ObamaInc: Do you identify yourself with any of the following groups?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Organizing for America | BarackObama.com | OFA Survey

Do you identify yourself with any of the following groups?
(Check all that apply):

African Americans
Americans Abroad
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Business Owners/Entrepreneurs
Healthcare Professionals
Native Americans
People of Faith
People with Disabilities
Young Professionals


^Those are all of the Options Available in a Survey from BarryInc.

Where does one begin?...


Organizing for America | BarackObama.com | OFA Survey

Do you identify yourself with any of the following groups?
(Check all that apply):

African Americans
Americans Abroad
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Business Owners/Entrepreneurs
Healthcare Professionals
Native Americans
People of Faith
People with Disabilities
Young Professionals


^Those are all of the Options Available in a Survey from BarryInc.

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All of us are member of one 'interest group' or another. In "Demosclerosis:: The Silent Killer of American Government", Jonathan Rauch points out that 7 out of 10 Americans belong to an interest group, and one out of four belong to at least four!

The eminently successful strategy of the Democrat Party has been to identify and pander to various groups. The Republicans should learn from this.

First by aligning with favored minority groups, and then evolving toward what we now call 'diversity,' the Democrats have formed coalitions which may resonate with the selected groups, but, frequently operate against the best interests of the nation as a whole.

Rather than complain about the Democrat Policy, it might be more efficacious to co-opt same....and/or find a way to educate the nation toward a more beneficial consensus.
  • Thanks
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Organizing for America | BarackObama.com | OFA Survey

Do you identify yourself with any of the following groups?
(Check all that apply):

African Americans
Americans Abroad
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Business Owners/Entrepreneurs
Healthcare Professionals
Native Americans
People of Faith
People with Disabilities
Young Professionals


^Those are all of the Options Available in a Survey from BarryInc.

Where does one begin?...



All of us are member of one 'interest group' or another. In "Demosclerosis:: The Silent Killer of American Government", Jonathan Rauch points out that 7 out of 10 Americans belong to an interest group, and one out of four belong to at least four!

The eminently successful strategy of the Democrat Party has been to identify and pander to various groups. The Republicans should learn from this.

First by aligning with favored minority groups, and then evolving toward what we now call 'diversity,' the Democrats have formed coalitions which may resonate with the selected groups, but, frequently operate against the best interests of the nation as a whole.

Rather than complain about the Democrat Policy, it might be more efficacious to co-opt same....and/or find a way to educate the nation toward a more beneficial consensus.

Why would the R's co-opt such a 'practice'; the R's learned under Reagan that appeal to greed and god, purveying fear and finding a scapegoat to blame is all they need?
Organizing for America | BarackObama.com | OFA Survey

Do you identify yourself with any of the following groups?
(Check all that apply):

African Americans
Americans Abroad
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Business Owners/Entrepreneurs
Healthcare Professionals
Native Americans
People of Faith
People with Disabilities
Young Professionals


^Those are all of the Options Available in a Survey from BarryInc.

Where does one begin?...



All of us are member of one 'interest group' or another. In "Demosclerosis:: The Silent Killer of American Government", Jonathan Rauch points out that 7 out of 10 Americans belong to an interest group, and one out of four belong to at least four!

The eminently successful strategy of the Democrat Party has been to identify and pander to various groups. The Republicans should learn from this.

First by aligning with favored minority groups, and then evolving toward what we now call 'diversity,' the Democrats have formed coalitions which may resonate with the selected groups, but, frequently operate against the best interests of the nation as a whole.

Rather than complain about the Democrat Policy, it might be more efficacious to co-opt same....and/or find a way to educate the nation toward a more beneficial consensus.

I think the Republicans tried to emulate that strategy in one way or another in the last few years with no success. I'd prefer to see the party pursue a "We are one nation" theme with a massive education campaign to go with it. The targeting of interest groups has done nothing but cause division.
Ah darn, I have to get with that Obama administration and get my interest group listed: "Hard working, perfect parents, superlative values, American purchasing, fair wage supporters, and overall just nice people group."

