Obamas America: SC Marines have to scrap equipment from naval museum in Charleston for deployment

The Anti Americans think putting our sailors,soldiers,marines,seaman and fighter pilots in harms way is funny....how American of them. This is the shit Trump is talking about and in the long run its costing US the taxpayer MORE to fix broke shit than buy good stuff to begin with.
Trump doesn't say anything, criticize anything, or recommend anything that any ordinary individual with a conservative mindset and who follows the news could not or would not do or say if given an opportunity to voice his opinion. The only reason Trump has had an abundance of opportunity to run his mouth is his wealth and the publicity it affords him. He is a well-financed version of Joe The Plumber.

The fact is Donald Trump has absolutely no qualification to serve as President of The United States. Trump is a salesman. He is an entertainer. A side-show pitchman. For him to become President would be comparable to opening another casino in Atlantic City. He would revel in doing massively outlandish things, some of which would result in catastrophic damage, none of which would cost him a personal dime. As for the people who would be hurt by his onanistic adventures, he couldn't care less.

Donald Trump is one of the One Percent. His primary interest is money and the power it provides. He would be a modern day Nero.
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Still seems we are paying way too much for military. There is no serious threat compared to the past.

The best way to prevent war is to be prepared for war. But there needs to be very strict oversight of the entire process. The money spent on investigative oversight will result in a thousandfold savings by eliminating waste and corruption.
Dont be a Moron. This is an example of government waste, they started building the planes before they had the bugs out of the design. You make something work before you mass produce it, start selling it and start depending on it. UNLESS you work for the government, then you don't give a shit. Do you work for the government?
So you think it's time to cut and run on the F-35?

I've heard the military never asked for the F35 and still doesn't want it.
So you think it's time to cut and run on the F-35?
i have no inside knowledge of how close they are to making it work, to answer your question I would have to do a little more research, but from the article and others you can see the gross waste and lack of proceedure protocall up to this point.
You didn't answer my question, do you approve of the way the government has handled this? keep in mind the last 8 years have had Obama as commander in chief

Well...Obama obviously didn't bother ensuring the Marine Corp F-18s would be ready for duty at all times.

Do you ever get tired of telling the lies?

From your source:

“They knew we had it,” Burdette said.
“It” was a forward left nose landing gear door hinge that’s no longer manufactured.

The plane, almost certainly produced before Obama became a candidate for President much like the A-10, the B-52, the F-15, the F-16, B1, B2, F-117 and other planes in the USAF inventory, had a part that was no longer made. In no way, shape or form, Obama’s fault Kudos to the officer who spotted the plane and got the part at no costs however…

Seriously, do you ever get tired of lying?
Wow. So left wingers want us to SHRINK our military until other nations pose a serious threat to us.

Why is that??? Is it unfair that we are so dominant?
What we really need is an intensive, non-partisan, doubly supervised investigation of all military spending; necessity, requests, authorization, costs and analysis.
We need to reassess our role in the global military. We need to stop being the worlds policeman. We spend 47 cents out of every dollar spent on the military in the world. Let the EU take more of a burden in their region. Let Japan and S Korea take a bigger role in Asia
Reassess our need for 1500 nuclear weapons that will never be used
“It” was a forward left nose landing gear door hinge that’s no longer manufactured.

WTF? We have planes in service that parts are no longer being manufactured for? Really?

Hundreds. Off the top of my head, the newest B-52 was built in 1962. The newest A-10 is 32 years old. I suspect both have plenty of obsolete parts.
We,ve gutted the militaryyyyy!!!!!

Fail! The $400 Billion Military Jet That Can't Fly in Cloudy Weather

Weve spent a fortune on the F35 which is supposed to replace a lot of these other planes. It has worked out badly sucking away funds from the ret of the fighter wing, including funds for maintenance
So you want to stop funding it?! You want to GUT THE MILITARY???
Dont be a Moron. This is an example of government waste, they started building the planes before they had the bugs out of the design. You make something work before you mass produce it, start selling it and start depending on it. UNLESS you work for the government, then you don't give a shit. Do you work for the government?
So you think it's time to cut and run on the F-35?

I've heard the military never asked for the F35 and still doesn't want it.
So you think it's time to cut and run on the F-35?

It should have been euthanized years ago.
We,ve gutted the militaryyyyy!!!!!

Fail! The $400 Billion Military Jet That Can't Fly in Cloudy Weather

Weve spent a fortune on the F35 which is supposed to replace a lot of these other planes. It has worked out badly sucking away funds from the ret of the fighter wing, including funds for maintenance
So you want to stop funding it?! You want to GUT THE MILITARY???
Dont be a Moron. This is an example of government waste, they started building the planes before they had the bugs out of the design. You make something work before you mass produce it, start selling it and start depending on it. UNLESS you work for the government, then you don't give a shit. Do you work for the government?
So you think it's time to cut and run on the F-35?

Its kind of late now isn't it? It never should have gone this far until they worked out a WORKING AIRCRAFT. What I did ,is just provide an example of government waste. To you think the way they handled the production and development, while starving funds from working aircraft is a GOOD thing?
But that's okay according to the OP we just need to spend more. Problem solved.
Liberals thinks it works on education, so why not.
Retired fighter jet on display in South Carolina museum called back to duty

How sad what Comrade Obama has done to America.

