel could literally "fix" the price of oil. And the Cartel did not even have to adjust production. All they had to do was have a meeting among the Oil Ministers. The market would react and the price would spike.
With the US now the world's second largest producer of crude, OPEC must be very careful not to anger it's customers. The US producers will be glad to sell their oil to them.
One other item. Historically, when prices are down OPEC would always announce a production cut which would trigger a reaction in the world markets. Invariably though, the OPEC nations would cheat on their production quotas to maintain market share. Saudi Arabia being consistently the biggest culprit....SA has far too much invested to hold down production. The entire Saudi Arabian society depends on the free flow of oil. The Saudi Royal family's gold plated houses exist only if the world is buying their oil.
Now, tell your right wing nutjobs that when gas prices go up. It is not the presidents fault.

National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer

Federal oil & gas creation IS DOWN dumbass. The increase is from the PRIVATE SECTOR.

Gas prices are low DESPITE Obama.

Fucking lib idiot
I paid $1.97 for my Obamagas over the weekend

Now that the summer surge is over, look for Obama to start lowering the price below $1.75 by Christmas
Still $1.15 more than necessary everywhere. Thanks to obama AGW fascism.

Again mathematics (or truth) isn't your friend.

Thank you Mr. President.
Please provide examples of anything Obama has done to cause the price of oil and gasoline to fall to current levels. Name one single policy.
Oh, and don't come back with that "federal land and oil lease" story. Those lands are to this day every bit as unproductive as they have always been.
The oil production we see today is from private lands.
So go ahead. Explain how our once "comfortable with four dollar gasoline" POTUS became a friend to the oil production industry.
This ought to be good.
You may want to just surrender here. Because Obama is STILL hooked on this green energy nonsense and he is a global warming alarmist.
Of course the facts will not faze you because you are an Obama sycophant suck up.....You probably would like to see Obama violate the 22nd Amendment and become president for life( dictator)......
this is one of those teachable moments!

remember you saw this loser rightwinger saying very clearly obama is responsible for the movement of gas prices

There is ONLY ONE WAY Obama can affect the price of gas.
By signing more federal leases to do exploration on Federal lands. If there is more oil found then that increases the supply which lowers the prices.
THAT's IT though and only recently has Obama agreed to Alaska oil exploration which I credit him!
But prior he has signed 60% fewer federal oil leases then Bush did in the same period.
This is the ONLY real executive action any President can have on INCREASING production which would INCREASE supplies and Obama ....
a) In 6 years new leases under Obama..........9,922 new leases..
b) In 8 years new leases under Bush...........23,569 new leases!

Oil and Gas Statistics
Much of the numbers of leases are unproductive and those that are, the cost is prohibitive.
And just because it says "Alaska" doesn't mean anything. There are parts of Alaska where oil deposits are known to exist, then there are other areas where it is accessible. The places for the latter are STILL off limits.
This so called release of federal lands for oil exploration was nothing more than a political play on the part of the White House to make it appear as though Obama had changed his stance on petroleum production in the US....Notice Obama is not kicking that sleeping dog known as Keystone XL.....
If Obama truly wanted to kick the US oil production industry in the pants, he'd be pushing Keystone XL.....

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