It has recently been discovered that the dying song of the republican losers has finally been captured in all its tragic irony. The faint song, fading and weak as were its ideas was heard as the poor suckers bit the dust, the words finally captured reveal a sad song of loss and disappointment over their failure to govern, reduce spending and bring peace. A brief summary of their whining shows a emptiness, childish in its pointing of fingers at each other over their failure. Everyone feels a bit sad over the loss of a party that even though it failed consistently, offered at least an example of what not to do, and an example why crying never accomplished much. RIP republican whiners and dry your tears, you lost. You lost.
Organizing for America | BarackObama.com | OFA Survey

Do you identify yourself with any of the following groups?
(Check all that apply):

African Americans
Americans Abroad
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Business Owners/Entrepreneurs
Healthcare Professionals
Native Americans
People of Faith
People with Disabilities
Young Professionals


^Those are all of the Options Available in a Survey from BarryInc.

Where does one begin?...



All of us are member of one 'interest group' or another. In "Demosclerosis:: The Silent Killer of American Government", Jonathan Rauch points out that 7 out of 10 Americans belong to an interest group, and one out of four belong to at least four!

The eminently successful strategy of the Democrat Party has been to identify and pander to various groups. The Republicans should learn from this.

First by aligning with favored minority groups, and then evolving toward what we now call 'diversity,' the Democrats have formed coalitions which may resonate with the selected groups, but, frequently operate against the best interests of the nation as a whole.

Rather than complain about the Democrat Policy, it might be more efficacious to co-opt same....and/or find a way to educate the nation toward a more beneficial consensus.

I think the Republicans tried to emulate that strategy in one way or another in the last few years with no success. I'd prefer to see the party pursue a "We are one nation" theme with a massive education campaign to go with it. The targeting of interest groups has done nothing but cause division.

Would that it were possible...

Self-interest is an aspect of human nature.

One of the defining characteristics of conservatives and modern liberals/progressives is that the former recognizes that folks are neither perfect nor perfectible, while the latter believes in the idea of transforming human nature by the correct laws and correct government. We should not forget what makes us human.

The second detriment is the drumbeat of the MSM, which makes it so easy for those inclined to merely accept what they are told...

Only those who can use what Dr. Sowell calls 'second level thinking,' meaning able to see the results of actions, will be able to do what you suggest.
Ah darn, I have to get with that Obama administration and get my interest group listed: "Hard working, perfect parents, superlative values, American purchasing, fair wage supporters, and overall just nice people group."

It has recently been discovered that the dying song of the republican losers has finally been captured in all its tragic irony. The faint song, fading and weak as were its ideas was heard as the poor suckers bit the dust, the words finally captured reveal a sad song of loss and disappointment over their failure to govern, reduce spending and bring peace. A brief summary of their whining shows a emptiness, childish in its pointing of fingers at each other over their failure. Everyone feels a bit sad over the loss of a party that even though it failed consistently, offered at least an example of what not to do, and an example why crying never accomplished much. RIP republican whiners and dry your tears, you lost. You lost.

You show so much more equanimity when you believe you are winning...

I'm suggesting that your family take a separate vacation next November.
Organizing for America | BarackObama.com | OFA Survey

Do you identify yourself with any of the following groups?
(Check all that apply):

African Americans
Americans Abroad
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Business Owners/Entrepreneurs
Healthcare Professionals
Native Americans
People of Faith
People with Disabilities
Young Professionals


^Those are all of the Options Available in a Survey from BarryInc.

Where does one begin?...



All of us are member of one 'interest group' or another. In "Demosclerosis:: The Silent Killer of American Government", Jonathan Rauch points out that 7 out of 10 Americans belong to an interest group, and one out of four belong to at least four!

The eminently successful strategy of the Democrat Party has been to identify and pander to various groups. The Republicans should learn from this.