Now....our Marine Corp fighter wing in Beaufort SC, just outside Parris Island....is asking the Patriots Point naval museum in Charleston if they can come scrap some equipment off the F18 they have on display at the museum before their upcoming war deployment.

Apparently a Marine officer was in Charleston and passed by the museum. Saw the F18 and realized it has parts they are in need of. He wrote the Patriots Point director and asked if they could scrap some.

Yes. The Marines....writing a museum director asking for parts instead of the FUCKING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN A TIME OF WAR.....providing them what they need.

.Trump 2016 is the answer.
President doesn't set the budget for the Marines.....The republican congress does
Whoever is responsible for crippling our military readiness should have to pay for that politically, whether they be Rep or Dem, I really don't care the problem with even these spending bills is the pork involved and they both dip from the troth. I havnt heard Obama complaining about the readiness of our airforce, maybe he needs to pay more attention when our guys have to dig up scrap to put their equipment together. Maybe a little less time spent on polishing the golf clubs would have been in order, well, his job is almost done now, so it will be up to the next administration
Maybe Obama can use the tax dollars he won't be sending to schools that won't allow boys in girl's locker rooms and spend it on the military.
So in short....he's exactly like Crooked Hillary.

Except he doesn't owe endless favors to tyrants around the world or to anyone in the DC establishment....and can't be blackmailed by any past political skeletons in a closet.

And thus...he might...JUST MIGHT...act on the things he's saying that we want to hear.
Believe me, I am no fan of Hillary. I know what another Clinton presidency will mean for the Nation. And it will be another Clinton presidency with her scumbag husband pulling strings from behind the veil.

It disgusts me -- but it doesn't scare me they way the idea of a Trump presidency does.
First Clinton Presidency was pretty damned good

Booming economy, jobs, low energy costs, no major military involvements
The responsibility is theirs.
The buck stops with congress.
Your words, who was in control then?
Retired fighter jet on display in South Carolina museum called back to duty

How sad what Comrade Obama has done to America.

Now....our Marine Corp fighter wing in Beaufort SC, just outside Parris Island....is asking the Patriots Point naval museum in Charleston if they can come scrap some equipment off the F18 they have on display at the museum before their upcoming war deployment.

Apparently a Marine officer was in Charleston and passed by the museum. Saw the F18 and realized it has parts they are in need of. He wrote the Patriots Point director and asked if they could scrap some.

Yes. The Marines....writing a museum director asking for parts instead of the FUCKING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN A TIME OF WAR.....providing them what they need.

.Trump 2016 is the answer.
The Anti Americans think putting our sailors,soldiers,marines,seaman and fighter pilots in harms way is funny....how American of them. This is the shit Trump is talking about and in the long run its costing US the taxpayer MORE to fix broke shit than buy good stuff to begin with.
Trump doesn't say anything, criticize anything, or recommend anything that any ordinary individual with a conservative mindset and who follows the news could not or would not do or say if given an opportunity to voice his opinion. The only reason Trump has had an abundance of opportunity to run his mouth is his wealth and the publicity it affords him. He is a well-financed version of Joe The Plumber.

The fact is Donald Trump has absolutely no qualification to serve as President of The United States. Trump is a salesman. He is an entertainer. A side-show pitchman. For him to become President would be comparable to opening another casino in Atlantic City. He would revel in doing massively outlandish things, some of which would result in catastrophic damage, none of which would cost him a personal dime. As for the people who would be hurt by his onanistic adventures, he couldn't care less.

Donald Trump is one of the One Percent. His primary interest is money and the power it provides. He would be a modern day Nero.
Better than a community agitating negro who never ran a business before.
So in short....he's exactly like Crooked Hillary.

Except he doesn't owe endless favors to tyrants around the world or to anyone in the DC establishment....and can't be blackmailed by any past political skeletons in a closet.

And thus...he might...JUST MIGHT...act on the things he's saying that we want to hear.
Believe me, I am no fan of Hillary. I know what another Clinton presidency will mean for the Nation. And it will be another Clinton presidency with her scumbag husband pulling strings from behind the veil.

It disgusts me -- but it doesn't scare me they way the idea of a Trump presidency does.
First Clinton Presidency was pretty damned good

Booming economy, jobs, low energy costs, no major military involvements
The responsibility is theirs.
The buck stops with congress.
Your words, who was in control then?
What's so funny righty? It's your own words.
Better than a community agitating negro who never ran a business before.
Don't be too sure of that.

I'm not particularly fond of Obama, but he was a vast improvement over what we had before. The Bush Administration was on its way to completely devastating the middle class. As it is they came very close.

Donald Trump has no interest in restoring middle class America to the status it held during the decades between the late '40s and early '80s, when Ronald Reagan commenced the era of "trickle down" economics, which gave rise to the One Percent and commenced the decline and economic stagnation of the middle class.

Trump's ignorance of the ways and means of contemporary government, his basic lack of familiarity with its processes and the people who control them, will leave him open to influences which are opposed to the interests of ordinary Americans.

So don't be taken in by this pitchman whose only claim to fame is his money. He is a power hungry bully who would anoint himself as king if elected President and is likely to use our military in the same way George W. Bush did.

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