Obama's "air-raiding Villages, Killing Civilians" Statement Coming Back To Haunt...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
First of all I support Obama's decision to allow bombing in Syria against ISIS. We know this will trigger further beheadings as the "terrorists" practice.

But I want ALL of you to remember what Obama said as a Senator that ENCOURAGED terrorists to kill more US troops in Iraq thus prolonging AND indirectly causing the creation of ISIS.
When Obama said:
on August 13, 2007, that "[w]e've got to get the job done there [in Afghanistan] and that requires us to have enough troops so that we're not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous pressure over there,"
Of course he was right! We needed more troops... BUT this "smartest" president, greatest orator was obviously ignorant as to the power of words... and now he can be accused of "air-raiding villages, killing civilians!"
Again... I support his bombing Syria BUT I want more of you people to comprehend how totally dumb this president is i.e. making comments that HELPED the enemy. And now he can be accused of "air-raiding villages, killing civilians"!
First of all I support Obama's decision to allow bombing in Syria against ISIS. We know this will trigger further beheadings as the "terrorists" practice.

But I want ALL of you to remember what Obama said as a Senator that ENCOURAGED terrorists to kill more US troops in Iraq thus prolonging AND indirectly causing the creation of ISIS.
When Obama said:
on August 13, 2007, that "[w]e've got to get the job done there [in Afghanistan] and that requires us to have enough troops so that we're not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous pressure over there,"
Of course he was right! We needed more troops... BUT this "smartest" president, greatest orator was obviously ignorant as to the power of words... and now he can be accused of "air-raiding villages, killing civilians!"
Again... I support his bombing Syria BUT I want more of you people to comprehend how totally dumb this president is i.e. making comments that HELPED the enemy. And now he can be accused of "air-raiding villages, killing civilians"!
Typical obamashitforbrains, talk out his ass and lie to people and then do exactly opposite what he said he was or wasn't going to do.
Yeah..we get it...no matter what the President does, you are against it.
Obama does nothing he is a feckless monster unconcerned with the people that must endure these terrible acts.

Obama does something he is a war monger carpet bombing innocent people.

It doesn't matter what he does because the same folks that oppose him are going to find fault and criticize.
Does he hold the record now for the Nobel Peace Prize winner who bombed and killed the most people?
Have you seen the pictures coming out from the bombing runs? Do you see any bodies in any of those pictures? The targets were notified in time to be evacuated.
Obama does nothing he is a feckless monster unconcerned with the people that must endure these terrible acts.

Obama does something he is a war monger carpet bombing innocent people.

It doesn't matter what he does because the same folks that oppose him are going to find fault and criticize.

I said I supported his actions. This was needed. My point though is people that voted for him are the dumb ones!
Here you are you never heard that comment from Obama and you voted for him out of his total incompetence and ignorance just because he was black!
That was the ONLY value he brought and NOW we all are suffering as he is learning ON the Job that words have meanings!
Seems so stupid that voters are so ignorant that they let idiots like Obama become president and NOW he is learning words have meaning!
YOU don't seem to get it though, this is for all you idiots that voted for this dummy.
I don't see how that is relevant at all. The OP didn't make any mention that this was against the troops.
Yeah..we get it...no matter what the President does, you are against it.
Did you read the first line?

No, of course not.

SOS from the OP claiming that in 2007 then Candidate Obama was encouraging terrorist. I say people like the OP and their spin does more to encourage the terrorist. But that is just me.......
WE have done 14....FOURTEEN air strike in Syria, since our NEOCON president has declared his personal war on ISIS in Syria...... It's a START, but who would take the bet that it won't be 50 or more strikes a day which would START to worry ISIS and perhaps have their fighters think twice?


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