First by aligning with favored minority groups, and then evolving toward what we now call 'diversity,' the Democrats have formed coalitions which may resonate with the selected groups, but, frequently operate against the best interests of the nation as a whole.

Rather than complain about the Democrat Policy, it might be more efficacious to co-opt same....and/or find a way to educate the nation toward a more beneficial consensus.

Why would the R's co-opt such a 'practice'; the R's learned under Reagan that appeal to greed and god, purveying fear and finding a scapegoat to blame is all they need?

Your posts have become more than inane, and express a need to be included.

I suggest you post more cogently, and you will be responded to in the same vein.
All of us are member of one 'interest group' or another. In "Demosclerosis:: The Silent Killer of American Government", Jonathan Rauch points out that 7 out of 10 Americans belong to an interest group, and one out of four belong to at least four!

The eminently successful strategy of the Democrat Party has been to identify and pander to various groups. The Republicans should learn from this.

First by aligning with favored minority groups, and then evolving toward what we now call 'diversity,' the Democrats have formed coalitions which may resonate with the selected groups, but, frequently operate against the best interests of the nation as a whole.

Rather than complain about the Democrat Policy, it might be more efficacious to co-opt same....and/or find a way to educate the nation toward a more beneficial consensus.

Why would the R's co-opt such a 'practice'; the R's learned under Reagan that appeal to greed and god, purveying fear and finding a scapegoat to blame is all they need?

Your posts have become more than inane, and express a need to be included.

I suggest you post more cogently, and you will be responded to in the same vein.

My post was both cogent and concise. It is relevent and accurately describes the machinations of the R propaganda machine.
As for your opinion that the D's pander to different groups one might accurately point out the R's pandering to the evangelical Christians (promise them everything and laugh at them beind their back) and efforts to pit Americans against each other based on race, sexual orientation and religion.
As for the personal attack, it's exactly what I expect from 'your kind'.
Why would the R's co-opt such a 'practice'; the R's learned under Reagan that appeal to greed and god, purveying fear and finding a scapegoat to blame is all they need?

Your posts have become more than inane, and express a need to be included.

I suggest you post more cogently, and you will be responded to in the same vein.

My post was both cogent and concise. It is relevent and accurately describes the machinations of the R propaganda machine.
As for your opinion that the D's pander to different groups one might accurately point out the R's pandering to the evangelical Christians (promise them everything and laugh at them beind their back) and efforts to pit Americans against each other based on race, sexual orientation and religion.
As for the personal attack, it's exactly what I expect from 'your kind'.

My poor, sad friend, it was not a 'personal attack.'
Read it again.
It was an attempt to be helpful, as you see unable to provide a carefully thought out, linked post that is...yes, cogent.

1. And another error: "...the R's pandering to the evangelical Christians ..."
I kind of like the thinking of the evangelicals, in many respects, but it was not the Republicans who brought them onto the political scene: Jimmy Carter did so on the eve of his election.

"I think it's worth remembering that when Carter first described himself as an evangelical, born-again Christian, he was treated in a lot of the press as if he were some sort of Martian. It's hard for us to remember how new this very public presence of evangelicals is. There are 20 million of them in the country, and Carter was strange because he was one of 20 million people. But Carter was very reserved about this. …"
frontline: the jesus factor: president and his faith: religion in the white house - then and now | PBS

"Jimmy Carter was the first evangelical president in the era of the nascent Moral Majority."
Jimmy Carter, The Private Faith of | Krista's Journal [Speaking of Faith® from American Public Media]

Did you know that Jimmy Carter was a Democrat? See how you live and learn.
Funny how believing the left wing progaganda come back to bite you...

2. "...efforts to pit Americans against each other based on race..."
Have you heard of Identity Politics? It's the invention of the liberal/progressives: the Democrat Party.

