Obama's 1/2 Brother Linked to Muslim Brotherhood


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
This may explain some of Adolf Obama's loyalty to the Muslim Brotherhood.


Obama?s brother linked to Muslim Brotherhood

NEW YORK – President Obama’s half-brother in Kenya could cause the White House more headaches over new evidence linking him to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and establishing that controversial IRS supervisor Lois Lerner signed his tax-exempt approval letter.

Egyptian Official ties Obama's Brother to Brotherhood | Walid ShoebatWalid Shoebat

by Shoebat Foundation on August 19, 2013 in Blog, General

Egyptian government and mainstream media has reported a major development regarding the role of Barack Obama’s brother (presumably, his half-brother Malik Obama) with the Muslim Brotherhood. As we have reported before, Malik is a member of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO), an arm of the Sudanese government, which is led by President Omar al-Bashir, who is himself a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
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Makes sense, under this group the Muslim Brotherhood gets tax exempt status in an expedited fashion but anyone with patriot or constitution in their name gets scrutinized relentlessly.,

Poor America
Obama's 1/2 Brother Linked to Muslim Brotherhood

Hmmm... 1/2 brother in Kenya , Muslim Brotherhood, how does the math work out on that one?

Let's see, divide by 2 , carry the one, find the cube root and multiply by Pi add a pack of pickled peppers

and the survey says :

At most a very shallow, circumstantial linkage between the President and the Muslim Brotherhood.

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