Let's review:
Times have changed for the movement: it has evolved into one that is not just supportive of racial minorities- but behaves as though being black is an achievement, and being black is preferred, exceptional, and surpassing.

a. Being black is all that counts, not one’s condition or position: poor Southern black, rich blacks, foreign-born blacks, whatever…all get the same ‘rating,’ and are due the same perks- in the liberal worldview.

b. Consider the professor who will turn to a black student for the black perspective. Any black will do. Condescending? And, of course, the liberal sees nothing wrong with campus life where blacks eat, party, and live only with blacks. It seems that integration has become a racist convention. Ironic?

c. The support, though, depends on racial essentialism: blacks must behave within the liberal expectations, express the accepted black point of view, or they are inauthentic.

d. How nicely HBO's Bill Maher’s comment fits in: "I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president.” RealClearPolitics - Video - Maher: Obama Not Acting Like A "Real Black" President
Maher's comment strikes one as humorous, but only because the 'liberal racial test' is a well-known meme

So, should this be viewed as an effort "to pit Americans against each other based on race"? I think so.

Are you still sure that 'cogent' is the appropriate name for your posts?
Doesn't 'inane' seem more appropriate?

So, it seems that you, while crying out for attention, have nothing to bring to the table..nothing that is correct, at least.

Although my last suggestion was spurned, I'll turn the other cheek and offer another: try some education before your next post.

Last edited:
Why would the R's co-opt such a 'practice'; the R's learned under Reagan that appeal to greed and god, purveying fear and finding a scapegoat to blame is all they need?

Your posts have become more than inane, and express a need to be included.

I suggest you post more cogently, and you will be responded to in the same vein.

My post was both cogent and concise. It is relevent and accurately describes the machinations of the R propaganda machine.
As for your opinion that the D's pander to different groups one might accurately point out the R's pandering to the evangelical Christians (promise them everything and laugh at them beind their back) and efforts to pit Americans against each other based on race, sexual orientation and religion.
As for the personal attack, it's exactly what I expect from 'your kind'.

Go ahead and Provide the GOP's version of this "Who do you Identify with" List... :lol:


Organizing for America | BarackObama.com | OFA Survey

Do you identify yourself with any of the following groups?
(Check all that apply):

African Americans
Americans Abroad
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Business Owners/Entrepreneurs
Healthcare Professionals
Native Americans
People of Faith
People with Disabilities
Young Professionals


^Those are all of the Options Available in a Survey from BarryInc.

Where does one begin?...



All of us are member of one 'interest group' or another. In "Demosclerosis:: The Silent Killer of American Government", Jonathan Rauch points out that 7 out of 10 Americans belong to an interest group, and one out of four belong to at least four!

The eminently successful strategy of the Democrat Party has been to identify and pander to various groups. The Republicans should learn from this.

First by aligning with favored minority groups, and then evolving toward what we now call 'diversity,' the Democrats have formed coalitions which may resonate with the selected groups, but, frequently operate against the best interests of the nation as a whole.

Rather than complain about the Democrat Policy, it might be more efficacious to co-opt same....and/or find a way to educate the nation toward a more beneficial consensus.


i think the repubs are all set in the pandering dept. they might want to change the groups to which they pander, but they could, and have, given the dems lessons in pandering.

see: right, religious
Organizing for America | BarackObama.com | OFA Survey

Do you identify yourself with any of the following groups?
(Check all that apply):

African Americans
Americans Abroad
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Business Owners/Entrepreneurs
Healthcare Professionals
Native Americans
People of Faith
People with Disabilities
Young Professionals


^Those are all of the Options Available in a Survey from BarryInc.

Where does one begin?...



All of us are member of one 'interest group' or another. In "Demosclerosis:: The Silent Killer of American Government", Jonathan Rauch points out that 7 out of 10 Americans belong to an interest group, and one out of four belong to at least four!

The eminently successful strategy of the Democrat Party has been to identify and pander to various groups. The Republicans should learn from this.

First by aligning with favored minority groups, and then evolving toward what we now call 'diversity,' the Democrats have formed coalitions which may resonate with the selected groups, but, frequently operate against the best interests of the nation as a whole.

Rather than complain about the Democrat Policy, it might be more efficacious to co-opt same....and/or find a way to educate the nation toward a more beneficial consensus.


i think the repubs are all set in the pandering dept. they might want to change the groups to which they pander, but they could, and have, given the dems lessons in pandering.

see: right, religious

I am a Member of Both for Informational and Documentation Reasons and I have NEVER seen a List from any Presidential Campaign or the GOP like the one I just Posted...

If someone has one, Please, Post it.


I identify with that "People who would like some form of reasonable government representation" that seems to have been sadly missing for years in our political arena. Doesn't anybody believe in honest, responsible, pro-active verses reactive government any more? I'm tired of all the tax and spend schemes from both political parties. I'm tired of all the finger pointing and blame tossing. I'm tired of all the one-upsmanship attempts from both parties. Just like kids on the playground, if you can't get along, go home. I would be happy with somebody that at least attempted to care about what I think is good for America and listen to the voters back home. I'm fed up with politics as usual from both sides. It's time for more than two major political parties in this country.
  • Thanks
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All of us are member of one 'interest group' or another. In "Demosclerosis:: The Silent Killer of American Government", Jonathan Rauch points out that 7 out of 10 Americans belong to an interest group, and one out of four belong to at least four!

The eminently successful strategy of the Democrat Party has been to identify and pander to various groups. The Republicans should learn from this.

First by aligning with favored minority groups, and then evolving toward what we now call 'diversity,' the Democrats have formed coalitions which may resonate with the selected groups, but, frequently operate against the best interests of the nation as a whole.

Rather than complain about the Democrat Policy, it might be more efficacious to co-opt same....and/or find a way to educate the nation toward a more beneficial consensus.


i think the repubs are all set in the pandering dept. they might want to change the groups to which they pander, but they could, and have, given the dems lessons in pandering.

see: right, religious

I am a Member of Both for Informational and Documentation Reasons and I have NEVER seen a List from any Presidential Campaign or the GOP like the one I just Posted...

If someone has one, Please, Post it.



ooooooooo, thery made a list! so that's the big difference, huh?

I identify with the group that is not, Jail Tommy Chong for selling bongs. Ashcroft is the biggest tool in American History and he's hard core ghestapo republican.

i think the repubs are all set in the pandering dept. they might want to change the groups to which they pander, but they could, and have, given the dems lessons in pandering.

see: right, religious

I am a Member of Both for Informational and Documentation Reasons and I have NEVER seen a List from any Presidential Campaign or the GOP like the one I just Posted...

If someone has one, Please, Post it.



ooooooooo, thery made a list! so that's the big difference, huh?


One of... Yes.

A list like this from the GOP or a REPUBLICan Candidate would have been Headline News...


I am a Member of Both for Informational and Documentation Reasons and I have NEVER seen a List from any Presidential Campaign or the GOP like the one I just Posted...

If someone has one, Please, Post it.



ooooooooo, thery made a list! so that's the big difference, huh?


One of... Yes.

A list like this from the GOP or a REPUBLICan Candidate would have been Headline News...



say what? :lol:
I am a Member of Both for Informational and Documentation Reasons and I have NEVER seen a List from any Presidential Campaign or the GOP like the one I just Posted...

If someone has one, Please, Post it.



ooooooooo, thery made a list! so that's the big difference, huh?


One of... Yes.

A list like this from the GOP or a REPUBLICan Candidate would have been Headline News...



You know, eventually I think it'll sink in that the "Imagine what would have happened if they did this..." line isn't a valid debate technique.

But, why exactly would this be headline news?
ooooooooo, thery made a list! so that's the big difference, huh?


One of... Yes.

A list like this from the GOP or a REPUBLICan Candidate would have been Headline News...



You know, eventually I think it'll sink in that the "Imagine what would have happened if they did this..." line isn't a valid debate technique.

But, why exactly would this be headline news?

For the same Reason that "There are White *******" Byrd (D-KKK) was NOT News but Lott's (R) words at 100-year-old's Birthday Roast were...



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